Charecter Availability

my personal opinion is that is of scorpion. if you look at all the movies they don;t show him at all but most of the other characters. It is possible that he wants revenge on shang tsung and he fights along side liu kang and kung lao. another possible character is noob, i say this because iread somewhere that it was a shadowy character or dark character. who knows, won't find out till sept 19. the demo most likely won't have the unconfirmed character.
So I guess I was right :)

Prophet said:
Wouldn't it make sense if the other unlockable besides Sub-Zero was Scorpion? It makes sense, as they both tie in, and Ed Boon said that Scorpion was his favorite character.
It seems odd that they would give that away when that was supposed to be the big secret. Hmm... I'm thinking there might still be a couple more after this (although I'm probably wrong). At any rate, though, that's awesome. I'd rather have Kitana, but that'll still kick a ton of ass.
Yeah I know. I do hope there will be more hidden characters. However, not sure if that will happen either. Shaun did state that they could of either made the game with a whole lot of fighters being less decked out or having less fighters but, having them really decked out. I do have to agree that I would rather have the few fighters really being decked out in all there moves, finishers, etc. Oh well, so we know that 4 fighters in adventure and 8 in VS for now anyway. Who knows though. There could be more. Midway is known for there love for secrets and rumors. I still want to know more info on the smoke mission levels.
Character Availibility

Wait!!! Scorpion is the 4th hidden fighter for story mode?! Darn I was hoping it would be Smoke!!! :(
It is rumored, or said that smoke is in the game and there are missions with him. I have a picture from MKO of him.


and from TRMK

Yeah those pics have been on this site for a long time. I am interested to see what the smoke missions are like. 2 weeks until release
Re: Charecters

xiller619 said:
In the game shoalin monks you can unlock a couple of charecters like johnny cage sub-zero and others
Yeah, but i'm pretty sure that those are only in vs mode. I thought only Lui, Kung, Sub, and Scorp were in adventure mode...
Guys, I'm telling you, it is Sub-zero and scorpion. Haven't you guys seen those leaked pics from the french version? It is Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

For the record, I predicted Scorpion before the leaked pics </brag>
True that it is. Sub and Scorp are the hidden ones. As much as I hope to see another hidden fighter in adeventure too, Shaun did say that they didn't want a lot of playable characters in adeventure mode not being that decked out. So they went with 4 characters being really decked out for adeventure. Same thing with VS mode too. I am glad they thought of that. It would remind me too much of the MKA movie. Throwing in way too many fighters and hardly most of them fought. That movie was crap. Anyway, 6 DAYS TO GO!