Did Gamespot leak Soyna?

This also wouldn't be the first time that Sonya Blade wears a military beret, as well.

From MKvsDC, I give you.....................

I've asked this question before on other forums, and it seems like it's getting ignored whether it's because people can't give me an answer or it's just being ignored, but I have a few questions with those who keeps thinking this picture is "Cassie" and not Sonya.

1.) If this is an alternate for Cassie, why is the neck still freakishly long? We have complained to Netherrealm Studios to fix Cassie's long neck and they did. Why would they blatantly ignore the alternate if that is indeed her alt?

2.) Why would she be featured in a different costume when she's always been shown in her one-piece? Granted that we were told in the stream that we have seen alternates already, I really strongly doubt Cassie's one-piece is an alternate.

It's Sonya. Like Commander stated, unless it's said otherwise, I'm convinced this is Sonya.
Sonya, since the very first game, is one of the most boring characters in the series.

With you so far.

Just because she is in doesn't mean its not a wasted slot.

I don't know about that, if you mean as a playable character, then maybe... but as a story character, in the new timeline she's one of the few surviving veterans, the leader of the Special Forces, the wife of Johnny Cage and the mother of Cassie Cage. Her partner Jax is almost certainly in the game and Kano is still on the loose, deadlier than ever. There's plenty for her to do.

She didn't even make it into the second game except as a stage prop.

Aaaaand you lost me. Scorpion, Raiden, and Johnny Cage all didn't make it into MK3, so what now? They're as boring as Sonya?
Just watched the Gamespot video for the first time. Who the hell directed this? This is one of the worst videos I have ever seen. Why are they filming it like its a movie if they are just talking about the game? Also, if they are just talking about the game, why script that?

Anyways, I wouldnt say this confirms Sonya as a playable character just yet. For all we know it could be Cassie's alternate costume
Anyways, I wouldnt say this confirms Sonya as a playable character just yet. For all we know it could be Cassie's alternate costume

You've just summoned Commander again. Sonya deniers killed his clan, now he's a netherrealm vengeful spectre hunting down posts about Sonya not being in.
To be fair, Sonya deniers are reaching at this point. You can be skeptical, but to be outright convinced of her exclusion is pigheaded at best, given this laundry list of possible evidence:

-*NEW* Sonya's face in the faction page

-Boon questioning the fanbase's leaps in logic about Cassie replacing Sonya

-Boon claiming there will be characters with aged variations (we haven't seen any so far!)

-Boon claiming family members will be doing fatalities on each other

-Adam Urbano accidentally saying you can play as Johnny Cage in the Gamespot PAX demo

-German Gamepro leak that also leaked Kano mentioned Sonya and Johnny as playable (tenuous credibility)

-Both characters survived MK9. Who else is gonna fight on the side of Earthrealm in the Netherrealm War portion of the story mode besides maybe Kenshi and Fujin?

-NRS has said time and time again that this game is "the passing of the torch between the old generation and the new". If Johnny and/or Sonya are missing, it isn't a torch getting passed, so much as a torch getting put out and replaced.

-NRS loves including most, if not the entirety, of the MK1 cast in every next-gen MK game, because they are the dearest to them and they like to revamp them with whatever gimmick they're working with at the time (in this game's case: variations).
You've just summoned Commander again. Sonya deniers killed his clan, now he's a netherrealm vengeful spectre hunting down posts about Sonya not being in.

OMG I lold so hard with this :laugh:

Waiting for TT to say about German magazine that leaked Kano.

Why is it so diffuclt to accept that Sonya is back?
I love how many people are in denial about Sonya being in the game, even though it makes logical sense for her to be in and she's constantly been hinted at. You can definitely tell that she's older when you look at both of the faction pictures, so I don't think that's Cassie's alternate.
I don't deny Sonya's involvement in the game but until she is confirmed or denied i won't make any assumptions

But i will say:
Cassie is in the Game, no need for Sonya IMO
Johnny Cage would be better for the game bc his Character while the Comic relief is Bad Ass
Yes i am a hater and i hate the fact that sonya is in mkx. Two blond military women and you guys were complaining about reptile and ermac returning. Atleast they are different ffrom everyone else.
Sonya, well. I was one of the people claiming it would
be unlikely for her to be playable, cause of Cassie. I like
what we see of her. Kinda reminded me of Sarah Connor
of the Terminator 2 Movie. Keep the good work up, NRS.
Yes i am a hater and i hate the fact that sonya is in mkx. Two blond military women and you guys were complaining about reptile and ermac returning. Atleast they are different ffrom everyone else.

You knew that 8 months ago.

And by the way, Cassie's moveset is NOT a copy of Sonya's, and we have witnesses to back that up, another thing you knew 8 months ago.

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Am not talking about the moveset. Am talking about the concept and looks. They are both military women and look alike so much. and based on that they don't share the same movesets nobody should be mad with the palette swap ninjas, they look the same but they have different moves