Official PSN/X-Box Live gamertags

My xbox live name is XKhAOs MonstErX xbox live made me change it after I got unbanned anyways i need more friends so feel free to add me but if you are please say you're from TRMK
Re: PSN username for the METAL GEAR SOLID HD Collection

I'm bumping this thread up in lieu of tonight's midnight release.
If you guys want to join me in Peace Walker, hit me up. ;-)
Re: PSN username for the METAL GEAR SOLID HD Collection

You've already got me. :P It'll be days before I get online with Peacewalker though, busy week.
Re: PSN username for the METAL GEAR SOLID HD Collection

my username is: Yaldar_Candy, and I dnt have much games beside LBP 1 & 2, so if u want to add me, go ahead, but my Wifi is down, my dad should fix it soon. my user name either has a - or _ separating the 2 word!
My Xbox Live GT = Black103. feel free to add and dont hit me with any racism. i get that alot from CoD players lol.

Also ill probably kick your ass at MKAK. even though its laggy.