Kill Kobra

Mortal Loser

New member
Yes.... Kill Kobra. He was just the Johnny Cage fill in character. And I know not all ending happen, but some do as side stories, Kira's ending can happen, she kills Kobra to join the black dragon and her and Kabal return in the next instalment with 2 new recruits.

Though...... maybe Reptile is the deceased. because his body was the host for the dragon king and now the host body had been destroyed...

I can see Boon killing Scorpion or Sub-Zero off. I remember reading or hearing something were Boon said those were his 2 favorite characters and that they will be in every MK game forever.

Sorry.... this was supposed to be in the "Who's going to die" topic, but somehow i started a new thread..... oh well
Hummm ok. Kobra is not to bad. He has cool moves. HE is not a shadow master like Johnny. Alot of people dont like him. I win games on LIVE with the guy. He has cheap moves, cool fatalities compared to others in the game. I see nothing really wrong with him.
In my opinion, Kobra is the most generic Kombatant ever created, I don't see why Boon and the team created him! He's a loser! He reminds me of the old GI Joe tv shows, because he looks like one of the characters in his storyboards! Have you noticed that ALL Black Dragon members name's start with K? Kano, Kabal, Kira, and Kobra! Jarek wasn't really a member.
I hate Kobra too, especially online. I think he belongs in Tekken or Street Fighter or something. He's definitely a character that was thrown together without too much creativity involved. Johnny Cage is far better.
Kobra seriously reminds me of a tekken fighter. Some of his combos and his overall look is just ridiculous for an MK game. I really don't like Johnny Cage either, but I think he was atleast a bit more original than Kobra.
Kobra is a bad character, his just not MK material. So MK is going street fighter now?? How many ryu's do we need... his moves arent unique or anything... its just normal kicks and punches with some flames to make it look cool... kind of like darrius..... *shivers*
So we would all keep CAge over Kobra. But would you rather keep Kobra or Darrius? imo both are horrible.