And during WW2, American soldiers were tools of evil men? I find it very ironic that you want people to be sensitive to the treatment of Native issues in all media (to the extent that MKX, which hasn't done anything terrible on its own, should be held to a higher standard simply because it's not doing its part to fix the problem), and yet you're willing to make these sort of blanket remarks about literally millions of human beings.
Kotal Kahn is shaping up to be a very interesting and powerful character, and he's basically an alien Samoan/Melanesian/Aztec. I don't know why you're focusing on the fact that he subverts Mayan culture by influencing them, and not the fact that he is a bad-ass proto-Aztec, and non-Native audiences who look at him will go "wow, Aztec characters can be pretty cool." We don't go to MK for history lessons, we go for cool characters, and Kotal is doing more for the image of Native American peoples than any historically accurate stuff set in a comic book in the 1700s would or could ever have done.
Yeah he is a rather interesting character. That being said, he is doing nothing for any of the native cultures he was inspired by except being a vehicle with which the mainstream media , yet again bastardizes and removes any prominence or credit to an advanced Native culture by crediting an outside, fictional source for the marvels and advancements made by a complex, advanced, non-anglo culture.
Why is it you never see the Egyptians or Mesopotamians being credited as the source for either Rome or Sparta's culture?
True its not MKX's job to right the wrongs of prior degradation of Native American cultures. However, what it does do is perpetuate a mindset that discredits these ancient astronomers and mathematicians by yet again suggesting that their culture was not a result of their own device or individual intelligence based on the observance of the world around them as they perceived it. It instead injects the preposterous notion that this ancient civilization was the creation of "extra terrestrials" or "supernatural off-worlders".
When do you ever hear ANYONE credit extraterrestrials for the creation of the Colosseum? Never! The engineering marvels of European culture is always credited to the resident European sub-race that inhabits that region. Is it so far fetched to fathom that Egypt or the Cultures of the Americas were in fact and by fact, created by non-European cultures with engineering skills on par with the architects of European provinces.
I'm just sick of Native culture being usurped and used as a vehicle to deliver TRULY far fetched notions like "alien involvement" by a, quite truthfully, hackneyed and ridiculous scientific approach.
There is a lack of History and explanation surrounding these cultures because the "conquering (read: genociding) cultures that made contact with these people eradicated and utterly destroyed all vestiges of knowledge that was housed in the extensive libraries of these cultures in their pursuit of gold and glory. They then took a step further to indoctrinate, assimilate, acculturate and obliterate any trace of the history and culture with in the survivors of these cultures by Catholosizing them and forbidding the practice or repatriation of these knowledge under penalty of death.
To understand my point of view lets say it like this:
China "conquers" the United States. Their first act as the new "occupiers" of this country is to do away with our constitutional and civil rights, as well as our right to practice our individual religions unmolested or speak English under penalty of death. They take away our property and families and burn or destroy any vestige of "western life".
They subsequently remove our children from us and indoctrinate them with the notion that all they were taught is evil, illegal and punishable by execution.
They teach our children the idiotic notion that Mount Rushmore was not the creation of an artist and human will and engineering, but that of some alien race that, in some nigh inexplicable fashion, cut faces into a mountainside with advanced space age weaponry.
Ya see what I'm getting at?
They could have at least made (Kotal) resemble an ancient Native, but nope. He wears a bastardized for of their cultural regalia and isn't even close to being a Native American, they (NRS) make him some kind of Outworldian African. I ave no problem with Africans, or any other race of man for that matter, but couldn't they have at least made him the influence of an african race instead of, once again, discrediting the Natives for their own damn culture?