I'm just going to re-post what I wrote on other forums because I don't want to re-write all of that:
Wow... just... just wow.
Man do I have stuff to write.
Kung Lao:
I seriously cannot wait to see his full fatality. We're going to have him slowly push his opponents into his hat? We're gonna play that game Kung Lao? Okay... okay, I dig it, I completely freaking dig it.
He looks awesome to play and god is he fast, especially for an old man. Although I was expecting to hear his part of the interaction with Raiden, but we can't get what we want. I am seriously impressed with what he's going to bring to the table. The description of his variations don't do justice, I NEEDED to see what they're like and here it is and they're literally how I've always pictured how he should have been played as all this time.
Bravo once again, Netherrealm Studios.
It took them this long to finally... FINALLY... FINALLY nail the PERFECT design for her. My god she finally looks like a royal assassin. All this time I've been WAITING for this and here it is. My god, they did everything right that I had problems with in the previous game.
Her loin cloth floating and not acting properly, her hair was atrocious. Now, she's got no loose clothing and no long pony tail.
Thank god Netherrealm Studios.
Now I want to see what her variations are going to be like. I assume she's going to be somewhat similar towards Kung Lao in two of the three variations will be focusing on her fans while the third focuses on her other abilities such as the square wave punch and her teleport?
Who knows.
But her fatality... I honestly did not see the ground behind Kano, I really thought he was going to be standing. But this is a huge improvement from her 2011 fatalities. I honestly thought she had THE lamest fatalities out of the cast, even more lame than Sindel's who basically had the same fatality only performed differently.
I used to be a fan of Kitana way back, like when I was in kindergarten... throughout the years I just didn't care for her. Now... I have a change of heart.
Although now I'm going to be sitting on my phone during work today, seeing how many people post, "She's supposed to be dead." "Where's my new character?" "Why did it had to be Kitana?" "I'm not impressed" posts.
Jesus titty Christ I am just impressed.