Mortal Kombat 1 General Discussion Media Thread

Not to mention the return of Virtua Fighter announced at the video game awards and Fatal Fury releasing next year. I just don't see anyone caring about MK1 by 2025. There's already rumours suggesting MK1 won't make it to Evo next year. The only game WB announced at the VGAs was a Game of Thrones......videogame. Talk about striking the kettle while the irons frozen.
Well duh. MK1 has like 800 gamers on Steam right now, with the Christmas sale (-80% off). Nobody gives a shit about it.
It's a lot of shit decisions on both the WB and NRS side of things.

When you have $10 Seasonal Fatalities, $10 skins, a game that feels like it was rushed out of the oven (finally felt complete in the April Ermac update), gender-swap 2 iconic characters (which was controversial) and bring in guests that consist of YET ANOTHER Terminator and Conan (Arnold again)..... it's not hard to see why the game ended up at it's current state.
We have the most 3D era characters in the game since Armageddon, all of the male ninjas, Cyrax and Sektor, Homelander and Omni-Man as guests and this shit is STILL failing.
Dunno, but just maybe people are sick and tired of being constantly nickled-and-dimed and paying full price for a game that needed more time to cook and get done right. Shame too, because (again) aside from the 3D era roster and gameplay itself the rest of it just seems to fall flat on its face.
The best thing about this game was Ed Boon lying right into everyone's faces... yet again.


Sure Ed, sure. Probably one of the most buggiest and unfinished NRS releases so far. You take one of the most tone deaf and greedy publishers (WB), and couple it with pompous yet incompetent developers (NRS)... and you get MK1.
It's just disappointing that THIS was the game that they decided to fuck up with all of their bullshit decisions.

*MK game with the most amount of post-MK3 main roster characters in nearly 2 goddamn decades.*

Me: "Yay!"
WB corporate assholes like Zaslav: "Let's use this game to fuck over consumers with shitty MTX practices and make sure that it's a half-baked / rushed game."
Me: :rolleyes:
It's just disappointing that THIS was the game that they decided to fuck up with all of their bullshit decisions.

*MK game with the most amount of post-MK3 main roster characters in nearly 2 goddamn decades.*

Me: "Yay!"
WB corporate assholes like Zaslav: "Let's use this game to fuck over consumers with shitty MTX practices and make sure that it's a half-baked / rushed game."
Me: :rolleyes:
It ain't just WB fault. NRS has equal amount of blame to share if not even more. If they stopped trying to REBUILD ENTIRE GAME from ground up, they would have more time for other elements. But nah. They KNOW that they have limited time to develop a new title and still choose to develop the game as if they had 6 years for that.
NRS need to stop chasing trends of other fighting games that did it better. MK9 and MKX was its own thing that refined years of the games legacy. MK 11 was just a dumbed down version of MK9 with a shit variation and meter system. MK1 is just an even dumber version of Marvel vs Capcom 2 with an even shittier kameo system imo. Top that off with less and less content with every new game and it’s no surprise why WB pulled the plug. You can only try to trick people into those first two weeks of sells for so long. It’s a really dumb strategy if you’re trying to sell seasons of dlc down the road.
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To top it off, this is the first mainline MK game since Deadly Alliance with 0 Stage Fatalities.
A franchise staple finisher.... 😔

I mean, fuck, even MKX had the Kove stage finisher (which is now Takeda's Animality) among the other 2 stage finishers, and MK11 had the Shaolin Trap Dungeon as well as 2 more.
You know what would help them? If they stopped pushing older audience away in pursuit of the new one. They kept reinventing the wheel with each game so much, that entire MK community is fractured into like 6-7 different groups (Traditional OG fans, 3D Era fans, NRS Era fans, Variations fans, Kameos fans, etc.)
Probably the most stupidest way of making sequels to fighting games. Or any game to begin with.

Couldn't even spend time to add modes like Puzzle Kombat. Or more than one "Test Your" series challenge. And it is now always the dumb one. We could have had "Test your sight", "Test your memory", "Test your focus", etc. But nah. Here is more of blind button mashing for you to split an anvil.

Lazy and dumb. Just living off the past glory.

Imagine how awesome it would be if we could customize our own main menu. Have our main fighter in the center on pedestal. Take a page from Tekken 8, but make it better, by allowing us to have the character on a platform that can be rotated or rotates by itself.

V2 Main Menu Tanya Resize.png
You know what would help them? If they stopped pushing older audience away in pursuit of the new one. They kept reinventing the wheel with each game so much, that entire MK community is fractured into like 6-7 different groups (Traditional OG fans, 3D Era fans, NRS Era fans, Variations fans, Kameos fans, etc.)
Probably the most stupidest way of making sequels to fighting games. Or any game to begin with.

