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Synopsis: Thirteen Years after the war against the Reapers, Lisa Arch Dimenia, commander of the SSV-Dynasty, joins a new inter-planetary Force known as the STAR Alliance who are tasked with defending the Galaxy from crimes that may threaten it's safety. However, something dark may be on the rise.
“There are no winners in war. There are only benefits and tragedies.” ~Admiral Shepard
“Urdnot…Wreav.” The Volus called in heavy breaths. He wore Black and Dark Red attire. He was standing in front of Wreav and his 8-man crew on the planet of Garvug.
A few years after the Reaper War ended, the Krogan race has had an influx of births despite Admiral Shepard faking the Genophage Cure. Under Wreav’s rule, the Krogans decided that it was time to exact their revenge on the Turians and Salarians for what they’ve done with the Genophage. Unlike years ago, however, they’ve teams up with the Vorcha and Varren to help take over. After two full years of War, a majority of the Krogan Species decided that revenge was unnecessary. However, Wreav and his strongest supporters still saw an opportunity. Today, they plan to purchase some of the strongest weapons and assets necessary to win the war.
“We’re cutting this meeting short. Do you have the guns?” Wreav asked.
“We...have the guns…indeed.” The Volus responded. “We also have more than 200 Vorcha…Batarians…and even Yagh mercenaries ready for your disposal.”
“That doesn’t sound cheap. I haven’t had an army that strong since last year. This time, they won’t be able to survive. We’re going directly to Palaven.” Wreav stated as he began to chuckle. The Volus pulls out his datapad to add up the assets.
“I’m sure…you know the exact amount from last time. However…we needed to increase…the cost…by double.” The Volus confirmed.
“DOUBLE?!!” Wreav shouted in anger. “Is this some kind of joke, Tamon?!!”
“This is no joke. The cost of these weapons and mercenaries…is high. Not only that…but our risk of being caught…is just as high. Plus…you know you need this deal.” Tamon responded.
“Then we have nothing else to discuss.” Wreav stated.
“The Commander doesn’t believe in second chances. Are you completely sure?” Tamon asked. Wreav and his soldiers pull out their assault rifles and Shotguns as they prepared to assassinate the Volus. Tamon kneels on the ground.
“That’s right Volus. Bow to your new Master. Plead for your life as I claw out your heart!” Wreav shouted. Suddenly, bullets rain from all directions taking out all of Wreav’s men. As each Krogan falls dead, Wreav attempts to fire through the open air. Suddenly, his gun is shot out of his hands by a Sniper hanging on a stealth shuttle.
“Target is solo.” The Sniper stated.
“Roger, K2. I’m coming down now. Everyone else, keep an eye out for any foes…and friendlies.” A female voice commanded. Wreav begins to walk towards his shotgun, but he is prevented from doing so as the gun is taken away by a biotic pull. He trains his eye on the gun as it comes near a female soldier falling from the sky. She had a darker-skin tone, slim build, around 5’10, 26 years old, dressed in Black and Red Serrice Council armor, and her hair was tied in a shoulder length ponytail.
“How long has it been Wreav? Two Years?” the woman asked.
“I should’ve known the false Shepard would arrive.” Wreav mocked.
“All Shepards aren’t related.” The woman stated.
“You’re not as skilled as the real deal, Lisa.” Wreav stated.
“Speaking of deals, it seems that it has been tripled due to your mockery. However, I’m feeling generous since today is my Birthday. I’ll add 100 more soldiers to your purchase on the house.” Lisa responded.
“Just because I’m weaponless, that doesn’t mean that I can’t at least take you down.” Wreav stated.
“I’ll accept your challenge.” Lisa responded as she dropped Wreav’s Shotgun to the Ground. “Headbutt Charge Challenge. First one to break the other’s neck wins. If I win, your credits are mine. If you win, everything I own belongs to you.”
“Heh, If you wanna die that easily, then so be it!” Wreav shouted. He gave a battle cry and charged towards Lisa. A blue biotic aura began to form around Lisa, and it eventually turned red. She leans back as time begins to slow down for a while. Quickly, Lisa performs a powerful biotic charge to Wreav’s Skull. The impact was far too strong for Wreav and it caused his head to be completely cracked open. The shockwave of the attack also caused Wreav to soar backwards into a frozen split in the planet’s crust. Wreav falls to his death, never to be heard again.
“You were right Wreav.” Lisa begins to wipe the Krogan’s blood off of her face as she walks away from the battlefield along with Tamon. “That WAS way too easy.”
