Computer and Video Games published their preview of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. It goes into detail about some of the moves in the game and more importantly descibes how the puzzle system will work.
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In fact, despite the game's adventure elements, including new wall-running, climbing and swing moves, combat plays such a huge role that many of the puzzles can only be solved through judicious use of violence. The idea behind this, according to Himmerick, is to avoid the passive nature of most puzzles in other games and give a real visceral thrill when gamers encounter a solution. We saw a whole host of examples in action: in one part of the game, the only way to progress passed a sea of salivating serpents is to wrench up your opponents and sling them straight into the snakes' gullets, until they're satiated. Another of our favourites was a sequence where the deadly duo launched oncoming combatants over the edge of a platform into huge whirring blades - the goal to shatter the blades under all that bodily butchering and reach the lower levels of the dungeon.
Click here to check it out.
<b>+10 TRMKarma</b>: <a href="/forums/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=683">Spine Rip</a>