
That's true.
The events of MK: SF even pre-dates the events of MK: MSZ, before MK1.

Then yes, the Lin Kuei has to target him for extermination, especially if desertion is automatically punishable by death. They can't target Takeda and Sub-Zero for death for desertion and not do the same to Tremor for the same offense.

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In that case, maybe MK10 can show Tremor fleeing from the Lin Kuei to the Black Dragon, and joining Kano.

All I know is that Tremor is a character that has some untapped potential, and people like to throw him to the way-side because "MF: SF was garbage."
Well, no shit MK: SF was terrible.
That being said, Tremor was the best thing to come from that game, and given the possible earth moves / powers which NRS hasn't done in a fighting game, and it would be awesome to see him in.
I couldnt agree with u more Araknyd thata the kind of story progressions the new MK needs. They should also bring cyber smoke back and maybe capture someone else like Kabal or Kenshi and turn them into cyborgs. Lin Kuei has to fully realize their cyber ninja quest at all costs.
Never mind. I think MK10 will be based on the MK4 storyline anyway, with Shinnok and Quan Chi as the main villains. I think Sektor will be in as well, so both Sonya and Tremor will have bigger issues to deal with (assuming Tremor is in MK10).
Never mind. I think MK10 will be based on the MK4 storyline anyway, with Shinnok and Quan Chi as the main villains. I think Sektor will be in as well, so both Sonya and Tremor will have bigger issues to deal with (assuming Tremor is in MK10).

Sonya and Jarek were in the same boat in MK4, and despite circumstances forcing them on the same side during that timeframe, the two obviously did not trust each other at all, and as the endings suggest, Sonya had every intention of arresting Jarek after Shinnok and Quan Chi were defeated, especially since Jarek was still loyal to the Black Dragon. Jarek could've easily stabbed his own home realm in the back like his leader Kano did. Why he chose to put his ass on the line for that realm instead is a mystery to me, especially since he knew he wasn't trusted by certain people within Raiden's forces. Surely there was nothing to gain out of it. If that's anything to go by, then the same level of mutual distrust will be present between Sonya and Tremor.

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I sure wish Tremor took Jarek's place.

I wanna see his story have a connection with Jax. I mean Sonya and Tremor will have doubts with each other.

And how would you change his design rather than being a ninja?

Let's not listen to Boon's debate.
You can add a 4th one.

I heard a rumor years ago that Tremor used to be in the Lin Kuei but left to join the Black Dragon. I can't verify this, but if it's true, then he has to be marked for death by the Lin Kuei. It is well-documented that desertion is severely frowned upon by the Lin Kuei. If Takeda and Sub-Zero were marked for death by the Lin Kuei, then there would be no reason for Tremor not to be.

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I started searching for information on Tremor and found this quote.

"I do remember having big plans for Tremor, but when I conceived him, he wasn't a member of the Black Dragon. He was a Lin Kuei hired as muscle by a mad man who was trying to open a gateway between Earth and Outworld." - John Tobias
Seemed pretty lame in PS Vita

That's because Ed Boon and NRS did a shitty copy-paste job with Jax and Smoke's moves, rather than giving Tremor his own moves and making him a unique character.
MK9 Vita Tremor was a shitty half-assed job, and Ed Boon likes to troll people.

MK9 Tremor = MK4 Jarek.
A shitty half-assed clone that nobody wanted.
Tremor needs to be in as a full fledged character, with his OWN moves.
Woo hoo, 1 original move.

Jarek was also a Balck Dragon that had Kano's Roll canonball move, weapon toss move, Eye Laser Fatality and Heart Rip Fatality.
He was basically Kano in MK4, minus not actually being called Kano. :laugh:
It's just a slight variation of Kano's Eye Laser fatality, and the funniest part about it is that Jarek didn't even have a cybernetic eye, to begin with.
It felt like Midway was originally going to put Kano in, and at the last minute they said "Nope. Let's just change his appearance and call him Jarek." :laugh:
The only thing I liked about Jarek was his look. He didn't really have a very unique look but something about that interested me. Its ashame that nothing original came from him however.
Tremor has a good concept although I've never played any of the games he's appeared in but I love his specials concepts he has good potential
His character in Special Forces was to guard a portal and to kill any Special Forces member that knew the whereabouts of Kano.

Then you get Tobias' statement about what he originally was supposed to be.

There is absolutely nothing about this character that I think stands out amongst all these other characters that could have more of a change to be in a game. I really never cared for this character nor will I unless they do something completely different with him.
Excluding Mk: SF We know Tremor exist and is Alive...His ASS better be in MKX game. He is long overdue for an actual playable character debut. And they better do him justice. Don't just put him in the game because we want him there. Put some good effort into his character.
MK Tremor.jpg
His character in Special Forces was to guard a portal and to kill any Special Forces member that knew the whereabouts of Kano.

Then you get Tobias' statement about what he originally was supposed to be.

There is absolutely nothing about this character that I think stands out amongst all these other characters that could have more of a change to be in a game. I really never cared for this character nor will I unless they do something completely different with him.

Really? nothing? even when he is a geomancer (a new skill for a character in mk) and he have a very big rivality with kano and the Ling Quei clan? i don't know how people is so close minded to a character with a lot of possibilities....

i mean, it's the same people do when Ermac came out "oh, it's just a ninja with telekinetic powers, nothing new or original" and after the redesign of the character everyone love it.

it's the same with tremor, they need give to Tremor a new design and more development in his history.

pd: By the way, i think this fan art give good ideas for the redesign of Tremor. Maybe not the toxic icon or the pattern in the armor... but something about this pic makes me think it's a very good concept for tthe character.

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