Mortal Kombat HD Remix with MUGEN

Have you guys seen this image from the other thread?;

Looks like they didn't necessarily use real actor in the MKHD remake before it was cancelled? I'm very interested in how they did it. Unless maybe the 3D character was just used as a template?

You guys can do a lot better than that. . :D
Okay this one is pretty close, I think the cloth is looking too light and maybe the torso is leaning back too much, but it'll do...

I figured out what the problem was, and it was lag. I recorded mame with Fraps, and used a video editor to count the frames. That timing was off and totally messed me up for a while.

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Awesome! This animation is so smooth Bleed. Really nice work.

Okay this one is pretty close, I think the cloth is looking too light and maybe the torso is leaning back too much, but it'll do...

I figured out what the problem was, and it was lag. I recorded mame with Fraps, and used a video editor to count the frames. That timing was off and totally messed me up for a while.

Looks rad to me, Bleed. Way to go.

Here is Version number 5 of the Character Select Theme. I think this one is pretty nice. I interested to see what you guys will think.

Wow! You're in the 5th version of the song already? You work hard Justin!! :hail: Maybe it's just me but when I listen to the song I recall Chun Li's stage in Street Fighter II instead of Mortal Kombat character screen. Don't get me wrong, in my opinion it's a great version of the song but I think it needs stronger drums or percussion to get even closer to the "legendary feeling" of the original. Nice job anyway! :hail:
I was staring at it (bleed's sub-zero walk cycle animation) for a while and I'm really liking it. It truly it looking like Sub-Zero MK1 in HD especially around the eye area!
Calac: Yeah its legit. I found these and made a seperate thread. There is another of the Liu Kang actor too. I found them on the individual websites of Other Ocean crew.
I really really like version 5 of the character select theme. Has a much more Asian vibe than previous versions, and the melody sticks out much better while the drums and bass complement it rather than take over.
I'm adding Shang's interaction to the Throne Room today. I'm stuck on a part of the code, where he needs to match the Delta movement of the throne.

Delta is movement of different sprite layers, at different speeds to simulate depth in the stage.

Things in the distance move slower than things in the foreground.

I'm using a Helper object in the character, which is like you would make any basic move. What I don't get is how you lock that state to the delta movement of a specific item of the stage.

I'm posting help threads on different forums, to see if someone can help me figure this out.
I got it!

Using two helpers, one to stay in the center of the stage, not updating pos x, so able to move off screen.
This first helper is generated by the player in statedef -2.

That helper generates another helper which has the Interactive stage elements in it.

The first helper is used to track the center of the world with this.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = !time
x = 0
y = 0
persistent = 1

[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
fv = 10
value = screenpos x

The helper that is generated by this one, will check that value and do some calculations to adjust the position.

That helper has this in it.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = var (1) = 1; This is checking what stage I'm on.
x = (Parent,fvar(10)*.75)-640*.75
y = -245
persistent = 1

I have mugen set to

GameWidth = 1280
GameHeight = 720
Hello guys, sorry for being missing for so long, I'm working out of town for a month and I wasn't able to get online so that's why I haven't post any update, in a few days I'll be back home and hopefully I'll be able to keep on working on liu kang, I just don't want you to think I'm a quitter.

Bleed that video you posted is amazing, breath taking, I would stay the hole day playing that same match!! Lol
Great work Bleed! Didn't doubt you for a second. I am working on the palace guard version 3.

I got it!

Using two helpers, one to stay in the center of the stage, not updating pos x, so able to move off screen.
This first helper is generated by the player in statedef -2.

That helper generates another helper which has the Interactive stage elements in it.

The first helper is used to track the center of the world with this.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = !time
x = 0
y = 0
persistent = 1

[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
fv = 10
value = screenpos x

The helper that is generated by this one, will check that value and do some calculations to adjust the position.

That helper has this in it.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = var (1) = 1; This is checking what stage I'm on.
x = (Parent,fvar(10)*.75)-640*.75
y = -245
persistent = 1

I have mugen set to

GameWidth = 1280
GameHeight = 720
I coded another system that tracks the center point between the two players and compares it with Shang's position on the stage.

It makes it so the eyes track the players more accurately.

The clapping can be set to happen when a player is hit by an uppercut, or any other desired state. It happens at random and the number of claps will vary from around 3 to 5.

I could use a nice clapping sound for him now, and that's about it.
I got it!

Using two helpers, one to stay in the center of the stage, not updating pos x, so able to move off screen.
This first helper is generated by the player in statedef -2.

That helper generates another helper which has the Interactive stage elements in it.

The first helper is used to track the center of the world with this.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = !time
x = 0
y = 0
persistent = 1

[State 0, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = 1
fv = 10
value = screenpos x

The helper that is generated by this one, will check that value and do some calculations to adjust the position.

That helper has this in it.

[State 0, PosSet]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = var (1) = 1; This is checking what stage I'm on.
x = (Parent,fvar(10)*.75)-640*.75
y = -245
persistent = 1

I have mugen set to

GameWidth = 1280
GameHeight = 720

To paraphrase Denis Leary from his "Lock 'n Load" stand up "I don't know what it all is, but it looks f***in' GREAT! It's REALLY shiny!" Seriously though, that looks like just a tip of the programming iceberg, which is quite massive, it seems.
Beautiful! The motion blur on the clapping made him look almost too photorealistic... creeped me out :p Don't feel rushed when I say this, but I hope this project reaches its grand finale this year! I *so* want to play it! But until then, I'll have to make do with the original SD arcade cabinet at MagFest tomorrow :p

Keep up the amazing work!
Looks great, but i think Shang need additional angle for his head. Right now he looks straight to the screen and turn his head in like 60 degrees angle, i think it will look better if there will also be like 30 degrees angle, so there should be 5 areas for his different angles (instead of current 3): 60 left, 30 left, 0, 30 right, 60 right. Right now he turn his head way to far to watch a fight sometimes.