spoiler spoiler: sub-zero, smoke (must see)

CSZ looks even worse than his battle pose on the character Select Screen! His head is like bigger than his body!

Why Boon, why did you forsake a part of your fanbase! And for this of all things! He looks like the Predator had a secret affair with ET!
Yeah see that pic of smoke looks WAAAAAAAYYYYYY better than the VS screen one that was leaked. I now feel alil better about it lol!
Ya I like this pic of smoke better than the leaked ones. Although they didn't look THAT BAD to me lol.
It looks like Concept art to me. Mostly because I don't think they would 'really' give CBZ that big of a head...
man all the ninjas look different finally, awesome...yet they still look like ninjas...i like it a lot! now, for MK10, maybe we can work on not making every person in the game look like they can bench press a house
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Smoke's hair is not so bad here, I think I'm starting to get used to it. These pics, especially CSZ's, seem out of proportion, but they are just concepts.











You guys are all wrong about the proportions of cyber zub zero being off. His upper body looks bigger becase of the angle in which the picture was taken. The angle of the camera was taken crooked and thats why he looks distorted. Look at the bottom of the photograph and u can see how the picture shrinks towards the bottom. Cyber sub is absolutely fine
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Wow i'm really digging that smoke costume, I just wish he had the little hoodie covering his hair like the other ninjas.
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