Strategy / Combos thread

TeddyBluegrass said:
and the point of quoting was...?
No point I'm new feeling my way around. I'm a lil more than confused that this even caught the attention of a true Neutral?? It should affect you not!! And from what I've seen U have a good knowledge of this game so, why try to shun or be rude, when ppl might actually look up to you for your knowledge???
All I came here for was cool combos...!!!!!!
Sub-Zero said:
Here's a cool one

Hapkido - Scorpion


9 Hits 30%


Same Stance and Person


9 Hits 32%

Ok here's the real deal with Scorpion
Harpoon...2,3,u4,...u4,...22,cs,1,1,3,3,cs = 13 hits everytime!!!
All im saying is that instead of quoting previously posted combos, just put the new ones you have discovered. I wasnt trying to be rude or to shun, i was simply trying to show you that there is no reason to quote them, since theyre already in the thread.

Two more things: i dont know what youre doing wrong, but youre not quoting very effectively, no offense but none of the quotes are in the gray boxes they usually are. Its easier to just click the "quote" button above the about to be quoted post.

And dont double post, use the edit feature above your posts, right near where the quote button is on everyone elses posts.
My guess is that he either has the "Disable BBCode in this post" box checked in his replies or the "Always allow BBCode" option in his profile set to "No".
dairou is quite poweful, try these combos, all start in escrima: :D

2,3,1, up+2 twice
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,2,3,1, up+2
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,1,1,forward+3

all do more than 30% and at lest 4-5 hits :twisted: :D
i miss time to chat with you cause i passed the baccalaureat and now i'm student in kinesitherapeuty, it's great, cool and interesting but it takes a lot of time!
fan de tanya said:
dairou is quite poweful, try these combos, all start in escrima: :D

2,3,1, up+2 twice
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,2,3,1, up+2
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,1,1,forward+3

all do more than 30% and at lest 4-5 hits :twisted: :D

I have trouble playin on-line as most ppl ar overseas. But the ppl I do play are fairly good and we found that dairou is a bit slow... I have no trouble wiping the floor with him using ashrah.

As for kobra....

A simple kombo is..


I am not sure if its 3 or 4 for the last hit...

That kombo does do damage but you will get thrown back afterwards.
ComboMagnet said:
fan de tanya said:
dairou is quite poweful, try these combos, all start in escrima: :D

2,3,1, up+2 twice
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,2,3,1, up+2
2,3,1, up+2,up+2,1,1,forward+3

all do more than 30% and at lest 4-5 hits :twisted: :D

I have trouble playin on-line as most ppl ar overseas. But the ppl I do play are fairly good and we found that dairou is a bit slow... I have no trouble wiping the floor with him using ashrah.

As for kobra....

A simple kombo is..


I am not sure if its 3 or 4 for the last hit...

That kombo does do damage but you will get thrown back afterwards.
Does anyone use Kobra? :lol:
I know that very few ppl like this guy but,... Kobra:
1, 4...1...1...1,2,2,cs 9 hits = 31%
1,4,...1...1...2,2,b2 7 hits = 30%
1,4,...1,...1...1,3,cs 7 hit = 25% ( not high damage, but looks cool)

Kobra is a cheesy character! However, most of the combos I've seen for him are in shorin ryu. So I decided to try a different approach. Enjoy!

Thanks for all the info on this website, to everyone who has posted it!

Remember, even though our parents lovers and friends, all think we're nuts for playing all the time... that it dosen't make us bad ppl, just dedicated!! :)

Kobu Jutsu;
(in corner) Throw...f,f,3...b2,1,1,u1. 8hits = 48%


Fan Zi;
3...d4...2,2,1,cs,4,cs,1,u3. 10hit= 50%

All these start in Mugai ryu
Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, cs, 2, 2, 1, wait, hellfire, throw,
cs, 3, cs, B+1, cs, throw, 3, 3, cs, hellfire

Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, B+1, cs, throw, cs + D+2

Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, B+1, cs, cs, throw, 3, B+1, hellfire

Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, B+1, cs, cs, throw, 3, cs, B+1, cs,
cs, throw, 3, cs, B+1, hellfire

Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, B+1, cs, cs, throw, 3, cs, B+1, wait,
cs, cs, hellfire, throw, 3, cs, B+1, wait, hellfire

Spear, F+1, cs, B+1, B+1, 2, 2, cs, 1, 3, B+2, wait, sidestep, hellfire, throw,
3, 3, cs, wait, cs, cs, hellfire, throw, 3, 3, cs, wait, sidestep hellfire


Fighting Stance: Kori Blade
Combo: B+2,B+2,CS...1,2,4,CS,2,3
For: 8Hits - 41% damage

Fighting Stance: Kori Blade
8Hits - 44%
7Hits - 38%

Fighting Stance: Kori Blade
9Hits - 44% damage
8Hits - 40% damage

Fighting Stance: Shotokan

Fighting Stance: Shotokan
10Hits - 37%

Fighting Stance: Shotokan
14 hits - 35% Damage

Fighting Stance: Shotokan
10 hits

Fighting Stance: Shotokan
10 Hits - 33% Damage
Yeah, nobody really plays MKD anymore but I killed in that game hehe. A lot more then MKA I'll tell ya that for sure ; )

I'll play any MK all day, but yeah I have some hot Ermac combos that I made up way back that nobody else used. Were fun and hard to do.

Axe style, D+2, TK slam, D+2, TK slam, (switch styles to Hua Chuan) 2, 2, 1, TK throw did near to 50% damage, there's tons of others I know some I made up some others not, but I killed with Ermac in MKD hehe his styles are awesome.