Injustice Player Video Thread

Hey what's up guys I'd like to share my Injustice Combo videos (Nightwing, Green Lantern & Batgirl so far) with you...also I got some matches uploaded and adding new stuff all the time. Instead of posting every video by itself I'll just link you my Youtube channel.

Tell me what you think.
HighOnPCP ... how long did it take you to get the timing down for the Batgirl combos? I've been using her nonstop and can only get a 32% meterless midscreen combo.
I got her 2 days late as you can read in the video description for it but from there it took me about 2-3 hours to figure out most of her combo possibilities and then another like 2-3 to optimize them. The hardest ones are definitely the corner loop combos because you have to really get those inputs into your muscle memory and that takes a while but after that you can do them pretty consistently.
But Online I'd alter those for sure, you'll maybe lose a few % damage but tbh those are definitely NOT online friendly combos.