Immortal Reaver May 27, 2011 Thanks xP I tried to make it like UMK3. The winner gets the Burgerking crown. haha
Immortal Reaver May 26, 2011 I just edited the tournament thread with my picture for the tournament bracket, check it out.
I just edited the tournament thread with my picture for the tournament bracket, check it out.
Notorious J.I.Z. May 15, 2011 you have to join it yourself. We only give 10s here! you have to join it yourself. We only give 10s here!
Immortal Reaver May 9, 2011 I added one of your Jade combos because Jade already has quite a few. Scorpion only had 2 listed before so I added all of yours. Thanks for helping out.
I added one of your Jade combos because Jade already has quite a few. Scorpion only had 2 listed before so I added all of yours. Thanks for helping out.
Patrick McCarron Apr 24, 2011 You need to Private Message him, not visitor message him, not everyone sees those.
Patrick McCarron Apr 24, 2011 It runs whenever. Just contact your guy via PM here on TRMK to find out when you two can play.