NEW MK Koming 2013 !!!????

NetherRealm's Adam Urbano, "we’re also working on a bunch of really, really exciting new projects"

DLCentral: With the entire DC Comics Universe to choose from, you could conceivably keep producing new Injustice DLC for a long time – but at what point do you stop? As a studio, is there a self-imposed cut-off to focus on other projects, or do you keep making DLC for as long as gamers are buying it?

Adam Urbano: The honest answer to this question is that we’re still figuring it out ourselves. We obviously have a great deal of passion for Injustice: Gods Among Us, and we’d like to keep making content for it forever, but we’re also working on a bunch of really, really exciting new projects, and so we have to constantly evaluate where specific people on the team are needed. If you would have asked me this question a couple of months ago, I’d have said our cut-off was absolutely, positively after four characters – so at this point I have no idea what my answer will be in another couple of months.
Most probably a new game will come out and will be movie based, if the movie will be indead released. I think tha's the safe guess. On the other hand, it depents on where they want the story to go. If it's a plain continuation then it would be good to not take their time. If it's something new entirely, like going back to the original timeline or whatever then it's better to wait I think.
Agreed with BBBLP.
They wouldn't just leave MK9 on a cliff-hanger to reboot the series again.

If they made a game to coincide with the movie, that means that they would have to retcon the whole story to make it go with the film, and I don't think they would do that.
They probably meant that they plan to have the game come out at the same time as the movie, for marketing purposes, but I don't see a movie-based game coming out.
Unless they do a special, spin off game based on the movie, a la James Bond games and Spider Man, but it would be a waste of time and would not sell to the regular gamer, only to MK and Fighting game enthusiasts IMO.
Unless they do a special, spin off game based on the movie, a la James Bond games and Spider Man, but it would be a waste of time and would not sell to the regular gamer, only to MK and Fighting game enthusiasts IMO.

That's what I meant. A non canoon movie based game, if they want to take theifr time with MK10.
That's what I meant. A non canoon movie based game, if they want to take theifr time with MK10.

If they're going to do a non-canon game, then why not just make another Shaolin Monks type of game, instead?
A game like that doesn't have to be canon, and then they could focus on MK10 afterwards.
If they're going to do a non-canon game, then why not just make another Shaolin Monks type of game, instead?
A game like that doesn't have to be canon, and then they could focus on MK10 afterwards.

An Adventure game based on the movie would be nice, but I want my Fire & Ice at some point! Lol
For MK10, I'd want ALL CHARACTERS (including DLC) to have their own theme and it should be an option in the main menu to have the theme played when the character appears in the fight (especially an opponent). It should have that option like in Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate.

Theme songs for the following characters:

* Those who have themes in MK9 should maintain those theme songs.
* Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw): 1000 Cigarettes by MSTRKRFT
* Rayne (Bloodrayne): Bloodrayne 2 Club Music
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I want my Fire & Ice at some point! Lol

Same here, Taj.

I've wanted NRS to give us a good Fire and Ice game for a while now, and we almost got it too, but it was cancelled. :(

If MK: Fire and Ice is EVER made, I'd like to see the following:

- The Scorpion and Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) rivalry and epic battle
- MK 1 Sub Zero being re-born as Noob Saibot.
- Cyrax and Sektor hunting down MK II Sub-Zero and Smoke
- MK II Sub-Zero and Smoke trying to escape the Lin Kuei
- Smoke being captured (as homage to MK 3)
- Sub Zero (Kuai Liang) and Scorpion joining forces
- Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) and Scorpion destroying the forces of evil / Quan Chi (similar to Sub-Zero's MK 9 ending)
- Noob Saibot taking over the NetherRealm after the fall of Quan Chi

None of this stuff has to be canon to the MK10 storyline, but I would just love to see it being done. :)
Another ROSTER idea...

* Everyone who survived MK9.
* Skarlet (Primary = Human; Secondary = Cyborg)
* Kenshi
* Rain
* Tanya
* Shinnok
* Kai
* Jarek
* Reiko
* Fujin
* Bo Rai Cho
* Li Mei
* Frost
* Mavado
* Hsu Hao
* Drahmin
* Moloch
* Sareena
* Kia
* Jataaka
* Ashrah
* Havik
* Nitara
* Hotaru

* Sub-Zero (Primary = Human; Secondary = Cyborg)
* Tremor
* Goro
* Kintaro
* The woman in Jade's MK9 ending.
* Khameleon
* Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
* Rayne (Bloodrayne)
* Shujinko (In his 30s-50s.)
* Daegon

DLC pre-order idea...
* Sub-Zero = Wal-Mart
* Tremor = Best Buy
* Goro = GameStop
* Kintaro = Amazon

Black Dragon: Kano, Jarek, and Tremor
Red Dragon: Daegon, Mavado, and Hsu Hao
Lin Kuei: Cyrax, Sektor, Frost, and maybe Skarlet (if she becomes a cyborg).