Couldn't even spend time to add modes like Puzzle Kombat. Or more than one "Test Your" series challenge. And it is now always the dumb one. We could have had "Test your sight", "Test your memory", "Test your focus", etc. But nah. Here is more of blind button mashing for you to split an anvil.

Lazy and dumb. Just living off the past glory.

Imagine how awesome it would be if we could customize our own main menu. Have our main fighter in the center on pedestal. Take a page from Tekken 8, but make it better, by allowing us to have the character on a platform that can be rotated or rotates by itself.

View attachment 51296
As much as people around here may not believe it, I'm in the camp of OG AND 3D era.
Contrary to popular belief I DO like the OG cast and don't "hate" them and my sentiment never was to "get rid of them," but rather that I wanted more of a 50/50 mix of the OG AND the 3D era ones included, and this game FINALLY started to somewhat give us that.
That's the reason that I'm frustrated when some Reddit 'tard says to "jUsT bE hApPy tHaT tHeY'rE iN" when speaking of kameos because these dense motherfuckers don't know what it's like to have a character gone for nearly 2 decades just to have them show up as a glorified assist / "kameo."
Li Mei, Ashrah, Nitara, Reiko, Havik, Kenshi and Tanya on the main roster, Quan Chi as DLC and then.........Sareena, Darrius, Shujinko and Mavado as.........kameos.

Aside for repeater kameos I have otherwise have 0 qualms with characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Sonya, Kano, Jax, Kung Lao, Frost, Goro, Tremor, Ferra and Motaro being kameos since they were all JUST in either MKX or MK11. It's the same reason I'd be fine with a kameo Nightwolf, Kabal or Sheeva if they would have done those. Fuck, Fujin they could have put in as a kameo and it would have bothered me as much because he was JUST in MK11 as well and I at least have a way to play as him in more recent consoles with MK11.
If I ever want to play as Sareena, Shujinko, Darrius or Mavado in 1 game again, though, I'd have to buy a PS2 and hope that my old ass 2006 copy of Armageddon still works.

I agree with you that I would have liked more "Test Your" series mini games or Puzzle Kombat.
Shit, I was actually kinda hoping that after the tutorial that Cage's Mansion would be a static Mesa in Invasions and that we'd have a way to play some of those mini-games in his arcade room.
Missed opportunity to make Cage's mansion arcade a place to play some of the klassic games or mini-games, imo.

As for the main menu, yeah, that would have been cool to have your own chosen character on a platform like that.
So they made a new "secret" character (Floyd) to find and fight, which is a pink ninja.
Cool that they brought that secret concept back and I love that you can unlock a new stage by defeating him, but at this point (sadly) it feels like it's a little too late in the game's cycle. Dunno
I’m convinced that it’s just A.I programming all the dlc for mk1 instead of NRS at this point. That’s the only explanation I can come up with for Floyd.
Floyd is just male Khameleon from mk trilogy in a pink outfit. A copy and paste of a copy paste character from the 90s. Whether Eddy mentioned it in the mk9 days doesn’t change that fact. At least Scarlet, a kitana glitch in mk2 got a full make over in mk9.
Floyd is just male Khameleon from mk trilogy in a pink outfit. A copy and paste of a copy paste character from the 90s. Whether Eddy mentioned it in the mk9 days doesn’t change that fact. At least Scarlet, a kitana glitch in mk2 got a full make over in mk9.
For now as a secret fight, it's whatever. Even Reptile started off as a Sub-Zero / Scorpion copy-paste in 1992.
If Floyd ever gets put into a game as a fully playable character and has the same exact copy-paste moves, I'll reserve judgement for then.
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Floyd is just male Khameleon from mk trilogy in a pink outfit. A copy and paste of a copy paste character from the 90s. Whether Eddy mentioned it in the mk9 days doesn’t change that fact. At least Scarlet, a kitana glitch in mk2 got a full make over in mk9.

Floyd isn't a playable character. He's a secret fight like Reptile in MK1 or Smoke in MK2.
Just casual fun with a cool stage as a reward for beating him. The next time we see Floyd in a playable fashion, he's more than likely going to be completely different.

So yeah...they moved on already. Looks like I was wrong about them being done with MK for a while. My favorite Ed Boon moments from this interview:

- Again flaunting 4 years of development for MK1 as it was a good thing.
- MK9 got a whopping 6 months from WB to make it THE BEST SELLER blablabla. Yet, 10 years later, 4 years is not enough.
- Then under same breath, "NO MORE 4 YEARS FOR NEXT MK GAME!!".
- Shitting on Midway 3D Era "TOO MUCH!!! TOO FREQUENT!!!". But being known now for COD of fighting games is.... fine?
- What happened to "LONGEST SUPPORTED MK EVER!!!11"?

The problem always starts at the top. Eddy is part of the problem. I love how people are solely blaming WB, but this isn't WB speaking here, it's Eddie and he basically confirms once again that NRS and WB share the same bed.