“This is K2. Lisa and Co. are ready for Pickup. I repeat, Dynasty ground squad is ready to go.” K2 announces. Lisa and Tamon Join up with K2 as he takes their shuttle to their main cruiser: The SSV-Dynasty.
The cruiser took some inspiration from the SSV-Normandy and the Reaper ships, but it was mainly an Asari Cruiser in design. The colors of the Ship are Black and Red, similar to their armor. The Cruise can hold up to 200 workers, though it only has around 50 much to Lisa’s choice. Most people who fill in for those missing personnel are usually mercenaries or temporary aid. She also decided to modify the Keepers so that they could be the pilots of the ship rather than hiring traditional pilots. It also hosts eight shuttles, four Starships, and ten Combat Mech Suits.
“So…that went well.” The Volus commented.
“The Commander had to do what was necessary. Besides, this is a big score for us.” K2 stated.
“Not as big as it would’ve been if we got him to agree to our terms. His attack on Palaven would’ve given us a new job where we could’ve been hired to keep them safe. We could’ve even gotten more if we turned him in alive.” Lisa responded.
“Don’t think too much on it. At least we’ll be ranking up to the number one spot again above the SSV-Alumina.” K2 added.
“Don’t remind me.”
*Later that Night*
“We saw the video, but it was cut into pieces, just like your past videos.” Councilor Irissa stated.
“You didn’t even record the conversation between the two of you. He could’ve been spilling important information about himself.” Councilor Esheel added.
“Why didn’t you bring him back alive?” Councilor Quentius asked.
“That is all irrelevant. He didn’t even say anything important. He was just blabbering about planning to attack Palaven, but he only had eight supporters left.” Lisa explained. “So, how much did we gain from this?” She asked. Irrisa looked at Esheel who shook her head horizontally. She then looked at Quentius who just rubbed his forehead with his fingers.
“We can’t do more than half—on your Merit points and your crews bonus payment.” Irrisa confirmed.
“Are you serious?!!” Lisa shouted in frustration. “I just ended an entire war for Christ’s sake.”
“That was no war, commander. Wreav only attacked minor Salarians and Turians throughout the entire campaign.” Esheel clarified.
“Besides commander, we still don’t know 100% for sure if the Krogans really were planning something big.” Quentius added.
“As much as I’d like to take your word for it commander, there is nothing I can do.” Irrisa stated.
“Cheer up, commander. You’re 26. You still have a few decades…” Quentius thinks about what he just said. “Ah, you’ve just made 27 today.” He said.
“Councilor Irissa decided that we should reserve the Purgatory Bar for you and your team to celebrate your victory as well as your Birthday.” Esheel added.
“I’m still pissed at you guys for not giving me the pay I deserve.” Lisa responds. She looks towards councilor Irissa who seemed a bit disappointed in her attitude. “I guess this makes me feel somewhat better.”
“Then we shall seek to it that you enjoy yourself. Come to the Citadel tomorrow at 7:00 PM. I’m sure you’re exhausted for tonight. Get some rest commander.” Irissa said as she and the other councilors ended their call.
Lisa rubbed her forehead as she had a hard time figuring out what she was going to do about her payment. Rather than dwell on it all night, she decides to head to her cabin to take a shower. While in the shower, she thinks about everything that has occurred on her birthday. She remembers the many smiles of her crew members as each of them wished her a happy birthday throughout the day. She also remembers the short amount of time she spent Sight-Seeing with her best friend, Emeryl (Em-eer-Ril) Dimenia.
Emeryl is an Asari Commando that befriended Lisa for many years. She is 6’2 and still living in her Matron stage. She has a daughter near the same age as Lisa named Cerine (Seer-ri-nay). Emeryl first met Lisa during their first year of combat training. During the Reaper War, they were fortunate enough to reside on a planet that only had three Reapers on it. K2, who was a novice during that time, led a team that looked after the two girls while fending off the reaper forces. It seemed like yesterday that they had earned their certificate to become members of the STAR Alliance (Special Team of Allied Races). As Lisa finished her shower, she set her alarm and went to bed.
*The next morning*
Lisa rises from her bed and completes her daily exercises. She brushed her teeth and tied her hair back. As she finished getting dressed, she is greeted by the ship’s yeomen, Muriel Summers.
“Hello there, commander.” Muriel said. She was a mid-thirties woman from Australia who was 5’7. She had long curly Light-Brown hair and silver eyes. She was naturally beautiful in the eyes of the crew. She recently joined the Dynasty crew. She secretly dates one of the crew members, though Lisa is the only one outside of their relationship to know the truth.
