Dat Ending, Doe! (spoilers... Just play the game already!)


New member
I think there's a few story threads but I wanna talk about that ending in this one...

What the hell was that with Raiden at the end? I don't think he's neccesarily "corrupted" by the jensei at the end, just pissed that Earth keeps getting attcked. He said he's still protecting Earth, just that he's going to go HAM on the other realms. Maybe he's just fed up and using the amulet to boost his power to do so? And the amulet is making him look all renevant-y??? I dunno that was kinda a weird ending... Why not just restore all the dead soldiers and do that in human form?

Also... How much brain damage did Quan Chi take? The whole game was him getting multiple concussions

And my other question... How was renevant-sub zero human?? That wasn't even touched on or explained. Was it that his cyber body died but his human form came out of that blood pit? Then when his curse was broken he just stayed human?
yeah i think this was raiden being corrupted by the jinsei. MKD raiden was also simply corrupted so it seems this is also going along the same lines. even his MO is the same (defend earthrealm at all costs)

as for sub zero: quan chis process didnt take your body, it literally took your soul and made a new you(why revenant cyber sub was in MK9 remains unexplained, posibly retconned) but yeah it apparently clones you into a new body, hence it made human sub zero.
I'm just wondering why we don't have revenant Raiden as a costume in-game? It's pretty bad ass. Unless it is in and I just haven't seen it yet.
That cliffhanger got my confused as hell at the start. Til I read something that made it a bit more clear for me. All I gotta say is atleast make the reverent's more different looking in MKII than all of them sharing the same gray skin, orange veins in eyes.

Also, anyone remember one of the streams they said we might be looking at their alt costumes rather than their mains. Well if they mean the ones in the story is their main costumes.

Revenant adaptions of Kitana, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao could be the real main costumes.

Kuai Lang over classic Sub-zero.

Hanzo over classic Scorpion.

It's just a thought though.
I liked the ending and i love Dark Raiden, liked him in Deception a lot.
But what i dont really like in his mkX appearance is that he looks too much of a revenent than a corrupted god, he has the same orange/yellow eyes and gray skin as a revenent.
They shouldve made his skin either really pale or dark and red eyes just like in Deception to lessen the confusion for newer players.
Also... How much brain damage did Quan Chi take? The whole game was him getting multiple concussions

I'm a huge Quan Chi fan and even though he was the main bad guy along side Shinnok he didn't even get a proper chapter! The ending was definitely worser than mk9 and thats saying a lot. I honestly don't know where they can go from here NRS should've thoroughly thought out this new retelling
Anybody else hate how cheesy and bad it was that Cassie was the hero who defeated Shinnok? Worse new character by far. I thought the Raiden portion was great though. Idk if he's corrupted or really did just have enough with the other realms. He looks awesome though. I also like that Lui Kang and kitana are the new rulers of netherrealm. It'll be interesting to see where that goes.

I also have a question. So happy that Scorpion got his justice, but what happens to quan chi after his death? Hes from netherrealm so does he just get sent back there or does he now cease to exist?
I also have a question. So happy that Scorpion got his justice, but what happens to quan chi after his death? Hes from netherrealm so does he just get sent back there or does he now cease to exist?

I've been having this question in my head for Noob Saibot.
Noob was neither confirmed dead or alive in MKX, but if he did die, does he also just go back to the NetherRealm?
Well in the tower endings of Raiden and Kotal Khan, instead of waiting for the next attack on Earthrealm Raiden (Now on offence) attacks outworld leaving Kotal to ask the Elder Gods for an MK tournament, which should hopefully be canon, as well as multiple endings pointing to the return of Shang Tsung and Taven also Kitana's vision giving an incentive to attack Raiden. I don't know if it just felt quick or the coverage of the game was so deep but Story mode felt way short and the end scene save the whole thing IMO.
I've been having this question in my head for Noob Saibot.
Noob was neither confirmed dead or alive in MKX, but if he did die, does he also just go back to the NetherRealm?

Well Sareena mentioned that Bi Han showed her that should could be cleaned so this could mean that he escaped being Noob and reformed his soul, or she's talking about a time line earlier than shown on these mk games.
or she's talking about a time line earlier than shown on these mk games.

That's exactly what she was talking about.
She was talking about MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, which takes place before MK1, before the timeline skewed.
Then maybe Fujin can finally be playable, seeing as he's already gotten screwed out of being in 2 games (MK9 and MKX).

Yes! I would absolutely love that, having Dark Raiden being the final boss, and having Fujin being the new protecter of Earthrealm, guiding the heroes etc. I've wanted that since MK4! Well, the Dark Raiden part was added at MKD, but yeah... :P
Yes! I would absolutely love that, having Dark Raiden being the final boss, and having Fujin being the new protecter of Earthrealm, guiding the heroes etc. I've wanted that since MK4! Well, the Dark Raiden part was added at MKD, but yeah... :P

I've wanted Fujin to be playable in MKX, regardless of Dark Raiden or not, but I guess that my best bet is MK11.
I'm going to see if I can do a 4-year Fujin petition, so that maybe by the time that MK11 comes out it'll have 50,000 signatures.
Seems like that's the only way to be heard, these days. :|
I think there's a few story threads but I wanna talk about that ending in this one...

What the hell was that with Raiden at the end? I don't think he's neccesarily "corrupted" by the jensei at the end, just pissed that Earth keeps getting attcked. He said he's still protecting Earth, just that he's going to go HAM on the other realms. Maybe he's just fed up and using the amulet to boost his power to do so? And the amulet is making him look all renevant-y??? I dunno that was kinda a weird ending... Why not just restore all the dead soldiers and do that in human form?

