January 19th, 1998
12:01 PM CST -
As you can see, we've updated our look. It's optimized for Internet Explorer 3.0 and 4.0, however it still looks great under Netscape, except for Netscape 3.0's use of a single pixel border between frames no matter what value you set "border" to. If you're in 640x480 resolution or you're not a big fan of frames, we've provided a link at the top that will just show this page. The new design looks great under 800x600 and looks phenomenal under 1024x768 or higher. Right now, any outbound links will load in this frame. We're working on it right now to have them load up in the entire area, but this requires having to go into every single news article and change each outbound link. So we'll have that completed later on this week. Here are some other things that have been updated.
  • TRMK Search Engine: The search engine is up and running at full speed. Major modifications now allow you browse the next set of items for your searched topic.
  • TRMK Moves Lists and FAQ's: To Netscape users, it may not look like something special; however, the moves lists section now has a Dynamic HTML enhanced launch page. Just click on the game's logo and down drops buttons for whatever version we currently have. We're working on expanding our moves lists section to include FAQ's from past Mortal Kombat games from each console they were released on.

If you encounter any problems while browsing the new design, please send us e-mail with which browser you used along with the problem

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