Krypt - Coffin Labels & Rewards Compilation *SPOILERS*


New member
Here's the full Krypt rewards. We've finally uncovered every coffin in the Krypt. Special thanks to Nick84therock for helping me with the rest of the coffins. As well as others who contributed to. Enjoy~
4 5k Koin Hidden Chests said:
1) Deadlands: approach the tomb of DL45 head left towards DL52 look forward and right a little bugs appear near a patch of grass
2)Hollow of Infestation: follow the wall from the lake where the area starts go along six skulls bugs appear under it
3)Bloodmarsh: Head right from BM81 under the skull on the wall
4)Meadow of Despair: from the back row head left from the left most iron maiden on top of a slight mound is more bugs

NOTE: Visit the Nekropolis to obtain the costume after purchasing from Krypt.
Color Codes: Fatality | Kombat Kode | Music | Costume



1. Free Grave (you get at the beginning of the Kyrpt)
2. Temple Music
3. Johnny Cage Fatality Sketch
4. Dead Pool Concept
5. Jade Fatality (Half Mast)
6. Stryker Primary Costume Concept
7. Reptile Alternate Costume Concept (Alternate Costume Unlock)
8. Pit (Night) Concept
9. Wasteland Music

10. Blocking Disabled 020 020
11. Cyber Sub-Zero Concept
12. Jumping Disabled 831 831
13. Evil Monastery Concept
14. Kitana Primary Costume Concept
15. Johnny Cage Alternate Costume Concept (Alternate Costume Unlock)
16. Rooftop (Dawn) Concept
17. No Blood 900 900
18. Hell Speed Painting 2
19. Sonya Fatality Sketch

20. Scorpion Shadow Render
21. Ermac Fatality (Pest Control)
22. Tormentor Model
23. Sektor Fatality Sketch
24. Noob Primary Costume Concept
25. Dark Kombat 022 022
26. Armory Music
27. Sonya Primary Costume Concept
28. Sheeva Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
29. TaiGore Model

30. Kano Fatality Sketch
31. Raiden Render
32. Hyper Fighting 091 091
33. Armory Concept
34. Baraka Alternate Damage Concept
35. Scorpion Fatality Sketch
36. Mileena Reveal Render
37. Kabal 2nd Fatality (It Takes Guts)
38. Courtyard (Night) Concept
39. Jax Primary Costume Concept

40. Baraka Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
41. Sindel Render
42. Flesh Pits Concept
43. Health Recovery 012 012
44. Scorpion Reveal Render
45. Dead Pool Victim Concepts
46. Ermac Primary Costume Concept
47. Sektor Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
48. Courtyard (Night) Music
49. Courtyard Speed Painting 2

50. Kombos Disabled 931 931
51. Scorpion Primary Costume Concept
52. Kano Primary Costume Concept
53. Hell Fatality Sketch
54. Shao Kahn’s Throne Room Concept
55. DeadPool Speed Painting 1
56. Stryker Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
57. Desert Speed Painting 2
58. Rooftop (Dusk) Music
59. Armory Speed Painting 2

60. Graveyard Speed Painting 1
61. Desert Music
62. Sindel Primary Costume Concept
63. Quan Chi Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
64. Kabal Fatality Sketch
65. Shao Khan Render
66. DeadPool Speed Painting 2
67. Pit (Day) Concept
68. Koliseum Speed Painting 2
69. Kitana Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)

70. Kabal Primary Costume Concept
71. Graveyard Music
72. Desert Speed Painting 1
73. Disable Foreground Objects 001 001
74. Sub-Zero Render
75. Flesh Pits Speed Painting 1
76. Kabal Fatality Sketch
77. Goro’s Lair Speed Painting 1
78. Jade Render
79. Johnny Cage Fatality (And The Winner Is)

80. Retro Sub-Zero Render
81. Flesh Pits Speed Painting 2
82. Sonya Alternate Damage Concept
83. Power Bars Disabled 404 404
84. Shao Kahn Concept
85. Soul Chamber Music
86. Sheeva Primary Damage Concept
87. Mileena Primary Costume Concept
88. Kabal Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
89. Noob Primary Damage Concept

90. Courtyard (Day) Concept
91. Smoke Primary Costume Concept
92. Jax Fatality (Three Points!)
93. Ermac Alternate Damage Concept
94. Shao Khan's Throne Room Music
95. Bell Tower Speed Painting 1
96. Psycho Kombat 707 707
97. Bell Tower Speed Painting 2
98. Hell Music
99. Raiden Alternate Damage Concept

100. Raiden Primary Costume Concept
101. Shang Tsung Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
102. Rooftop (Dusk) Concept
103. Kano Alternate Damage Concept
104. Cerberus Model
105. Unlimited Super Meter 466 466
106. Sub-Zero Reveal Render
107. Goro's Lair Concept
108. Shang Tsung's Garden (Night) Concept
109. Sindel Alternate Damage Concept

