New online player


New member
Hello, I just started playing mortal kombat 9 online and i get killed half of the time by people who spam with scorpion, reptile or noob I mainly use Jade but i never rly have a chance to do any combos that I have been practicing with, any suggestions on how to get better with Jade and a better player overall ?
I main jade on xbl gt:feloniousrick

jade is a good rushdown character and shcan keep people away with her staff. check out the jade thread it has some awesome combos
This is kind of irrelevant to the post so I apologize and I cant post threads for some reason so I would like to ask if anybody knows how around how many gigs of data are used if I play MK9 online on my PS3 for like 3 or 4 hours everyday day for a month? I just got a new plan and I don't want to exceed my limit, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can someone describe the menu layout for me. I tried to get my screenreader to do it, but it wouldn't read it to me (a screenreader's a software that blind people use to read the screen). I need this information so I can find the online mode.
Don't ONLY focus on doing combos online, though.
Get to know your character and how your character matches up VS different characters on the roster.
Get to know your character's strengths and weaknesses.
Combined with those 2 things (match up knowledge + strengths & weaknesses), combo knowledge can go a LONG way to help you getting wins online.

Also, there's lag online, where there is NO lag playing offline.
You need to practice getting your timing online, which is different than playing offline.
Don't just expect your online combos to work exactly as they do offline, as you may have to pause between inputs differently online than you would normally offline.

The specific character threads can help you A LOT too, as people have spent time mastering those characters and getting better with those individual characters.

I hope these tips help.

Welcome to TRMK, and to MK9.
Happy gaming. :)
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Can someone describe the menu layout for me. I tried to get my screenreader to do it, but it wouldn't read it to me (a screenreader's a software that blind people use to read the screen). I need this information so I can find the online mode.

I'm not very good at explaining in detail how it looks so im hoping somebody else will see your post and describe so you can have a better idea of what it looks like but ill help you get to the online mode , so menu is pretty much just a list on the left side of the screen and after it loads it should say press start and once you do you will hear a hard hitting sound like a crash or something (This is a animation of scorpion uppercutting sub-zero) so once that happens you can scroll throughout the menu, you will automatically be on "Fight" which is what you will want to do for the 1 player arcade ladder, then if you press down once you will be on "story mode" which is the story mode in which you will be different characters and play through the games story then if you press down again you will be on "challenge tower" which is a list of 300 challenges that require you to do different things in order to pass them, if you press down again and you will be on the "training option" which like the name suggests you get to fight an opponent of your choice and they wont move or fight back unless you change the settings and want it to react a certain way, then finally press down once more and you will be on the "online" option and all you do is press X or A depending on your console and you will be taken to the online menu, then it will load for a second while retrieving the message of the day then after that is over you will start out on the "ranked match" option which will find another player also looking for a ranked match to play against, then if you hit down instead of clicking ranked match you will be on "player match" which is the same thing but it doesn't affect your ranking on the leaderboards, then if you were to click down again instead of choosing player match you will be on the "private match" which is what you would choose if you just want to play people in your friends and not worry about random people, then if you were to click down again you would be on "join room" which is a bunch of rooms that have other players in them looking for a fight in my opinion this is the fastest way to play a lot of people if you aren't worried about rank and just want to play some people and have fun, then if you clicked down again it would be "private room" which I have never done before but im assuming its just like a regular room but only people in your friends list or people you invite can be in, the next option below that will be "user statistics" and that will just tell you like how many fights you have won and how many you have lost and stuff of that nature, then the option below that is message of the day which I cant remember any of the top of my head but its not that important, it will say stuff like "Mortal kombat Legacy 2 now available to stream" or stuff like that, then the option below that will be " select king of the hill avatar" which you just get to pick what character your avatar is in king of the hill matches which you fight somebody and if you win you are the king of the hill and you keep on fighting other people until you are defeated but the avatar isn't that important its just a mini version of a character that cheers and stuff during the fights I cant remember in what order they are but I remember you mentioning you are good with night wolf and I know he is in there somewhere I just cant remember where he is as all this is off the top of my head and from screenshots from google searches, but anyway I apologize for this being so long and probably confusing but i hope this will help you out a little so you can get to the online menu and have some fun playing against others, I really hope this helps , happy gaming :)
Thanks Blade. That description was fantastic, will hopefully get on this evening.

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