Rain: A Manifesto

^pretty good! One thing i would have liked is to have seen more of is his pride as a prince and as a demigod rather than so much focus on him being cowardly and seeking empathy.
I would prefer him to have more of a sinister/pompous attitude toward others showing very little sympathy looking down of others because he is high born.
But pretty good stuff!
Totally get where you are coming from! Don't worry, that prideful, posh and royalist attitude will be gradually coming soon. After all, he doesn't know he's highborn yet.
I never go outside the MKX forum, my bookmark is even a direct acces to that forum lol, I'm glad I stepped out to the main forum page to find this, even though I haven't read it yet, I'm intrigued, I'll read it soon, after my bloody physics test.
I think that it's great so far. I love your writing style and development of Rain throughout the story. :) I hope that you continue.