110. Nightwolf Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
111. Courtyard Speed Painting 1
112. Graveyard Speed Painting 2
113. Dream Kombat 222 555
114. Evil Monastery Music
115. Mileena Primary Damage Concept
116. Explosive Kombat 227 227
117. Sheeva Alternate Damage Concept
118. Retro Scorpion Render
119. Scorpion Alternate Costume Unlock
120. Cyrax Fatality (Nothing But Net)
121. Living Forest Speed Painting 1

Hollow of Infestation

Meadow of Despair
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Re: Krypt - Coffin Labels & Rewards *SPOILERS*

Unlocking an alt render means unlocking the alt for playing too?

+rep for great info ;)
Re: Krypt - Coffin Labels & Rewards *SPOILERS*


1. Living Forest Speed Painting 2
2. Mileena Fatality (Rip Off)
3. Shang Tsung's Throne Room Concept A
4. Evil monastery speed painting 2
5. Noob Saibot Alternate Costume Render (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
6. Sonya Render
7. Noob Alternate Damage concept
8. Noob Saibot Fatality (As One)
9. Dragon Concept

10. Retro Ermac Render
11. Rainbow Kombat 234 234
12. Kung Lao Alternate Damage Concept
13. Sektor Primary Costume Concept
14. Raiden Fatality (Transplant)
15. Shang Tsung Primary Damage concept
16. Shang Tsung Throne Room Music
17. Temple Speed Painting 2
18. Jax Primary Damage Concept
19. Sindel Alternate Costume (Unlocks Alternate Costume)

20. Dead Pool Music
21. Sub Zero Primary Costume Concept
22. Rooftop Dusk Speed Painting 2
23. Kitana Fatality (Splitting Headache)
24. Street Concept
25. Throne Speed Painting
26. Smoke Fatality (Tremor)
27. Nightwolf Primary Costume Concept
28. Soul Chamber Speed Painting 1
29. Ermac Primary Damage Concept

30. Sans Power 044 440
31. Liu Kang Primary Costume Concept
32. Sonya Blade Damage Concept
33. Shang Tsung’s Garden Speed Painting 2
34. Liu Kang Alternate Damage Concept
35. Sonya Fatality (Kut Throat)
36. Soul Chamber Speed Painting 2
37. Mileena Shadow Render
38. Kung Lao Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
39. Street Speed Painting 2

40. Nekropolis Concept 2
41. Silent Kombat 300 300
42. Living Forest Music
43. Parasite Victims render
44. Sindel Fatality (Mouthful)
45. Liu Kang Concept
46. Deadlands Concept 2
47. Specials Disabled 731 731
48. Liu Kang Primary Damage Concept
49. Meadow of Despair Concept 1

50. Jade Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
51. Temple Speed Painting 1
52. Jade Primary Damage Concept
53. Evil Monastery Speed Painting 1
54. Super Recovery 123 123
55. Nightwolf Alternate Damage Concept
56. Wasteland Speed Painting 2
57. Stryker Fatality (Have A Blast)
58. Baraka Primary Costume Concept
59. Nekropolis Concept

60. Throwing Encouraged 010 010
61. Temple Concept
62. Shang Tsung’s Garden (Night) Music
63. Cyber Sub-Zero Fatality (Brain Freeze)
64. Tournament Mode 111 111
65. Subway Speed Painting 1
66. Reptile Fatality Sketch
67. Goro Damage Concept
68. Ermac Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
69. Wasteland Concept

70. Meadow of Despair Concept 3
71. Shang Tsung’s Throne Room Speed Painting 1
72. Scorpion Fatality (Nether Gates)
73. Hallow of Infestation Concept 1
74. Scorpion Fatality Sketch
75. Cyrax Render
76. Reptile Primary Damage Concept
77. Zombie Kombat 666 666
78. Subway Concept
79. Rooftop (Day) Speed Painting 1
80. Koliseum Music
81. Reptile Primary Costume Concept
82. Smoke Alternate Costume Concept (Unlocks Alternate Costume)
83. Mileena Alternate Damage Concept

Hollow of Infestation

1. Koliseum Concept
2. Kung Lao Primary Costume Concept
3. Koliseum Speed Painting 1
4. Baraka Fatality (Take A Spin)
5. Living Forest Concept
6. Street Music
7. Shao Kahn Damage Concept
8. Liu Kang Alternate Costume
9. Cyrax Alternate Damage Concept

10. Rooftop (Day) Concept
11. Graveyard Concept
12. Shang Tsung Fatality (Identity Theft)
13. Shang Tsung Alternate Damage Concept
14. Armory Speed Painting 1
15. Enhance Moves Disabled 051 150
16. Soul Chamber Concept
17. Jade Primary Costume Concept
18. Kano Fatality (Eat Your Heart Out)
19. Goro's Lair Speed Painting 2

