Yeah I DEFINITELY Need Help (Laughing To Ensue)

Not to mock you or anything, he's probably the easiest boss in a fighting game I fought in years, I rarely lose a single round against him on expert, I even babied him a few times. You can punish nearly all of his special moves, his hammer throw is so slow, just jump above it and start a combo with a jump in punch. A hard boss would be Shao Kahn in MK2 and MK3 or the damn SNK bosses.
or the damn SNK bosses.

Saiki/Dark Ash pissed me off to no end, man. That was the first time in years I had been so frustrated with a stupid video game, eventually I looked up online that there's a really exploitable pattern to beat them, but when I was fighting them the regular way it drove me nuts.
So Im not that good at fighting games. MK is no exception, but Ive always enjoyed it. With the announcement of MKX, I felt like playing MK9 again.

Up until a few days ago, Ive never ventured past the medium difficulty. Ive been wanting to get better, so I stepped up a notch and played on hard. I didnt do TOO badly. I lost 2 matches and 9 rounds total, but I still surprised myself.

And then there was today... I finally decided to test myself on the expert difficulty. Things went fairly smooth. I even beat Shang Tsung without much difficilty. Kintaro, of course, wasnt a big problem either. I only lost about 4 rounds and no matches until big bad Shao Kahn. Then THIS happened...


Yeah... this cheap, over-powered, boss-flashing son of a gun relentlessly destroyed the crap out of me! I obviously need some help and advice. Ive watched others beat him on expert with no problem. Anybody have some useful tactics? Every time I get close to and actually HIT him, he uses boss flash and immediately begins to destroy me.

Such true words D:

Ive always zone him. Do to the 32 losses Im sure you know by now that he likes to throw his hammer and spear. Well since I use Liu Kang I use low fireball. It may sound cheap but I just keep using that. With the right timing you get low enough to dodge the spear, but not the hammer. If you do go this route always keep your eye on Kahn and watch out for his hammer throw because you are going to have to jump it. Also remember he will most likely shoulder charge towards you so when he gets close hard knockdown him and move back (again only if you want to zone him)

C-Sword Really??? I always felt MK2 Shao Kahn was easy. Ok yeah maybe if you are fighting him for the first time yeah he can be hard, but once you figure out how to beat him he is the easiest FG boss out there..... I have never owned a old school SNK FG but I have heard that all bosses are crazy hard. I may buy some of the games on PSN and give it a try :)
Not to mock you or anything, he's probably the easiest boss in a fighting game I fought in years, I rarely lose a single round against him on expert, I even babied him a few times. You can punish nearly all of his special moves, his hammer throw is so slow, just jump above it and start a combo with a jump in punch. A hard boss would be Shao Kahn in MK2 and MK3 or the damn SNK bosses.

Like I said, I never used to venture too far up in difficulty, so when I fought him on expert, I had a hell of a time getting used to his new behavior patterns. Now that Ive fought him a few times, I now know how and when to cross him up and combo him. I never had difficulty avoiding his spears and hammers btw. I just had issues with the dang boss flash until I found out how to punish his wake-up attacks. Idk if you saw it, but I reduced my rounds lost to 4, so Im getting better.
Not to mock you or anything, he's probably the easiest boss in a fighting game I fought in years, I rarely lose a single round against him on expert, I even babied him a few times. You can punish nearly all of his special moves, his hammer throw is so slow, just jump above it and start a combo with a jump in punch. A hard boss would be Shao Kahn in MK2 and MK3 or the damn SNK bosses.

I think Goro and Kintaro are just as easy. I think Shang Tsung gives the most challenge. Sindel and Kung Loa are my kryptonite though.
Dear God I HATE fighting Sindel in any game shes in. Kenshi is a huge pain for me as well. Sheeva used to be my most hated MK9 character, but I think Kenshi takes the cake nowadays. Stupid blind, telekinetic swordsman bastard.

I actually have the opposite problem. Not saying that i'm the bad@ss eliminator of everybody,
but i don't think i'm bad (against humans). But when i play against expert mode, i just can't read
my opponents that well and result in spamming and of course losing. I find the AI in any game, good
for learning the basics and maybe a bit more, like combo's and linking them....

But If you want to be truely good,
you must play against humans. Also, there is no shame in losing MK battles against very strong players.
They are that good because of all the time they have put into the game, and became the student of it.
Stryker is amazing against Kahn since you can just roll-toss under his spears and spam Stryker's gun against him when at far range. Just don't let Kahn get close, and you can keep repeating the same special attacks.

I should know since Strykie is my main.
Onebullit: I would definitely play online, but my 360 is crappy and outdated, so it doesnt have wireless internet support. Im not that much of a competitive player anyway, but Ill be venturing online when MKX comes out.

Shirayuki: Yeah I found that out too. Stryker is definitely a good fight against Shao Kahn.