Toy's R Us leaks release date of character DLC as this Wednesday? - Updated: NO

The other issue with MvC3 was when the DLC characters were announced they were not announced as DLC at the time.

Huh? As far as I remember Jill and Shuma were always going to be DLC. True, they were on the disc already, but it was always planned to release them at a price.
So then maybe only "Skarlet" won't be coming out Tues. But notice they never mentioned anything about Wed...... They have not officially stated that "NO DLC" will be coming out though, have they?? Their words are carefully chosen IMO.
True the TRU ad doesn't say "NEW" characters, just characters.

Called local TRU store. Spoke with the manager. Explained what was going on. He checked ad and also for any "edits" and there were none. So TRU ad is correct as of the moment. So there may be character DLC released Wed. Obviously it could change but we'll see then I guess....LOL.

Could the miscommunication be that it's not new fighters, but new costumes?
I could see that being a possibility. But hey, with in 24 hours we will know.
Although they could be stalling to see if PSN gets to the point of being able to be up and running. Since tonight some features are supposed to go back online.
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Huh? As far as I remember Jill and Shuma were always going to be DLC. True, they were on the disc already, but it was always planned to release them at a price.

Unfortunately not the case via Capcom PR for Jill. They updated it a week later and ppl are still upset at Capcom about the way they handle DLC as SFIV went over board selling on disc DLC for weak alt costumes. NRS learned from Capcom's mistake and didn't make the same.

I really hope NRS nails the DLC well as it will just make the title even more solid in all areas.
MK_MortalKombat Mortal Kombat
@NIK_XXL nothing new is being released tomorrow.
9 minutes ago

Don't worry about those points.

Hate to be an MK conspiracy nut, but I know if I don't point it out that someone else will. That says no new content. The pre-order retro costumes aren't, technically speaking, new.
Hate to be an MK conspiracy nut, but I know if I don't point it out that someone else will. That says no new content. The pre-order retro costumes aren't, technically speaking, new.
Exactly. The pre-order Alt costumes were technically DLC. I have never once stated. "OMGZ NEW CHARACTERZ",or that Kenshi or Skarlet are being released May 4th. Although I do love the fact that when read, @MK_MortalKombat on twitter has done nothing but play on words. Selective in what they say. They have yet to say that NO CONTENT will be downloadable tomorrow. Be it pre-order Alt costumes, or On Disc content that is locked.
Anyone saying there is still a chance preorder skins come out tomorrow is completely justified. NRS has never been straight up with the public, instead shrouding every tweet and interview with secrecy to the point of the public always searching for hidden answers....because that's what we are accustomed to.
Anyone saying there is still a chance preorder skins come out tomorrow is completely justified. NRS has never been straight up with the public, instead shrouding every tweet and interview with secrecy to the point of the public always searching for hidden answers....because that's what we are accustomed to.
Good point. The recent hack of Boss' being playable is 1 example of "Characters" that aren't "New" but could be able to "DL" for offline play. Once again though the straight forward answer has not been said.
i think toys r us was trying to hype up the sale of mk9....false advertising !!!! WE DEMAND FREE STUFF! lol
Anyone saying there is still a chance preorder skins come out tomorrow is completely justified. NRS has never been straight up with the public, instead shrouding every tweet and interview with secrecy to the point of the public always searching for hidden answers....because that's what we are accustomed to.

Yeah, you would think they would officially announce them beforehand too.
Anyone saying there is still a chance preorder skins come out tomorrow is completely justified. NRS has never been straight up with the public, instead shrouding every tweet and interview with secrecy to the point of the public always searching for hidden answers....because that's what we are accustomed to.

I love NRS for this...they make your really want it and go nuts every week...