“Summers.” Lisa said.
“Everyone is waiting for you in the private meeting room. Samuel Adams, Orlando Graine, Emeryl Dimenia, Paul Lance, and Tamon are all accounted for.” She said.
“Great. Prepare for the most depressing meeting ever.” Lisa drug out.
“Did the council shut us down?” Muriel asked.
“They don’t have that kind of power. STAR Alliance consists of purely licensed mercs. However, it seems we won’t be having the funds or support to keep the full crew together for much longer.” Lisa explained thoroughly.
*In the Meeting Room*
“Glad to see you’re all awake.” Lisa began. Sitting at the round table clockwise were Lisa Shepard, Samuel Adams (K2), Paul Lance (Edge), Tamon, Orlando Graine (Lane), and Emeryl Dimenia (Emy).
Samuel Adams is a 52 year old infiltrator class soldier who was born in Mindoir. He is 6’5 and resembles Slade Wilson in some aspects. He had a son and daughter who were living there when the Slavers attacked. He served the alliance for decades. During the time of the Mindoir incident, he was away on a mission. It was the most devastating moment of his life, but it was not the only one. He was the only survivor of the thresher maw attack on Akuze. He has a streak of being lucky seeing how he also survived the Reaper attack on Lusia as well. To this day, he still does not know the fate of his children.
Orlando Graine is a sentinel class ex-N7 who fought in Torfan alongside of Lisa’s brother, Mason Shepard. He is 6’3 and of Asian descent. Only a few years after Torfan, he quit the military to settle down with his family in an unknown galaxy outside of the Milky Way. He returned to the Milky Way 12 years later only to realize that everything changed drastically. He only joined STAR in commemoration of Lisa’s brother Mason.
Paul Lance is an early-20s soldier class member of the SSV-Dynasty and the current boyfriend of Cerine Dimenia, though that info is kept under wraps from Emeryl. He is 5’8 and born on Earth, just like Lisa and her brother. He recently joined the SSV-Dynasty and has become a dedicated member. He disagrees with Lisa’s methods, but refuses to report her activity due to blackmail over his relationship with Cerine. Eventually, he started to cope with everything that was going on.
“So what’s the big fuss?” Orlando asked.
“I’m assuming this has to do with your meeting with the council yesterday.” Emeryl stated.
“Yes and no.” Lisa answered. “The council says we’re definitely getting the first place rank. However, we will only be getting half on both the merit points and the check.”
“My cousin’s doing as always.” Emeryl stated. “She could’ve been generous; we stopped a war after all.”
“Neither she, nor the other councilors, deemed that as a war. And trust me Emy; I think we can both agree that she was more than generous this time.” Lisa responded.
“You do know this isn’t the first time the council has harmed our business right?” K2 announced.
“However…we’re much safer…under the council’s radar.” Tamon assured.
“Yeah, for however long that’ll be.” Paul stated.
“Don’t get so freaked out Paul. The council would never truly investigate our activity. As long as we’re part of the STAR Alliance, nothing we do is considered Illegal unless it is harming the entirety Citadel Space.” Emeryl explained.
“Didn’t you learn that in training?” Orlando asked.
“STAR is supposed to “Protect” Citadel Space through any means necessary.” Paul clarified.
“Paul is absolutely correct. That is the biggest reason we do what we do. You all may have joined for a different reason, but the goal of the SSV-Dynasty crew is to ensure that we build the best defenses ever constructed. To do that, however, will cost us a few arms and legs.” Lisa explained.
“I have a few contacts where my family resides. Maybe I can get them to find us a new source of income there.” Orlando stated.
“I can probably talk with some of the Ardat-Yakshi who reside in Lesuss. They sneak out of the monastery all the time without anyone knowing. I’m sure they can pull some tricks on some rich men.” Emeryl suggested.
“I’ll add those suggestions to the database.” Tamon responded. “So far, we are at 240,000,000 Credits. I don’t know how long that’ll last if we don’t sell these guns and mercs as quick as we can.”
“That’s only 12% of our goal.” Lisa stated. She was getting frustrated.
“We shouldn’t focus too hard on this right now. Don’t you have a birthday party to attend tonight?” Emeryl asked.
“You’re right. We’ll adjourn for the day.” Lisa states. Everyone begins to leave the area. Lisa and Emeryl are the only ones left in the room.
