How do I turn my hand drawn sketch into a Photoshopped picture?


New member
Hey guys,

I suck at using pen or paint tools on any program and can't draw anything worth looking at on my computer. I'm not too good at drawing on paper either, but its A LOT better than anything I could produce in any computer program.

So I was wondering, is there an easy way that I can take my sketches from paper and produce some well outlined, colored, and even shaded pieces of art in photoshop? Does anybody else do this? I mean it seems logical to just sketch on paper, scan the sketch and do the detailing from there. If anybody does do this, could you tell me what your formula is? Keep in mind i'm a Photoshop noob.

Scan the photo, open it in something like photoshop. Then use the tools like palette swapping and contrasting and all that to enhance the picture. If you have any knowledge of shopping, it should be easy.
Well, yea what NS said, but you can use any program like Paint, but I'm the opposite of you, I can only draw on paper, I would never ever try to draw on the computer, and hope for something good to come out of it!
Just scan your picture and just use a program that is used to create digital artwork. If you want a program to make great artwork of something similar to anime or cartoons but yet very simple, I would highly recommend Paint Tool Sai. It is pretty simple yet does very good and if you need a free program similar to Photoshop, I recommend GIMP. Photoshop is the best program to do artwork though. You can watch tutorials on youtube as well.
You do it with Imagination
