Confirmed list of unlocked 2nd Fatality inputs

Most of the Babalities seem to be either their old ones from the snes games or slight variations of them so can anyone else try the last 5, I gotta split. Almost there!

Pls amend your fatality list because the Stage Fatality for Baraka & Sheeva seems to be: D, D, D, D, instead of: D, D, D, .
First I could not do Baraka's stage fatality but I tried spamming the D button and then it worked and came up in the move list as 4 x D instead of 3 times. Same goes for Sheeva. :-)
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I see that it says you only need 4 more however nowhere in the thread did I see scorpions babality. It is d,b,f,d 2. Sorry if this is a repost. Also, I can confirm scorps 5 fatals as split decision, nether gate, toasty, stage fatal and babality.
Scorpion Stage Fatality: F,U,U Square on PS3

I am having a lot of difficulty with this stage fatality. (Always have had trouble with the ones that you have to hit "Up"). I read somewhere that all stage fatalities must be done right next to the victim, but I can never get scorpion's to work. I KNOW the pit fatality is done right next to the guy and I still cannot get it to work. I even try holding block when doing the fatality. Anyone got any advice?

Also for the stage fatalities, is it true that you have to be right next to them? because it says "varies". If not, can someone let me know where to stand in each one? Is there a list somewhere?

I see that it says you only need 4 more however nowhere in the thread did I see scorpions babality. It is d,b,f,d 2. Sorry if this is a repost. Also, I can confirm scorps 5 fatals as split decision, nether gate, toasty, stage fatal and babality.

I confirm this works.

TO Legend_KIlla:

Hold Block and press Forward Up Up release block and hit Square.