“I’m about to talk with Cerine on the hologram in my room. Wanna come with?” Emeryl asked. Lisa nodded her head as they went to the room.
“There are no winners in war. There are only benefits and tragedies.” ~Admiral Shepard
“Urdnot…Wreav.” The Volus called in heavy breaths. He wore Black and Dark Red attire. He was standing in front of Wreav and his 8-man crew on the planet of Garvug.
A few years after the Reaper War ended, the Krogan race has had an influx of births despite Admiral Shepard faking the Genophage Cure. Under Wreav’s rule, the Krogans decided that it was time to exact their revenge on the Turians and Salarians for what they’ve done with the Genophage. Unlike years ago, however, they’ve teams up with the Vorcha and Varren to help take over. After two full years of War, a majority of the Krogan Species decided that revenge was unnecessary. However, Wreav and his strongest supporters still saw an opportunity. Today, they plan to purchase some of the strongest weapons and assets necessary to win the war.
“We’re cutting this meeting short. Do you have the guns?” Wreav asked.
“We...have the guns…indeed.” The Volus responded. “We also have more than 200 Vorcha…Batarians…and even Yagh mercenaries ready for your disposal.”
“That doesn’t sound cheap. I haven’t had an army that strong since last year. This time, they won’t be able to survive. We’re going directly to Palaven.” Wreav stated as he began to chuckle. The Volus pulls out his datapad to add up the assets.
“I’m sure…you know the exact amount from last time. However…we needed to increase…the cost…by double.” The Volus confirmed.
“DOUBLE?!!” Wreav shouted in anger. “Is this some kind of joke, Tamon?!!”
“This is no joke. The cost of these weapons and mercenaries…is high. Not only that…but our risk of being caught…is just as high. Plus…you know you need this deal.” Tamon responded.
“Then we have nothing else to discuss.” Wreav stated.
“The Commander doesn’t believe in second chances. Are you completely sure?” Tamon asked. Wreav and his soldiers pull out their assault rifles and Shotguns as they prepared to assassinate the Volus. Tamon kneels on the ground.
“That’s right Volus. Bow to your new Master. Plead for your life as I claw out your heart!” Wreav shouted. Suddenly, bullets rain from all directions taking out all of Wreav’s men. As each Krogan falls dead, Wreav attempts to fire through the open air. Suddenly, his gun is shot out of his hands by a Sniper hanging on a stealth shuttle.
“Target is solo.” The Sniper stated.
“Roger, K2. I’m coming down now. Everyone else, keep an eye out for any foes…and friendlies.” A female voice commanded. Wreav begins to walk towards his shotgun, but he is prevented from doing so as the gun is taken away by a biotic pull. He trains his eye on the gun as it comes near a female soldier falling from the sky. She had a darker-skin tone, slim build, around 5’10, 26 years old, dressed in Black and Red Serrice Council armor, and her hair was tied in a shoulder length ponytail.
“How long has it been Wreav? Two Years?” the woman asked.
“I should’ve known the false Shepard would arrive.” Wreav mocked.
“All Shepards aren’t related.” The woman stated.
“You’re not as skilled as the real deal, Lisa.” Wreav stated.
“Speaking of deals, it seems that it has been tripled due to your mockery. However, I’m feeling generous since today is my Birthday. I’ll add 100 more soldiers to your purchase on the house.” Lisa responded.
“Just because I’m weaponless, that doesn’t mean that I can’t at least take you down.” Wreav stated.
“I’ll accept your challenge.” Lisa responded as she dropped Wreav’s Shotgun to the Ground. “Headbutt Charge Challenge. First one to break the other’s neck wins. If I win, your credits are mine. If you win, everything I own belongs to you.”
“Heh, If you wanna die that easily, then so be it!” Wreav shouted. He gave a battle cry and charged towards Lisa. A blue biotic aura began to form around Lisa, and it eventually turned red. She leans back as time begins to slow down for a while. Quickly, Lisa performs a powerful biotic charge to Wreav’s Skull. The impact was far too strong for Wreav and it caused his head to be completely cracked open. The shockwave of the attack also caused Wreav to soar backwards into a frozen split in the planet’s crust. Wreav falls to his death, never to be heard again.
“You were right Wreav.” Lisa begins to wipe the Krogan’s blood off of her face as she walks away from the battlefield along with Tamon. “That WAS way too easy.”