20. Sheeva Primary Costume Concept
21. Subway Speed Painting 2
22. Sonya Alternate costume
23. Shang Tsung's Throne Room Speed Painting 2
24. X-rays Disabled 242 242
25. Executioner Concepts
26. Bell Tower Music
27. Shang Tsung’s Garden (Day) Concept
28. Liu Kang Fatality (Beast Within)
29. Bell Tower Concept

30. Quan Chi Fatality Sketch
31. Reptile Alternate Damage Concept
32. Sektor Primary Damage Concept
33. Mileena Alternate Costume
34. Shang Tsung Primary Costume Concept
35. Courtyard (Day) Music
36. Johnny Cage Primary Damage Concept
37. Quick Uppercut Recovery 303 303
38. Goro’s Lair Music
39. Quan Chi Fatality (On Your Knees)
40. Sindel Primary Damage Concept

Meadow of Despair

1. Rooftop (Dusk) Speed Painting 1
2. Nightwolf Fatality (Ascension)
3. Living Forest Trees Concept
4. Flesh Pits Music
5. Nekropolis Concept 6
6. Cyrax Alternate Costume
7. Cyrax Primary Costume Concept
8. Nekropolis Concept 3
9. Armless Kombat 911 911

10. Rooftop (Dawn) Speed Painting 1
11. Sektor Fatality (The Scarcrow)
12. Jax Alternate Damage Concept
13. Meadow of Despair Concept 2
14. Raiden Alternate Costume
15. Street Speed Painting 1
16. Rooftop (Dawn) Speed Painting 2
17. Breakers Disabled 090 090
18. Pit Bottom Concept
19. Hallow of Infestation Concept 2

20. Johnny Cage Primary Costume Concept
21. Sheeva Fatality (Lend A Hand)
22. Desert Concept
23. Kitana Alternate Damage Concept
24. Jade Alternate Damage Concept
25. Kano Alternate Costume
26. Rooftop (Day) Speed Painting 2
27. Retro Reptile Render
28. Throwing Disabled 100 100
29. Shang Tsung’s Throne Room Concept B

30. Shang Tsung’s Garden Speed Painting 1
31. Kung Lao Fatality (Razor’s Edge)
32. Kitana Primary Damage Concept
33. Subway Music
34. Kano Primary Damage Concept
35. Baraka Primary Damage Concept
36. Jax Alternate Costume
37. Goro Render
38. Early Krypt Entrance Concept 3
39. Invisible Kombat 770 770

40. Jax Render
41. Blood Marsh Concept 2
42. Reptile Fatality (Weight Loss)
43. Hell Concept
44. Shao Kahn’s Throne Room Speed Painting 2
45. Vampire Kombat 424 424
46. Scorpion Primary Damage Concept
47. Double Dash 391 193
48. Kitana Render
49. Skeletal Statues Render

50. Sub-Zero Shadow Render
51. Sub-Zero Fatality (Spinal Smash)
52. Pit (Night) Music
53. Ermac Render
54. Sub-Zero Alternate Costume
55. Scorpion Render

Unlocking an alt render means unlocking the alt for playing too?

+rep for great info ;)

Nope it's only just art sadly. Thanks for the rep I just want everyone to come together and have a resource to see what all we want ASAP etc. ;p
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i was watching a stream earlier and number 42 is a flesh pits concept:) i've seen a lot more opened but i just cannot rememer them

only a couple more hundred to go
i was watching a stream earlier and number 42 is a flesh pits concept:) i've seen a lot more opened but i just cannot rememer them

only a couple more hundred to go
Do you know which area it was in? I believe the coffins are in initials after the names followed by a number from what I've seen so far.
Quick question, you have to unlock the fatality in the Krypt before you can perform it in the arcade/versus right?
Nope so long as you know the distance and the input you can do them. Once you do them they'll be put in the move list. Also going to update the coffins in about 30 min to an hour from now. I got some more coffins to log for tonight. ^-^
thank you for this!!! the color coding is extremely beneficial :-)
np np ^-^ After logging like about 30 or so from the vid I decided to keep them organized by numbers but with color code to help separate the categories. Instead of Categorizing them as it'll be easier when your going through the Krypt to see what you want/don't want lol. Glad ya like it. I'll have more up either today or tomorrow as i get my copy in tomorrow so I'll be able to do my own exploring besides only from resources on ze net hehe.
this is fantastic. Thanks!

Question though, does anyone know how to unlock the codes for the stage fatalities? it's not in their moves list...
Keep up the good work on these updates. Hopefully we can have the very full list (including the secrets) at release.