Noob Saibot Rush Down General Synopsis
I won't go into EXTREME detail. I'll just highlight some things.
Basics of pressure in MK9
Most people in MK9 have 2-4 hit string. Most mix ups are found where shortening the string leaves you as close to nuetral advantage or positive advantage.
For example lets start with Noob Saibot's B1,2,1,4 Both the 2, and the 1 in this string have REALLY negative advantage on block giving your opponent optimal time to realize you stopped the string early and counter poke.
B1 however is fast enough that they can't react. So if you do a stand alone B1. More than likely if they are blocking they will remain blocking. This allows you to do something like B1-> Grab.
Once they catch on that you like to end your string early, then they may opt to counter poke right when that B1 ends. They will beat you in a counter poke situation nearly everytime. What you do to counter this, is just finish the string like normal. They will be hit by the 2 that follows it. You can't counter poke B1 on reaction.
However there is another option. You can react to B1 ending early and jump over noob saibot. This will stop any D3, or grabs after B1 that noob tries to do. To counter the jump over. Either finish the string, or you can start a juggle by doing a 1,2 string RIGHT after B1. This will catch them mid air before they can even get over you.
Then you can combo that into 1,2 1,2 DB3 or 1,2 1,2(DU)
other options of mix ups is to randomly mix in your 50/50 projectiles wherever you wish. You might want to throw in a Low slide projectile in place of parts where the strings have an overhead.
2,1,2 hits mid, and can be shortened to either hit as they are both relatively close to nuetral advantage. Leaving little time to recognize a shorten and straight up counter attack.
At points where people can duck your attacks in your strings throw in a DB3 in those moments to prevent being hit.
If you finish a string and throw out a EX DB3, at max range on block you are at a good enough advantage that a projectile will catch them if they try to immediately jump after block. and you get the first move.
F3,3,3 closes space quickly, should mix in portals on hit confirm. It makes them stumble back and you can set up a trap. IF you are not sure if you will hit confirm in time. throw an EX portal or a infront of them portal.
while unsafe if you are called out. MOST of the time if you use portal sparringly enough you can catch people in a portal on their counter poke. on EX they hang there for a bit and often times you can recover fast enough to chain 1,2
most people don't retreat when they see you throwing a portal so you almost always want to throw it infront of them, or EX it for the speed.
If they jump when you do this... you're going to eat alot of damage.
So lets say you do 2,1>portal. They jump after 1. You are eating full damage. however if you do 2,1 And they jump. 1,2 again will catch them in the air before they can get over you. If they try to recognize the shorten string.
Be sure to grab a lot to open them up. Noob has one of the best grabs. Not only does it look cool, it sets you up at perfect B1, string distance. It'll even stuff some wake up attacks. So mix up block/B1 after grab for the people who can hit you out of it like Raiden's superman attack.
throw many grabs mid string, and also don't forget to occasionally finish your string. Add on top of this D3's during your pressure on people standing to regain advantage.
If you are worried about them counter poke spamming after you poke. Just keep D3'ing until you get a block confirm and then cancel that D3 into a overhead shadow tackle.
To stop your D3 madness they need to either jump, or block low. Punish accordingly. I'll throw 1,2 after D3's if they like to jump alot.
ending combos you successfully land with D,U teleport also leaves them at the desired distance similar to your grab. however if you want to STOP rushing down don't do DU and instead do DB3 -> Back dash if you wish to zone right after.
I'll update more later There is more for me to show you guys.
But the idea is to use all these tools mixed up well enough that they have NO idea what your next move is. The more you force them to think about what you're going to do. That causes them to be reactionary and you're at the advantage.