New member
Bloodstorm UK (exact text) and i also play CS,Halo2 and the OXM demo of UC2
Masta-Dante said:Bloodstorm UK (exact text) and i also play CS,Halo2 and the OXM demo of UC2
i can guarantee several things just by looking at these posts.
1) you sit in the lobby and spam the room with lines like "CAN ANY1 BEAT ME LOL"
2) you consider anyone who beats you to be "cheap" or a "spammer" while you yourself only do one combo- and it starts with the Green Lantern fist grab.
3) you start all of your matches with a low hit and then fist grab.
4) you love the fist grab
good thing you are on the PSN, because Green Lanterns are a joke on XBox live, as they should be.
MK only, please.
I'm making this the official gamertag thread. We all have our tags located in our profiles and under our posts listed under your avatar but if you still want to post your usernames and ask to play with others online, keep it all in here. Just saw a thread asking for challenges so, yeah.
Want to go one on one with the great one???Besides its good exercise.We could all use some of that right?