New member
Confirmed Jade Babality:
D, D, F, D, 4 (jump)
I confirm this.
Confirmed Jade Babality:
D, D, F, D, 4 (jump)
Confirmed Katina Babality:
Ermac bablity!!! d,d,b,d, triangle/y/2 (Jump)
Scorpion Stage Fatality: F,U,U Square on PS3
I see that it says you only need 4 more however nowhere in the thread did I see scorpions babality. It is d,b,f,d 2. Sorry if this is a repost. Also, I can confirm scorps 5 fatals as split decision, nether gate, toasty, stage fatal and babality.
Any request im to lazy to post them all I have,all fatalities and stage fatalities from the guide no babalities in there tho (smh)
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Missing Quan Chi & Johnny Cage's babalities on top of these. Could you share the inputs thxBaraka, Kabal, Noob Saibot, and Raiden's Babalities left.
All good I'm gonna try comparing the umk3 & mk2 inputs now see if I find somethingMy Mistake Baraka, Kabal, Noob Saibot, Raiden, Quan Chi & Johnny Cage's Babalities left.