Robot Rock
They should revamp her moves. But I don't think it would hurt to keep one of her moves for keepsake. Her ground freeze was unique seeing that it stretches across the entire floor.
Although I would like to see if there is a way to fix how to avoid getting frozen.
"I'm just going going to crouch and block at the same time to prevent being frozen from the ground/"
I mean seriously that looked way too silly, even for Mortal Kombat physics. I mean, I know there's hardly any real physics in this game (seeing how we can freeze people in mid air without them dropping, pull limbs off without being weighted down to the ground in order to do so, and so on), but besides Sonya's split fatality making the absolute no sense, blocking Frost's ground freeze is the second most no sense thing to do in this game.
At least in my perspective that is. And let me tell you, I can go on about b!tching about Sonya's leg split fatality. By far the dumbest thing I've seen in this series.
I thought the same thing about blocking Ermac's telekinesis. But maybe when they block, they concentrate too. Making it impossible for Mac Daddy to throw them. And maybe it's the same with an ice ball/ground freeze. It's hard to freeze their tense muscles?
I don't know. I just don't want Frost's full screen ground freeze to be unblockable :laugh: