MK2011 Xbox 360 demo discussion

I think if you two want to argue you should take it to a private message or something.

Not to mention this topic has only served as a breeding ground for contempt between gamers of different preferences when it comes to hardware, to put it mildly.

As it stands, we know we're not getting a demo before release, so might as well lock it to avoid future arguments.

Kudos for the internet tough guys trying to figure out who's e-peen is bigger or something but I think this is getting out of hand lately, especially since people are tense because of the release date next week.

However, if you do insist on fighting here, by all means, amuse us!
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don't really care for the demo....we have been waiting for weeks now and it only being a few days away don't really care anymore....not saying that if it shows up tomorrow i won't download it of course i will....but if it doesn't owell....what i really want is someone to get the game already and start streaming some gameplay we haven't seen....some folks had mvc3 the Saturday before release hopefully that will happen again.....
Khanada has unbolded his post, and I have come to say...

...might be getting the game on release after all. Nothing certain still though. :(
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Well, I wish you the best of luck as regards getting it on release. Nothing worse than being a big fan of a game/book/movie series and not being able to play/read/watch the newest in the series. Happened to me with A Kingdom Besieged (first part of The Chaoswar Saga) which was released earlier this year, love those books. I'd recommend those books if any of you are looking for a good fantasy fiction read. Starts off with a book called Magician, which is the first part of The Riftwar Saga. Well worth a read!

Back to the topic at hand, we're not getting a demo before the US release, stating the obvious but it's highly unlikely that it will be released between Friday and Monday. If it does come out on Tuesday it'll still be only 2 days before the EU release too. I know there are users like Insultion that might not be getting it at release and would like the demo and I hope it is out on Tuesday to let you get a taste of the game but for the majority of us it makes no difference now. Just a couple of days and we can start pulling out spines, impaling people on spikes and repeatedly punching people in the groin.
Back to the topic at hand, we're not getting a demo before the US release, stating the obvious but it's highly unlikely that it will be released between Friday and Monday. If it does come out on Tuesday it'll still be only 2 days before the EU release too. I know there are users like Insultion that might not be getting it at release and would like the demo and I hope it is out on Tuesday to let you get a taste of the game but for the majority of us it makes no difference now. Just a couple of days and we can start pulling out spines, impaling people on spikes and repeatedly punching people in the groin.

Really sucks for people who are sceptical but cannot get the demo. This was what upset me most, although I was lucky enough that I could play a few minutes at a friends I Know that I suck at the game but I deffinitely do not regret preordering it :P
I wouldn't say that I'm sceptical about it, I'm being more of a realist than anything else, at least in my mind. I too got to play it for a few minutes at a friend's house but we quickly moved onto other games like FIFA etc when he was losing repeatedly, not saying that I'm any good at it, just that he is very bad at fighting games......and FIFA....and shooters....Don't regret pre-ordering it either, gonna disappear for a week after release, when I reappear my eyes will be wide open and all I'll be able to say is "There's so much blood...". Or at least that's how I hope it'll go! High hopes for it!
im going to see if my walmart friend can give me a copy early today when i go get my check, so i might be playing it later on today screw the demo and the misleading
im going to see if my walmart friend can give me a copy early today when i go get my check, so i might be playing it later on today screw the demo and the misleading

Which is the exact reason that I wish a friend of mine had kept his job as a Manager in a local gamestop...but nooo, he had to go get a job with Bausch and Lomb...

@Keith Tennyson...I dunno, I think the default costume he has looks better, the klassic one doesn't look right, maybe its just me though. Got the right attitude towards the demo in some respects, we don't need your stinking demo, we can all go play Hello Kitty Online Island Adventure while we wait for the release dates.
MK was featured on Inside Xbox (Insider Moves) for a disgustingly short amount of time.

Anyways, go check it out. Nothing new but a good reminder of how close we are.
Can see it potentially being one of those games where they release the demo a month after release at the very most. I recall games like Mass Effect 2 doing this, though that is a totally different genre.
I just wanted to make one last post in this thread to give a buck **** YOU to NRS! haha

Though not playing the demo does make the final game that much better.
Am nothing short of jealous of US gamers, I have to wait until Thursday before I get my hands on MK. You've no idea how tempting it is to go into my local Gamestop tomorrow and plead with them to give me my copy early. That said, I'll be outside when they open Thursday morning and I'll be home, have it in my xbox and have my brother with me for some vs by 9:30am. So, enjoy the game lads/ladies, after you all finish smelling the booklet and before you start playing whichever mode you've chosen to play first, spare a thought for those less fortunate who have to wait two days because it apparently makes no sense to release games in Europe on the same day that they are released in the US. Remember, FINISH HIM!