Earlier today, an upcoming official Mortal Kombat channel on YouTube was stumbled across by
@Kingjolly87 on Twitter. The channel in question is a
new YouTube account MKCommunityManager that appears to have been created by the new WB Games Mortal Kombat Community Manager
Rigo Cortes who goes by
@NinjaBoy66 on Twitter. There are no videos on the account
yet, but he posted the following message:
"This is WB Games Official Mortal Kombat Channel on YouTube. Accept no substitutes." So to be sure you don't miss any future MK videos being posted there, be sure to go to the
MKCommunityManager YouTube account and hit the yellow Subscribe button at the top!
Rigo did mention on Twitter earlier today that he was going through some old MK promo videotapes. Be sure to let him know on Twitter that you'd love to see these old promo videos on YouTube, as not all are available online and most that are available are of questionable quality. It would be great to see more historic Mortal Kombat footage that may have been lost many years ago.
"Going thru a box of video tapes full of Mortal Kombat videos from the coin-op era"
"First thng found in the box, MK sales promo from 1992? Video tech has come a long way from 3/4" video tape and Amiga Video Toaster 4000s"
"Pays to go thru stuff. Found old skool sales promo videos for MK1, MK2, MK3 and MK4."
Rigo also mentioned that the Mortal Kombat podcast
MKast will be returning, maybe we will get some video podcasts on YouTube as well? We can only hope!
Also of note, this is the first time we've had an
online community manager working with the Mortal Kombat "Kommunity." The community manager system has been proven to be very successful with other franchises such as Xbox Live's
Major Nelson, Call of Duty's
FourZeroTwo and TRMK's friend
Dan Amrich who is now Activision's own
OneOfSwords. We wish Rigo the best of luck in this new role, and look forward to everything he'll be bringing us in the run up to the release of the
9th Mortal Kombat game. So again be sure to also follow
@NinjaBoy66 on Twitter and
subscribe to the MKCommunityManager YouTube account because I'm sure he will have a lot to share with us MK fans in the future.
Updated: It also appears WB Games has created an Official Facebook Fan page for the Mortal Kombat series at
http://facebook.com/mortalkombat. It features a never before seen logo (below) that features tweaked title text as well as links back to the
Official YouTube channel that was discovered earlier as well as the other official MK sites. So head on over to the
Mortal Kombat Fan Page and hit the Like Button at the top to show your Facebook friends that you like Mortal Kombat.