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Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Rain had 3 special moves in Trilogy

The kick doesnt count it was not a special move.

He only had the control bubble and the lightning.

When they realese him for this game i'd like him to have at least this moves:
Water blast (MKA)
Windy feet (MKA)
Control bubble (UMK3 and MKT)
Water teleport (MKA)

Then they can add whatever special they want but i prefer him no having the lighning, only water powers.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

His roundhouse kick IS a special move.

As long as his roundhouse kick comes back, I'm fine with it. Hard to believe that a character with such unique gameplay from UMK3 got excluded in MK9...
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

The kick doesnt count it was not a special move.

He only had the control bubble and the lightning.

When they realese him for this game i'd like him to have at least this moves:
Water blast (MKA)
Windy feet (MKA)
Control bubble (UMK3 and MKT)
Water teleport (MKA)

Then they can add whatever special they want but i prefer him no having the lighning, only water powers.

How does the roundhouse not count? No other character has it doesn't that make it a special move? The roundhouse was my favorite part about using Rain
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

His roundhouse kick IS a special move.

As long as his roundhouse kick comes back, I'm fine with it. Hard to believe that a character with such unique gameplay from UMK3 got excluded in MK9...

Yh i have no problem but they have to make it make sense, like rain kicking the rival and opening a water portal that teleports the rival to the other side of the screen, or something like thta but i dont think they will add it.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Why would they have to make sense in a game where a guys throws a hat that magically shows up in his head right away? :| Or a military who can jump in arch? Or a thief who can do cannon balls? Or a guy who apparentely has trizilions bombs on his belt... Seriously, that's not a good argument. Nothing in MK makes sense or has to make sense gameplay-wise.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

I want this Rain to be a "best of". If he's released as DLC for this game he needs to measure up to the rest of the game. Take the back story we already have and run with it, strengthen it, fill it out, make it better. I like the idea of his regal look from MKA, but the cape and tiara kinda whiffed, in my opinion. I would love to see him as a prince, but not the scepter-toting, do-nothing kind of prince. He's a warrior prince with the fighting skills of a ninja, make his appearance reflect that. As for his special moves, I like the lightning move, it goes well with the rain motif. Give him a handful of good water moves to match the lightning pop-up and I would like to see the roundhouse kick return, I feel it added some nice oomph to him as a fighter. Not every character with an elemental theme follows it exclusively. (Example: Scorpion, his Leg Takedown has nothing to do with fire, same with Liu Kang's Bicycle AND Flying Kick)
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

I actually heard that Rain was gonna be in the new DLC but nobody get there hopes up! Im honestly really praying for it tho! =D
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

I want this Rain to be a "best of". If he's released as DLC for this game he needs to measure up to the rest of the game. Take the back story we already have and run with it, strengthen it, fill it out, make it better. I like the idea of his regal look from MKA, but the cape and tiara kinda whiffed, in my opinion. I would love to see him as a prince, but not the scepter-toting, do-nothing kind of prince. He's a warrior prince with the fighting skills of a ninja, make his appearance reflect that. As for his special moves, I like the lightning move, it goes well with the rain motif. Give him a handful of good water moves to match the lightning pop-up and I would like to see the roundhouse kick return, I feel it added some nice oomph to him as a fighter. Not every character with an elemental theme follows it exclusively. (Example: Scorpion, his Leg Takedown has nothing to do with fire, same with Liu Kang's Bicycle AND Flying Kick)

I'd love to see his kick back but Im still worried if they will include the water powers or not, I hope NRS doesnt screw it up an add all the UMK3 and MKA moves to him. Rain as a water elemental is IMO the best of all the character improvements in MK Armageddon, it was new and fresh and surprised me a lot the first time i played the game.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

I don't want that Armageddon outfit. Please don't make him a weirdo in this game, NRS. Please just don't :(
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Why do I feel a price song coming on? But seriously if he comes as dlc I for one hope nrs suddenly forgets everything that was Armageddon to say that version of rain was terrible would be way too nice and last I checked nighrwolfs got the lightning from umk3 so nrs needs to do rain like smoke and start over period
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Rain was never a copycat like Smoke, I'm pretty sure Rain's fans want all his UMK3 moves back.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Hmmm not a copy cat ermacs teleslam aka lightning classic subzeros combo roundhouse as a stand alone enemy teleporting special and a joke from a prince song nope no copy Cating there
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

Hmmm not a copy cat ermacs teleslam aka lightning classic subzeros combo roundhouse as a stand alone enemy teleporting special and a joke from a prince song nope no copy Cating there
What the hell did you write up there?
Better English please.

What does Rain's Lightning have to with Ermac's Teleslam or - worse - what in the world does Rain's roundhouse kick even have to do with Sub-Zero??? What are you talking about exactly???
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

He's only ever been a bit part character really, so I'd like to see him as one of the main characters in the next game instead of DLC.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

He's only ever been a bit part character really, so I'd like to see him as one of the main characters in the next game instead of DLC.

But would be way better see him in both games ad DLC in this one and as main the next :P

Celtic Mutt said:
The Armageddon outfit was not weird, it was awesome. :P
Agree, but i didnt like the cape. The viel and the tiara were cool and gave him him an identity but that cape was so lame...

Voncroy said:
I'm pretty sure Rain's fans want all his UMK3 moves back.
Agree, but his MK Armageddon moves are a must have, his UMK3 moves are not enough for a full movelist, also MKA moves gave him an identity and uniqueness.
Re: Rain - Why we want him as DLC

The Armageddon outfit was not weird, it was awesome. :P

Totes. Rain is a prince. And he is funky.

If anything, he should be more funky as DLC and wear a mask like this:


- V
Start the hype train: Rain "practically" confirmed.

Any chance for Rain in the future? Noobde: Yes, there is a chance.
