New member
I Just received this from a friend and thought it would be good to pass it along to everyone i know. It is a sucide hotline that is going to be closed and run by the government which would then take away the privacy of those calling evn though there is only 20 hoursl left to do anything try to spread this to as many people as you can and get the word across and if you can donate money to this fund.
Everyone, you HAVE to do this.
We have 1 day before 1-800-SUICIDE is toast, to be replaced by a federally monitored suicide hotline that no one knows the number for and that replacing much of the LGBT focus with faith-based focus.
I don't care if you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, WHATEVER. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS:
1. go here and fill out the petitions.
2. make a donation if you have some money, and then write it off on your taxes.
3. ask your parents to make a donation and then write it off on their taxes.
here is where you donate. it's easy. please do it. thanks.