Immortal Reaver
Well-known member
"Safeties Disabled; Combat Mode Engaged!"

See Saw: 1 1 1 (the last hit is an overhead hit so if they are crouching and blocking it will still hit them)
Steel Fists: 1 2 1
Power Plant: 1 2 3
Mustard: 2 1 2 (the last hit is an overhead hit so if they are crouching and blocking it will still hit them)
Saw Enough: 2 2 F+1
Kombat Boots: 3 3 4
Cyber Beatdown: B+1 2 1 2 (press 2 1 2 rapidly)
-13 hits 40%: 2 1, EX Bomb, B+2, Dash, 2 1, Net, Dash, 3 3, Ragdoll, Throw
-9 Hits 28%: 3 3, Net, EXbomb, B+2, Anti-Air.
-14 hits 33%: jump punch, 2, 1, Net, B+2, Dash, 2, 1, EX Bomb, Dash, 2, 1, Ragdoll, Throw.
-8 Hits 33%: 3 3, Net, B+2, Xray.
-6 Hits 37%: Bomb Far, Bomb Close, Net, Xray.
Bomb (Close): B B 4
This throws out a bomb at sweep distance. This is good to keep aggressive players at bay. The EX version of this is extremely useful in setting up combos.
Bomb (Medium): F F 4
This throws out a bomb mid-screen. This is really good for defensive players. It also works VERY WELL against most Scorpion players. They usually keep their distance and hellfire or spear. If there is a bomb under them, they are forced to teleport. So throw a mid-bomb, then block. They will most-likely teleport punch. DO NOT punish the teleport punch with an uppercut. Punish it with the most powerful combo you can do. If they don't teleport, they will jump forward or get hit by the bomb. If either of these happen, use a net to catch them in the air.
Bomb (Far): B B F 4
Most of the time I don't use far bombs. But they can be useful if you are on a heavy offense with someone backing up. Throw out a far bomb then dash forward a couple times and they either have to face you head-on or take the risk of backing up into a bomb. Personally I just stick to close and far bombs. But don't be afraid to experiment.
Net: B B 3
Just a side note, the Net in this game looks AMAZING! It's really good for setting up easy combos. If you catch someone in a net, DO NOT punish with just a single throw or uppercut. Always take this opportunity to string a combo. The EX net is my favorite special move in the whole game because it drains a bar of the other player's super meter. You need to leave them in the EX net for a second to let it drain to the max. You'll hear a beeping sound, it will sound 5 times. Right after the 5th beep, start to combo before they break free. Most players rely on Xrays to win, and without their super meter they will not know what to do. Most of the time they won't even throw out EX specials because they keep wanting to save up for Xray. So if you're playing against the average player, using an EX net is basically disabling their super meter.
Teleport: D B 1 >Can be done in the air
Teleporting is great for mind games. Teleporting then sweeping the legs (B+4) can be useful. Teleporting is also a great way to build up meter. Usually when I catch people in a net I like to add in a Teleport just for a little bit of a meter boost. It's also great for getting yourself out of the corner of the screen, or putting people in the corner by luring them then teleporting.
Buzzsaw: B F 2
The Buzzsaw isn't that great of a special move. It puts the enemy on the ground so you can't combo from it. It can be a decent mind game trick to EX buzzsaw because it sends it flying as a projectile. But the buzzsaw is high risk and little reward so I usually don't use it.
Reverse Kick and Ragdoll: D F 3, Throw button >Throw Immediately
The Reverse Kick can be a good and also really flashy way to end a combo. If you go to the advanced combos, the one at the top of the list is a perfect example. Ending a combo with 3 3 D F 3 Throw adds a bit of damage and is also a crowd pleaser. I usually don't use this special by itself though.
Anti-Air: D F 1 >Victim must be in the air
This special move is extremely useful. It's great to use against people who jump a lot. It's also good for anti-teleporting. If you time it just right you can throw someone who just teleported. Kung Lao's teleport is the easist to anti-air. It's also good for throwing people off. Teleport once or twice, then instead of teleporting again do an anti-air next to them and it acts like a teleport putting you on the other side of them. B+2 launcher is a great setup for anti-air also. Using anti-air is also a good way to "dash" forward quickly, especially if they are in a net and you want to close the distance but not teleport to the other side of them.
With Cyrax you want to play defensively as well as offensively, mixing it up. I usually play defensively by throwing out a bomb or two on screen, then teleport and start my offense while they are worrying about avoiding the bombs. The MOST IMPORTANT THING that you have to know with Cyrax is what's known as the bomb trap, which I'll add a section strictly for it under this one. It's that important.
Mixing up teleports and anti-airs as well as mixing in some bombs are great ways to play mind games. To be a good Cyrax player you have to be good at setting people up and predicting what they will do. Throwing bombs then teleporting is a good shock tactic that puts players on the edge of their seat.
Cyrax also has some very good combos to pull off against blockers. Use the 1 1 1 or 2 1 2 combos against crouching and blocking players. He doesn't have any combos that mix in a low hit so against standing blockers you need to put a bomb under their ass, leg sweep, or throw.
To use some of Cyrax's special moves effectively, you need to combo into them. Press 3 3 then the special move you want to do. 3 3 net and 3 3 EX bomb are my bread and butter for combos. Try not to start off a combo with the net though, because it will make the combo lower in damage. Mainly use the net in combos where you need to net them in the air to continue.
I advise NOT using human Cyrax. Doing some combos are slightly different because of the different animations. I have a harder time performing the bomb trap with human Cyrax VS the cyborg version. The human version has a faster and safer teleport, but slower bombs and nets. Since nets and bombs are far more important than teleporting, I use the cyborg version.

Ahh... the infamous bomb trap. Some say it's overpowered, broken, or anything else. It is NOT! People say it's broken because they can't do anything while it's going on. But... DUH! That happens when any character combos you.
Now, how to do the bomb trap.
You're going to need to know the Cyber Beatdown combo, and perfect it. The Cyber Beatdown combo is in the basic combos in this thread. This combo is a command grab. When you grab them, you need to press the other buttons very quickly afterward. It's weird getting used to at first, but you'll get the hang of it.
Once you're good at the Cyber Beatdown combo, it's time to add in the trap.
Immediately after CB, throw a mid bomb. After the punches in CB it forces the player to stagger backwards and they cannot block or control their character. Immediately after the bomb is thrown, dash forward. Then immediately start doing a combo, I usually do 1 1 1. If timed correctly, you will get your combo off then the bomb will send them flying in the air for further comboing. I usually like to catch them in an EX net afterward.
A good way to start the bomb trap is to capture them in a net on the ground, or jump forward towards them then land with a punch them immediately start the bomb trap combo.
Now, how to do the bomb trap.
You're going to need to know the Cyber Beatdown combo, and perfect it. The Cyber Beatdown combo is in the basic combos in this thread. This combo is a command grab. When you grab them, you need to press the other buttons very quickly afterward. It's weird getting used to at first, but you'll get the hang of it.
Once you're good at the Cyber Beatdown combo, it's time to add in the trap.
Immediately after CB, throw a mid bomb. After the punches in CB it forces the player to stagger backwards and they cannot block or control their character. Immediately after the bomb is thrown, dash forward. Then immediately start doing a combo, I usually do 1 1 1. If timed correctly, you will get your combo off then the bomb will send them flying in the air for further comboing. I usually like to catch them in an EX net afterward.
A good way to start the bomb trap is to capture them in a net on the ground, or jump forward towards them then land with a punch them immediately start the bomb trap combo.
Let me know if this helps you guys play a better Cyrax.

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