Can someone make me a sig please?=)


New member
...i know most of you are gunna say f%@# you!!make your own...but its worth looking for one with dark raiden on both left and right sides of it (Dark Raiden) doing this [/url] (the raiden on the left looking at the one on the right and vice versa for the one on the right)and Jax in between them flexing both his arms above his head and scorpion in the distance behind Jax get ready to do his spear move...all characters from MKD of course...and a yellow or lightning back ground and a very slight white glowy type shading around the characters and the words "Bloodstain" in small, medium, or large text some where...wat ever looks best. please...i know i prob not gunna get one but might as well try :roll: :oops: :cry:
I'll make you a sig, but instead of Dark Raiden, it'll be my penis.

No I feel bad not actually giving you a good response, I remember back in the day MaxDam used to make some bad-ass sigs, you should talk to him.
lol i remember reading a thread where some guy asked if u cud make him a sig and u mentioned ur penis...i think ur mentioning it to not bring suspicion to the fact that u have no penis :wink: lol
Bloodstain said:
lol i remember reading a thread where some guy asked if u cud make him a sig and u mentioned ur penis...i think ur mentioning it to not bring suspicion to the fact that u have no penis :wink: lol

PWNED. PWNED by a n00b.
raidenfighter said:
Bloodstain said:
lol i remember reading a thread where some guy asked if u cud make him a sig and u mentioned ur penis...i think ur mentioning it to not bring suspicion to the fact that u have no penis :wink: lol

PWNED. PWNED by a n00b.

I am shamed.
Yeah i hjave photoshop and started makin one...gunna b bad but meh... and u shudnt b one to talk...ur collage thingy is pretty gayed up :shock:
no and i dont plan to 8) well i made a nice its my first one.dont make me chop off ur thumbs and gouge ur eyes out with them :twisted:
Hey, its OK to be gay, no joke.

(First person that makes the: "yeah well you're probably gay, huh-huh, huh-huh" joke is the biggest homosexual here.)
That's good considering being gay is starting to become a crime in this country. Fags are the new niggers! Heil Bush! (If you think I'm a racist because of that comment, well you're making an ass of you and I, sir.)