IGN Screenshot Extravaganza


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<b>IGN</b> recently got their hands on a plethora of <A href="http://mediaviewer.ign.com/ignMediaPage.jsp?channel_id=73&object_id=478788&adtag=network%3Dign%26size%3D468x60%26channel%3Dxbox%26site%3Dxbox_hub%26channel%3Dpreviews%26type%3Dpartnerviewer%26pagetype%3Darticle&page_title=Mortal+Kombat%3A+Deadly+Alliance+Hands-On">screenshots</a> from <b>Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance</b>. These images show several new fighting styles as well as many features promised to be in the game in May at the <a href="http://www.trmk.org/features/e3/2002/index.html">Electronics Entertainment Expo</a>. Also included are scans of conceptual artwork for the various stages players fight on drawn by members of the MK design team.<br><br>
One of the more interesting images features a character named <a href="http://mediaviewer.ign.com/ignMediaPage.jsp?media_id=1557608&object_id=478788&channel_id=73&page_title=Mortal+Kombat%3A+Deadly+Alliance+Hands-On&adtag=network%3Dign%26pagetype%3Darticle%26site%3Dxboxviewer&return_url=http%3A%2F%2Fxbox.ign.com%2Fobjects%2F478%2F478788.html">Khan</a>. This is the first mention and/or image we have seen of this character and at this point little is known about him. Feel free to let us know <a href="http://boards.gamers.com/messages/message_view-topic.asp?name=TRMK&id=zzkic">your opinion</a>.<br><br>
Unfortunately, only users with premium access to IGN's website (read: paid users) can see more than 5 images a day. However, those of you who are impatient can look at 5 images, delete your cookies from IGN, and repeat this process -- pretty sneaky! Thanks to <b>mystic_cat_daddy</b> from our <a href="http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=TRMK">message board</a> for the tip.