Also... How much brain damage did Quan Chi take? The whole game was him getting multiple concussions

And my other question... How was renevant-sub zero human?? That wasn't even touched on or explained. Was it that his cyber body died but his human form came out of that blood pit? Then when his curse was broken he just stayed human?

Raiden had to clean the Jinsei Shinnok had poisoned with his tainted, dark soul.

It was his job. Letting the Jinsei corrupted, almost turning our realm into hell, meant Raiden's failure.

So he entered the Jinsei, and having the ability to absorb its properties (remember that he does that to revitalize himself), he filtered the corruption into himself.

For this reason, Raiden lost his notion of principles, his care of rules, of balance. Ages working alone, trying to defend his realm, being slapped in the face every freaking time, having to compete in a BS tournament to not see Earthrrealm succumb into the hands of merge realming perverts.

As in the unchanged timeline, he is tired, he is pissed off. Shinnok's corruption (we can say that, read the description of Raiden's Dark outfit in the game) freed the machiavellic mind of Raiden, the same way Onaga's presence did once. But this time, it's within him, and as it seems, he discovered the power of the Amulet as a weapon, not a tool.

What he did to Shinnok was the most cruel ending ever, IMO. He couldn't kill Shinnok, but he didn't let him live. Ok, it's Shinnok. But dude, Raiden doing that? Incredible how he is pissed off. Shinnok is in catatonic state, his head can't work properly without his body, so he condemned Shinnok to "almost life".

He will keep protecting Earthrrealm. But if in the past he yelled to the skies and tried to make rules, now, instead of those idiotic rules that always let millions die, he will crush his opponents, and if he has to (look at the endings), he will subdue their realms. Raiden will bring destruction to all Earthrrealm's enemies - and by consequence, IMO, bringing instability, war, and Armageddon, the very fate he vowed to avoid.
[MENTION=18014]theincubuslord[/MENTION] Raiden is still Earthrrealm's protector. Fujin is cool, I wish him as DLC, but I prefer him out of the duty of protector. Raiden is the top protector (even if he doom us all lol). And I'm already quoting you because I said bad things about Cyber Subby. Nice to see you again, buddy :)

About Sub-Zero, we shall see on sunday. But IMO it's explained. The person starts dyings and gains a new body on Quan Chi's pit. After dead, the soul is his to take, and the revenant is complete. They probably ignored that Cyber revenant of MK9 and when Sub-Zero died, he was revived on the pit as Kuai Liang, normally (as he should be!!!).
Raiden had to clean the Jinsei Shinnok had poisoned with his tainted, dark soul.

It was his job. Letting the Jinsei corrupted, almost turning our realm into hell, meant Raiden's failure.

So he entered the Jinsei, and having the ability to absorb its properties (remember that he does that to revitalize himself), he filtered the corruption into himself.

For this reason, Raiden lost his notion of principles, his care of rules, of balance. Ages working alone, trying to defend his realm, being slapped in the face every freaking time, having to compete in a BS tournament to not see Earthrrealm succumb into the hands of merge realming perverts.

As in the unchanged timeline, he is tired, he is pissed off. Shinnok's corruption (we can say that, read the description of Raiden's Dark outfit in the game) freed the machiavellic mind of Raiden, the same way Onaga's presence did once. But this time, it's within him, and as it seems, he discovered the power of the Amulet as a weapon, not a tool.

What he did to Shinnok was the most cruel ending ever, IMO. He couldn't kill Shinnok, but he didn't let him live. Ok, it's Shinnok. But dude, Raiden doing that? Incredible how he is pissed off. Shinnok is in catatonic state, his head can't work properly without his body, so he condemned Shinnok to "almost life".

He will keep protecting Earthrrealm. But if in the past he yelled to the skies and tried to make rules, now, instead of those idiotic rules that always let millions die, he will crush his opponents, and if he has to (look at the endings), he will subdue their realms. Raiden will bring destruction to all Earthrrealm's enemies - and by consequence, IMO, bringing instability, war, and Armageddon, the very fate he vowed to avoid.

[MENTION=18014]theincubuslord[/MENTION] Raiden is still Earthrrealm's protector. Fujin is cool, I wish him as DLC, but I prefer him out of the duty of protector. Raiden is the top protector (even if he doom us all lol). And I'm already quoting you because I said bad things about Cyber Subby. Nice to see you again, buddy :)

About Sub-Zero, we shall see on sunday. But IMO it's explained. The person starts dyings and gains a new body on Quan Chi's pit. After dead, the soul is his to take, and the revenant is complete. They probably ignored that Cyber revenant of MK9 and when Sub-Zero died, he was revived on the pit as Kuai Liang, normally (as he should be!!!).

I was just wondering what do you mean on Sunday we will find out what about Sub Zero? Are you referring that we will learn what his actual skin is in the game? Like how the revenant skin of Liu Kang, Kitana, and Kung Lao are their actual skin in the game? And possibly cyber sub is his canon skin in this game?

Hey, in my eyes, Cyber Subbie is best Subbie. Loved him. ;P

I second that, I thought it was a brilliant plot device, a really good twist to the original timeline. I hope Cyber Sub Zero stays as a main in this time line. We can have the reemergence of Bi Han as the classic sub Zero we all know and love, while having Noob Saibot as a separate being due to the events of MK9.