New member
Maleena and Jade
Mileena takes out her sais and thorws them to her opponents feet pining them down. Jade running throws her staff to the opponents lower back ,going threw their back and popping out the stomach, and jumps up lands on the part of the staff that’s sticking out of the opponents back making their upper torso tear off and go flying forward slowly doing a back flip. Jade then throws a razerrang cutting the opponents head off in the air, the opponents torso still doing a back flip the head slides to the opponents chest still in the air Jade then nitro kicks the torso sending the torso and head towards Mileena. Mileena then stabs the head and torso with one of her sais going threw the opponents forehead and chest then grabs the torso and pulls her say down, tearing from the chest all the way down to were the opponents torso was torn off, revealing the heart that is impaled at the end of her sai! Fatality!!!
Mileena takes out her sais and thorws them to her opponents feet pining them down. Jade running throws her staff to the opponents lower back ,going threw their back and popping out the stomach, and jumps up lands on the part of the staff that’s sticking out of the opponents back making their upper torso tear off and go flying forward slowly doing a back flip. Jade then throws a razerrang cutting the opponents head off in the air, the opponents torso still doing a back flip the head slides to the opponents chest still in the air Jade then nitro kicks the torso sending the torso and head towards Mileena. Mileena then stabs the head and torso with one of her sais going threw the opponents forehead and chest then grabs the torso and pulls her say down, tearing from the chest all the way down to were the opponents torso was torn off, revealing the heart that is impaled at the end of her sai! Fatality!!!