“This is K2. Lisa and Co. are ready for Pickup. I repeat, Dynasty ground squad is ready to go.” K2 announces. Lisa and Tamon Join up with K2 as he takes their shuttle to their main cruiser: The SSV-Dynasty.
The cruiser took some inspiration from the SSV-Normandy and the Reaper ships, but it was mainly an Asari Cruiser in design. The colors of the Ship are Black and Red, similar to their armor. The Cruise can hold up to 200 workers, though it only has around 50 much to Lisa’s choice. Most people who fill in for those missing personnel are usually mercenaries or temporary aid. She also decided to modify the Keepers so that they could be the pilots of the ship rather than hiring traditional pilots. It also hosts eight shuttles, four Starships, and ten Combat Mech Suits.
“So…that went well.” The Volus commented.
“The Commander had to do what was necessary. Besides, this is a big score for us.” K2 stated.
“Not as big as it would’ve been if we got him to agree to our terms. His attack on Palaven would’ve given us a new job where we could’ve been hired to keep them safe. We could’ve even gotten more if we turned him in alive.” Lisa responded.
“Don’t think too much on it. At least we’ll be ranking up to the number one spot again above the SSV-Alumina.” K2 added.
“Don’t remind me.”
*Later that Night*
“We saw the video, but it was cut into pieces, just like your past videos.” Councilor Irissa stated.
“You didn’t even record the conversation between the two of you. He could’ve been spilling important information about himself.” Councilor Esheel added.
“Why didn’t you bring him back alive?” Councilor Quentius asked.
“That is all irrelevant. He didn’t even say anything important. He was just blabbering about planning to attack Palaven, but he only had eight supporters left.” Lisa explained. “So, how much did we gain from this?” She asked. Irrisa looked at Esheel who shook her head horizontally. She then looked at Quentius who just rubbed his forehead with his fingers.
“We can’t do more than half—on your Merit points and your crews bonus payment.” Irrisa confirmed.
“Are you serious?!!” Lisa shouted in frustration. “I just ended an entire war for Christ’s sake.”
“That was no war, commander. Wreav only attacked minor Salarians and Turians throughout the entire campaign.” Esheel clarified.
“Besides commander, we still don’t know 100% for sure if the Krogans really were planning something big.” Quentius added.
“As much as I’d like to take your word for it commander, there is nothing I can do.” Irrisa stated.
“Cheer up, commander. You’re 26. You still have a few decades…” Quentius thinks about what he just said. “Ah, you’ve just made 27 today.” He said.
“Councilor Irissa decided that we should reserve the Purgatory Bar for you and your team to celebrate your victory as well as your Birthday.” Esheel added.
“I’m still pissed at you guys for not giving me the pay I deserve.” Lisa responds. She looks towards councilor Irissa who seemed a bit disappointed in her attitude. “I guess this makes me feel somewhat better.”
“Then we shall seek to it that you enjoy yourself. Come to the Citadel tomorrow at 7:00 PM. I’m sure you’re exhausted for tonight. Get some rest commander.” Irissa said as she and the other councilors ended their call.
Lisa rubbed her forehead as she had a hard time figuring out what she was going to do about her payment. Rather than dwell on it all night, she decides to head to her cabin to take a shower. While in the shower, she thinks about everything that has occurred on her birthday. She remembers the many smiles of her crew members as each of them wished her a happy birthday throughout the day. She also remembers the short amount of time she spent Sight-Seeing with her best friend, Emeryl (Em-eer-Ril) Dimenia.
Emeryl is an Asari Commando that befriended Lisa for many years. She is 6’2 and still living in her Matron stage. She has a daughter near the same age as Lisa named Cerine (Seer-ri-nay). Emeryl first met Lisa during their first year of combat training. During the Reaper War, they were fortunate enough to reside on a planet that only had three Reapers on it. K2, who was a novice during that time, led a team that looked after the two girls while fending off the reaper forces. It seemed like yesterday that they had earned their certificate to become members of the STAR Alliance (Special Team of Allied Races). As Lisa finished her shower, she set her alarm and went to bed.
*The next morning*
Lisa rises from her bed and completes her daily exercises. She brushed her teeth and tied her hair back. As she finished getting dressed, she is greeted by the ship’s yeomen, Muriel Summers.
“Hello there, commander.” Muriel said. She was a mid-thirties woman from Australia who was 5’7. She had long curly Light-Brown hair and silver eyes. She was naturally beautiful in the eyes of the crew. She recently joined the Dynasty crew. She secretly dates one of the crew members, though Lisa is the only one outside of their relationship to know the truth.
