360 achievements listed:

Am I the only one thinking that these "-ality" for every character could be individual? Like a animality for Nightwolf and a Brutality for Johnny Cage and a Babality for Sheeva or something. Because if they all would get the same they could just have written "brutality" or "animality" in the achievement since it's a secret one.
It's possible, but I don't think so. I think there is just more than one ality to be able to do. Like all characters will be able to unlock a babality and a friendship, or whatever else.
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Am i the only one who thinks you might not be able to play as the hidden characters, after all it says discover and defeat, not unlock like quan chi and cyber sub zero, also i was thinking maybe QC and CSZ are two you can unlock and the others you merely fight and cannot unlock, which wouldn't be unusual as plenty of fighters in the past havn't been playable only fightable (reptile MK1)

In theory, sure, you could be right. However, it's HIGHLY unlikely that they wouldn't let us play as Reptile, Smoke, Noob, and Jade. I guarentee this will not be the case. There's no way they won't let people play as those characters. They are just hidden for the nostalgia factor, not because they are unplayable.
"Cyber Sub-zero" turns out to be Hydro instead!?!?!?! Also, as a side note, the only thing that really upsets me about the possible -alities within the game is that there seems to be a good chance that babalities will make it into the game, hence the ultimate humilation achievement...I really hope im wrong!!!
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My theory about
Cyber Sub Zero is that either in Story Mode or in the Arcade Ladder ending he will be eventually caught by the cyborgs and turned into a robot, and i mean Young Sub Zero, also I have a feeling that Mileena will play a major role in this game (since he is among the six characters featured on the official site) and could end up killing and replacing Kitana...
Complet-ality (10 points)
Perform 1 of each type of "-ality" - perform a fatality, babality, and brutality

Finish Him? (10 points)
Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move - perform a friendship

Hide and Seek (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder - fight Jade in arcade mode

Pit Master (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder - fight Reptile in arcade mode

Brotherhood of Shadow (20 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder - fight Noob Saibot in arcade mode

Ultimate Humiliation (20 points)
Perform every fighter's hidden finishing move - perform everyone's friendship

Quan-Tease (20 points)
Unlock Hidden Fighter "Quan Chi" - unlock Quan Chi hidden off screen

You Found Me! (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder - fight Smoke in arcade mode

Cold Fusion (20 points)
Unlock Hidden Fighter "Cyber Sub-Zero" - unlock Cyber Sub-Zero hidden off screen

Best...Alternate...Ever! (10 points)
Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume - unlock Mileena's Wonder Woman costume. I just think it will be a character from DC comics because the way it is phrased as if Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons said it and the fact that WB owns both MK and DC now. Wonder Woman is just my guess because she is the most iconic female in DC.
Ever since Ed Boon mentioned that "someone who wasn't cyborg before might be this time around, and vice versa," everyone jumped straight to Older Sub-Zero being a f****** cyborg!!!

Ed Boon now being the fan-conscious guy that he is (finally after 19 years), probably heard a few douchebags talking about Cyber Sub-Zero on twitter.
He probably thought "Hmmm, maybe this is what the fans want," not realizing that most people wouldn't want the MOST iconic character in MK (MK 1 Sub-Zero, aka Noob Saibot) to be turned into a tin can.

Why do ppl have such a problem with this?? After everything I've seen with this game so far, I dont question anything the team does with this game. I think he's gonna be alot of fun,I'm just wondering what he's gonna look like and what his moves set is

Would everyone be happier if "Cyber Sub-Zero" were simply an alternate for Sub-Zero?

I've been browsing this forum as a guest for a while now, and man...y'all are pretty ridiculous about whining over nearly anything. Kratos being in the game is just a fun side-thing, yet y'all act like how a christan might if someone replaced Jesus in the Bible with Charlie Sheen or something. The aformentioned Cold Fusion thing is also ridiculous. No one knows if this has any bearing on the story whatsoever. Even if it does, while Mortal Kombat easily has the strongest story of any fighting game, it still has a ton of weak spots. If you don't like Cold Fusion, stick with regular ol' Fusion, mkay?

If anything, there are more important thing to complain about, like animations.


Also, I was thinking that perhaps the "lady in red" may be Sareena and that the Brotherhood of Shadow achievement/trophy could be about her. Doesn't she have red high heels?

Also, will there be a total of six unlockable characters? I'm with the group that doesn't think that Boon and Co would make Reptile, Noob, etc... hidden, which leaves four **hidden** characters and then Quan Chi and Cyber Sub-Zero.
No kidding, Cyber Sub Zero? Who would've thunk it? Oh yea me.
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I dont believe that is the point and to reiterate Pat requested it be in spoiler tags.

Well he could have just changed the topic title to have a big *SPOILERS* before it.

But whatever, people will be spoiling it in the main forum soon enough anyway.
my thoughts


1. You found me - Rain (Rain can be found in the graveyard)
2. Hide and seek - human Smoke (living forest hide and seek)
3. Pit Master - Reptile (maybe with his human form?)
4. Brotherhood of the Shadow - Reiko

ok the above is a wishlist really.. the truth is the people that believe it's gonna be Jade, Noob Saibot, Reptile are closer to it logically speaking.. I disagree on You found me though due to high hopes for Rain plus the 'you can find Rain in the graveyard' thing.
my thoughts


1. You found me - Rain (Rain can be found in the graveyard)
2. Hide and seek - human Smoke (living forest hide and seek)
3. Pit Master - Reptile (maybe with his human form?)
4. Brotherhood of the Shadow - Reiko

ok the above is a wishlist really.. the truth is the people that believe it's gonna be Jade, Noob Saibot, Reptile are closer to it logically speaking.. I disagree on You found me though due to high hopes for Rain plus the 'you can find Rain in the graveyard' thing.


There was apparently something before the release of Deception to do with Rain supposedly on a poster and "You found me" or something like that. Someone posted it, but I wasn't around during the run-up to Deception's release so I don't remember it.