Still no confirms as not everything has been listed/reported on other sites so far. That applies to both klassic kostumes and klassic fatalities. People happened to jus figure out the inputs for doing klassic fatalities so jus do that regarding them. Far as the klassic kostumes goes no one has unlocked any. There's still a bunch of secrets etc. for us to figure out so i think they'll eventually pop up. We'll jus have to wait and see. Also welcome to TRMK~ ;p
I recommend you do what im going to do (sadly stuff didn't work out so i have to get it on release date T.T). All im going to do is spend few coins on a few things from my list that i'd like but then again now i think about it... Alternate costumes have been said to be unlockable in ladder so no point in buying them. So I'm jus going to unlock 2-3 char's alts and the fatalities i'll do the inputs since both of these you don't have to unlock in the Krypt to get them. So jus get anything of importance to you but keep it small. Spend the rest on what's not listed in this list in one of the areas. I'll be doing the same thing once i get my copy on Tues.
Also you mind logging the coffin numbers along with the area they were in and post them here to add to the list?