“Summers.” Lisa said.
“Everyone is waiting for you in the private meeting room. Samuel Adams, Orlando Graine, Emeryl Dimenia, Paul Lance, and Tamon are all accounted for.” She said.
“Great. Prepare for the most depressing meeting ever.” Lisa drug out.
“Did the council shut us down?” Muriel asked.
“They don’t have that kind of power. STAR Alliance consists of purely licensed mercs. However, it seems we won’t be having the funds or support to keep the full crew together for much longer.” Lisa explained thoroughly.
*In the Meeting Room*
“Glad to see you’re all awake.” Lisa began. Sitting at the round table clockwise were Lisa Shepard, Samuel Adams (K2), Paul Lance (Edge), Tamon, Orlando Graine (Lane), and Emeryl Dimenia (Emy).
Samuel Adams is a 52 year old infiltrator class soldier who was born in Mindoir. He is 6’5 and resembles Slade Wilson in some aspects. He had a son and daughter who were living there when the Slavers attacked. He served the alliance for decades. During the time of the Mindoir incident, he was away on a mission. It was the most devastating moment of his life, but it was not the only one. He was the only survivor of the thresher maw attack on Akuze. He has a streak of being lucky seeing how he also survived the Reaper attack on Lusia as well. To this day, he still does not know the fate of his children.
Orlando Graine is a sentinel class ex-N7 who fought in Torfan alongside of Lisa’s brother, Mason Shepard. He is 6’3 and of Asian descent. Only a few years after Torfan, he quit the military to settle down with his family in an unknown galaxy outside of the Milky Way. He returned to the Milky Way 12 years later only to realize that everything changed drastically. He only joined STAR in commemoration of Lisa’s brother Mason.
Paul Lance is an early-20s soldier class member of the SSV-Dynasty and the current boyfriend of Cerine Dimenia, though that info is kept under wraps from Emeryl. He is 5’8 and born on Earth, just like Lisa and her brother. He recently joined the SSV-Dynasty and has become a dedicated member. He disagrees with Lisa’s methods, but refuses to report her activity due to blackmail over his relationship with Cerine. Eventually, he started to cope with everything that was going on.
“So what’s the big fuss?” Orlando asked.
“I’m assuming this has to do with your meeting with the council yesterday.” Emeryl stated.
“Yes and no.” Lisa answered. “The council says we’re definitely getting the first place rank. However, we will only be getting half on both the merit points and the check.”
“My cousin’s doing as always.” Emeryl stated. “She could’ve been generous; we stopped a war after all.”
“Neither she, nor the other councilors, deemed that as a war. And trust me Emy; I think we can both agree that she was more than generous this time.” Lisa responded.
“You do know this isn’t the first time the council has harmed our business right?” K2 announced.
“However…we’re much safer…under the council’s radar.” Tamon assured.
“Yeah, for however long that’ll be.” Paul stated.
“Don’t get so freaked out Paul. The council would never truly investigate our activity. As long as we’re part of the STAR Alliance, nothing we do is considered Illegal unless it is harming the entirety Citadel Space.” Emeryl explained.
“Didn’t you learn that in training?” Orlando asked.
“STAR is supposed to “Protect” Citadel Space through any means necessary.” Paul clarified.
“Paul is absolutely correct. That is the biggest reason we do what we do. You all may have joined for a different reason, but the goal of the SSV-Dynasty crew is to ensure that we build the best defenses ever constructed. To do that, however, will cost us a few arms and legs.” Lisa explained.
“I have a few contacts where my family resides. Maybe I can get them to find us a new source of income there.” Orlando stated.
“I can probably talk with some of the Ardat-Yakshi who reside in Lesuss. They sneak out of the monastery all the time without anyone knowing. I’m sure they can pull some tricks on some rich men.” Emeryl suggested.
“I’ll add those suggestions to the database.” Tamon responded. “So far, we are at 240,000,000 Credits. I don’t know how long that’ll last if we don’t sell these guns and mercs as quick as we can.”
“That’s only 12% of our goal.” Lisa stated. She was getting frustrated.
“We shouldn’t focus too hard on this right now. Don’t you have a birthday party to attend tonight?” Emeryl asked.
“You’re right. We’ll adjourn for the day.” Lisa states. Everyone begins to leave the area. Lisa and Emeryl are the only ones left in the room.
“I’m about to talk with Cerine on the hologram in my room. Wanna come with?” Emeryl asked. Lisa nodded her head as they went to the room.