
They should revamp her moves. But I don't think it would hurt to keep one of her moves for keepsake. Her ground freeze was unique seeing that it stretches across the entire floor.

Although I would like to see if there is a way to fix how to avoid getting frozen.

"I'm just going going to crouch and block at the same time to prevent being frozen from the ground/"

I mean seriously that looked way too silly, even for Mortal Kombat physics. I mean, I know there's hardly any real physics in this game (seeing how we can freeze people in mid air without them dropping, pull limbs off without being weighted down to the ground in order to do so, and so on), but besides Sonya's split fatality making the absolute no sense, blocking Frost's ground freeze is the second most no sense thing to do in this game.

At least in my perspective that is. And let me tell you, I can go on about b!tching about Sonya's leg split fatality. By far the dumbest thing I've seen in this series.

I thought the same thing about blocking Ermac's telekinesis. But maybe when they block, they concentrate too. Making it impossible for Mac Daddy to throw them. And maybe it's the same with an ice ball/ground freeze. It's hard to freeze their tense muscles?

I don't know. I just don't want Frost's full screen ground freeze to be unblockable :laugh:
^^ Well, in 2D gameplay, you cannot sidestep it, so the only option would be jumping over it. Or even better, if you have a character who can teleport... :P

Anyways, I always liked Frost. I liked her story, how she was unpredictable and delirious. I especially liked the segment in MK: Armageddon where you encounter and fight her in the Link Kuei Temple, because she mistakes for Sub-Zero. As far as her moves are concerned, they should definately give her new and UNIQUE special moves, maybe incorporate her icy daggers to her combos, give her better fatalities too. Her design was also great, but I fear she will become just another hoe if she appears in MK10 :P
As far as her moves are concerned, they should definately give her new and UNIQUE special moves, maybe incorporate her icy daggers to her combos, give her better fatalities too. Her design was also great, but I fear she will become just another hoe if she appears in MK10 :P

Thank you.

I have no problem with Frost in MK9, as long as she has unique moves and gets an MK9 Kenshi type of overhaul / facelift.
Frost and Sub-Zero were too similar in the past.
Kenshi and Ermac were too similar in the past as well (pre-MK9), but NRS showed how 2 characters with similar abilities can be vastly improved on and differentiated from each other.
I'm sure she'll keep majority of her original design. I don't think they would drastically change her. Maybe her clothes, but that's about it.
I'm sure she'll keep majority of her original design. I don't think they would drastically change her. Maybe her clothes, but that's about it.
This. If they were to change Frost and redo everything about her, it'd no longer be Frost. Just another kharacter with her name.
I'm sure she'll keep majority of her original design. I don't think they would drastically change her. Maybe her clothes, but that's about it.

Her visual design is fine, but her moves need a facelift.
MK9 Kenshi has proven that this can actually be a good thing.
I thought the same thing about blocking Ermac's telekinesis. But maybe when they block, they concentrate too. Making it impossible for Mac Daddy to throw them. And maybe it's the same with an ice ball/ground freeze. It's hard to freeze their tense muscles?

I don't know. I just don't want Frost's full screen ground freeze to be unblockable :laugh:

Hmm, maybe it can just be a move that has to be a "dodge only" kind of move? Like you have to jump over it in order to not get hit? That's the only thing I can think of. I mean, and I don't know why I'm throwing this in here as an example, like Cyber Sub-Zero is the only character that has to jump for his x-ray.
Like Sub's Ice Puddle?
I'd be down for her long range unblockable if it has shitty start up.

Age: ?
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Resides: ?

You know that she's most likely 18 in MKDA, right?
That would make her about 19 or 20 in MKA.​
I've always thought it would be nice to know the ages of these characters. I mean, we did at the very beginning of the series in the handbooks, but then they stopped. Additional info wouldn't hurt, in fact, it would give more depth to these characters than just figuring out who they are based on their biographies.

And sometimes, even their bios don't even reveal who they are in the clearest of ways.
Frost is a member of the Lin Kuei Ninja Clan,she was Sub-Zero's disciple,Sub-Zero trained her & cared for her until she'd betrayed him,she wanted all the power for herself but it backfired,she ended up being frozen herself in a block of ice.

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I've always thought it would be nice to know the ages of these characters. I mean, we did at the very beginning of the series in the handbooks, but then they stopped. Additional info wouldn't hurt, in fact, it would give more depth to these characters than just figuring out who they are based on their biographies.

And sometimes, even their bios don't even reveal who they are in the clearest of ways.

I've always like knowing their height and ages. Some characters are short as hell lol.
I've always like knowing their height and ages. Some characters are short as hell lol.

They showed us the height and weight in the Deadly Alliance strategy book and I believe that was the last time we saw that. And according to that, Frost was the shortest.

Although in the game, every character basically looked the same height, which I found extremely hilarious.
here's a character i think has/had potential to be something great but instead reduced her to a Filler character.
Own moves
decent background story
but will always be the lesser ice character.

I think if she is to make her return. She should come back much more improved and advance. Maybe not so much to the point were she can defeat Sub-Zero but enough to want to train her and further advance her abilities. Kinda like with her original story line but this time Subz is able to complete her training and she is a good character but still edgy.
Frost MK.jpgMK_Frost_w_Ice_Daggers.jpg
here's a character i think has/had potential to be something great but instead reduced her to a Filler character.
Own moves
decent background story
but will always be the lesser ice character.

I think if she is to make her return. She should come back much more improved and advance. Maybe not so much to the point were she can defeat Sub-Zero but enough to want to train her and further advance her abilities. Kinda like with her original story line but this time Subz is able to complete her training and she is a good character but still edgy.
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Good or bad? I don't know what I prefer from her. I think she will be back at some stage myself. But some character's storylines progress slowly over time the feeling is here that hers will too.
As for her moves, well, she is definitely not the only one who has near or completely identical moves to somebody else and almost all those I do know of who do are because they're under the guidance and training of somebody else (only Reptile in the first game is one I can think of that doesn't have moves that were found through someone else's guidance. This isn't to say that anybody is singling out Frost on here for this purpose only; rather it is merely a factual point of the MK franchise series.
I do think she will return. But who am I to know? Perhaps the storytellers might write her story as one who they kill off completely altogether (think Hsu Hao people). I do not foresee this happening.
The MK10 game saw it progress to a more next generation phase (Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, Takeda, Kung Jin). If this is to continue then I can foresee Frost returning under the tutelage of Sub-Zero.
So that's a start to her story; it will be what happens afterwards that remains to be seen.
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