April 15th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
We posted earlier that Fujin's Goro's Lair Ceiling Spikes Fatality has yet to be found. However, it has been brought to our attention by Daniel Frazier that it has in fact been found already, and as seen in the Weekly Fullscale Text FAQ, it's B - F - B - HP. We're sorry for the confusion, as it was left off the Mini Moves List on accident.

Reptile's Second Fatality Found

Imperial Dark Lord has found Reptile's Floating Acid Puke Fatality which was posted on MKNightmares. Dungeon Master has confirmed this fatality to work. Here is the movement, bringing the total amount of moves left to find in Revision 3 down to 4.
Reptile's Acid Puke Fatality : U - D - D - D - HP (outside sweep)
    The Mini Moves List for Revision 3 has been updated with this new movement. The only Fatalities remaining are Sonya's, Raiden's, Liu Kang's and Scorpion's Second ones

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