Steam Version of MK9 Issues

I wasn't sure exactly where to post this, but I thought why not here just to see if anyone might know of a fix or how to help me. I just recently bought MK9 on Steam. I played it last night and everything was fine. Today I try to launch it via steam and it pops up with the small square box that says Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition and then nothing. It suddenly won't launch passed that. What I'm wondering is if anyone else might know why this is suddenly happening after having previously played it without any issues and what I might be able to do to fix it. :\ I had a blast playing this on PS3 when it came out and really want to be able to play it on my PC as well. can try to right-click mouse the game on Steam library, and go for Local Files > Verify Integrity of game cache; next restart Steam

2.or just try to update your video card and update your system for the last version of directx (11)

3.and in the worst scenario, delete the local content and make the game download once again and see if works ....