I don't think these suggestions are impossible. I mean if it'll be easier for NRS, they can just copy and paste the movesets of MK9 characters to MK10 right?
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* Sub-Zero (Primary = Human; Secondary = Cyborg)

DLC pre-order idea...
* Sub-Zero = Wal-Mart

Some of the other stuff you mentioned was fine.

This, though, is a terrible idea and it's borderline Capcom business practices.
No way in hell should Sub-Zero be DLC.
That would be a PURE, bullshit, money grab move by NRS.

Sub-Zero should be an unlockable character via the Krypt or unlockable main roster character.
Some of the other stuff you mentioned was fine.

This, though, is a terrible idea and it's borderline Capcom business practices.
No way in hell should Sub-Zero be DLC.
That would be a PURE, bullshit, money grab move by NRS.

Sub-Zero should be an unlockable character via the Krypt or unlockable main roster character.

I understand you completely. If NRS was generous enough, they'd do what you said. But chances are, they will dangle Sub-Zero to hardcore fans and manipulate them to BUY MORE than the game itself.
Costumes and music are only bonuses to me. People are actually more concerned about the gameplay, NRS might not have enough time to totally familiarize themselves with the new engine they're working with, cause WB is rushing them to release MK10 by 2015.
Maybe if we have an official written story from NRS for MK10, if have a better idea of who to put in the roster. I mean I know it'll take place in the events of MK4 but will it also involve characters from MKDA? I think it should since in this new timeline, the deadly alliance isn't t going to happen with Shang Tsung since he is dead. Will it also proceed to MKD? Well, for me, I'd like the story to be in MK4 with characters from MKDA doing their parts. Oh and one more thing, if Nitara will be in, Ashrah must be in! Plus, Ashrah can be a Netherrealm working for Quan Chi. Hsu Hao can be in as a military person who will work with the Special Forces (especially Sonya) but will betray them because he's really part of the Red Dragon Clan with Mavado and Daegon.
I understand you completely. If NRS was generous enough, they'd do what you said. But chances are, they will dangle Sub-Zero to hardcore fans and manipulate them to BUY MORE than the game itself.

Sub-Zero is too big of a star to be relegated to DLC status. And why did you overlook/omit Scorpion? He's the only character whose star power is bigger than Sub-Zero's (in fact, he is to NRS what Jerry West is to the NBA...the whole damn logo).
Sub-Zero is too big of a star to be relegated to DLC status. And why did you overlook/omit Scorpion? He's the only character whose star power is bigger than Sub-Zero's (in fact, he is to NRS what Jerry West is to the NBA...the whole damn logo).

Actually, he is so big of a star NRS can use him as DLC to make more money.

As of Scorpion (if you actually read what I wrote and actually played through the MK9 story mode), you would know that he's in the "everyone who survived MK9" category.
As a die-hard Sub-Zero fan, I am okay with him actually sitting out for one game. Since he's undead right now, having him be a DLC wouldn't really bother me as much as having him come back like nothing happened.

I was not okay when they decided to kill Liu Kang and brought him back in the next game as a zombie. If it was just for ha-ha's, I wasn't really laughing. I really just don't want them to mess with this character as much as they did with others that didn't deserve to be jokes. Sub-Zero is their, in my opinion, best developed character. They don't need to screw him up like they did with Liu Kang and just completely ignore the fact that they just killed him. I wasn't bothered by the whole cyborg thing, I thought that was a cool new route.

Others might disagree completely with this, I'm fine with that. I just don't want them screwing up my all-time favorite video game character... I've been a fan of him since I was one years old.
Actually, he is so big of a star NRS can use him as DLC to make more money. Fans will be so pissed off that they'll boycott the game altogether. Not even Capcom, whose BBB rating sank over the DLC fiasco involving SFxT, could get away with doing the same bullshit with Ryu and Ken in a Street Fighter game.

And I still don't buy MK9 as being canon. John Vogel lost his right to be considered canon when he defended the contradictory story that is MKSM.