Yeah I DEFINITELY Need Help (Laughing To Ensue)


New member
So Im not that good at fighting games. MK is no exception, but Ive always enjoyed it. With the announcement of MKX, I felt like playing MK9 again.

Up until a few days ago, Ive never ventured past the medium difficulty. Ive been wanting to get better, so I stepped up a notch and played on hard. I didnt do TOO badly. I lost 2 matches and 9 rounds total, but I still surprised myself.

And then there was today... I finally decided to test myself on the expert difficulty. Things went fairly smooth. I even beat Shang Tsung without much difficilty. Kintaro, of course, wasnt a big problem either. I only lost about 4 rounds and no matches until big bad Shao Kahn. Then THIS happened...


Yeah... this cheap, over-powered, boss-flashing son of a gun relentlessly destroyed the crap out of me! I obviously need some help and advice. Ive watched others beat him on expert with no problem. Anybody have some useful tactics? Every time I get close to and actually HIT him, he uses boss flash and immediately begins to destroy me.

Such true words D:
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Meh, playing against the AI on the hardest difficulty doesn't help you improve as a player it's best to play online against real human players because the AI reads input and there's all kinds of ways to exploit them..

Who do you main btw?

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I know the AI is cheap, but Im still running off an old arcade edition 360, so I dont have wireless internet support. Plus, I get completely destroyed online lol. Im not much of a competitive player. I just enjoy running through the arcade ladder.

I used to main Kabal with Stryker as my secondary. I been playing strictly Kabal up until last week. I tried out Stryker again after about two years, and it turns out that Im actually better with him. So I pretty much main Stryker now :P
That's cool, lol. Well, honestly I don't do arcade runs nor do I enjoy exploiting the AI.

I'd rather make real people salty online, so I can't really help you. I thought you wanted to level up your online play.

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Nah. I just need help with Shao Kahn. The guy is a major pain and I hate having to stoop so low as to exploit his AI and just projectile him from full screen while dodging his spears and hammer throws. Ill definitely be going online with MKX though since Im getting it for PS4 and not a crappy, out-dated 360 lol
Good, I'm getting MKX on PS4 as well, maybe we can become good together. No homo.. :|

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Well, I´m a good player (I think), but I have the same problem as you, Shao Kahn is a d#ck. So, I can´t give you any advice.
I´m also getting a PS4 copy, so it will be better if we play online there.
So Im not that good at fighting games. MK is no exception, but Ive always enjoyed it. With the announcement of MKX, I felt like playing MK9 again.

Up until a few days ago, Ive never ventured past the medium difficulty. Ive been wanting to get better, so I stepped up a notch and played on hard. I didnt do TOO badly. I lost 2 matches and 9 rounds total, but I still surprised myself.

And then there was today... I finally decided to test myself on the expert difficulty. Things went fairly smooth. I even beat Shang Tsung without much difficilty. Kintaro, of course, wasnt a big problem either. I only lost about 4 rounds and no matches until big bad Shao Kahn. Then THIS happened...


Yeah... this cheap, over-powered, boss-flashing son of a gun relentlessly destroyed the crap out of me! I obviously need some help and advice. Ive watched others beat him on expert with no problem. Anybody have some useful tactics? Every time I get close to and actually HIT him, he uses boss flash and immediately begins to destroy me.

Such true words D:

I will help you but in return you must never post a pic of 32 losses.. Ever :)

Khan is set on a pattern

If you knock him down, always cross him up. He will either shoulder charge, aa shoulder charge or super... Either way they all miss but have armor.

If you stay far he will zone:
Hammer can be low profiled with d3
Spear must be neutral jumped as it's a bait.

If you are going for an attack always start with a cross up jumping punch (never do this online or vs a human)
Just keep going backwards, blocking and dodging projectiles when you need to, when you're outside a certain range Kahn will always taunt you, that's when you can hit him with some kind of projectile. Just repeat that pattern untill he's done, it's a boring and cheap method but so is actually fighting AI bosses lol.
Its kinda hard to block and punish when he boss-flashes everything I do. Such a cheap and BS tactic that I hope NRS gets rid of in MKX.

I also tried to keep my distance and punish his projectiles, but when hes not spamming the hammer, he ends up using shoulder charge and ends up right in my face.

This guy is a huge pain. Always has been.
depending on who u use u can stay close and have block button ready. i usually jump over him and hit into combos. the block damage isnt that bad when he hits you so as long as you have block ready you should be ok. if you want to be really cheap u can zone him out from far away and shoot projectiles. make sure u time the jump on the hammer throw bc u cant block that. and as long as u dont get caught by his xray u should be ok.
Ive seen people use that strategy and it worked for them, but he seems to want to keep using boss flash way more often with me. Maybe Shao Kahn just really hates Stryker lol
Yea you have to play online. I remember when i tried expert and i was still noobish online so the AI was really hard, but after getting really good online against skilled players the AI becomes a joke. Everyone is gonna be a noob when MK X comes out because we will have to figure out how to do those crazy combos, remember the dial ups and im not sure if dash is in the game so doing combos using run could be sort of complicated.
Im definitely going to practice hard with MKX. Im very excited for it. Thats why Ive picked up MK9 again.
Just wanted to post an update


Still not the best, but Ive improved a hell of a lot. Not to mention I couldve beat him the first time, but of course the crappy d-pad on the 360 controllers just had to screw me up. But yeah, after reading all your comments and watching others fight Shao Kahn, Ive FINALLY began to understand when and how to cross him up. My game is definitely improving. Heck, I even managed to beat the ladder on hard without losing a single round. I feel a bit better now lol
I'd give advice but.. I've only beaten the ladder on expert once. I normally stick with medium or sometimes hard.. But never medium rare. I mostly rely of my best combos. Perhaps I need advice myself.
If youre comfortable with medium, start going to hard, then go to expert. Thats what I did and I used to just play on beginner lol