Who Is Your Favorite MK Fighter and Why?

Re: What's your favorite character and why?

Sektor, because not too many use him and his teleport uppercut is just plain sex C.

And I find him pretty unique..
Re: What's your favorite character and why?

As far as story and design go, Scorpion has been my favorite since MK1 arcade days. Also Ermac, since UMK3.. for his story and excellent design. 2 favorites.

For actual gameplay/enjoyment of usage it's varied over the course of the games:

MK1: Scorpion
MK2: Scorpion/Baraka
MK3: Sektor
UMK3: Ermac/Scorpion
MK4: Scorpion/Reiko
MKDA: Kenshi
MKD: Ermac
MKA: Ermac/Kenshi/Reiko/Scorpion
MKDC: Scorpion
MK9: Ermac/Kenshi
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Re: What's your favorite character and why?

I love Rain, Ermac, and Mileena

I love Rain's look and moveset. It seems very easy to juggle characters. I was highly disappointed with his fatalities. no lightning fatality? really?

Ermac, i always liked his character and his moveset. I like he is a walking bag of souls lol

Mileena, never liked the teeth, not sure why lol. but i do love her speed. she gets combos off so fast, i always find myself playing her
Re: What's your favorite character and why?

quan chi (surprise surprise) because he is the true badass of mk. i remember his mk4 ending where he told shinnok "if it werent for me youd still be a tortured soul rotting in the pits of the netherealm" then shinnoks like "you dare question me?" then quans like "i do more than question you shinnok, i challenge you"then shows him he has the real amulet. then quan chi kills him. like that made me realize he was so badass he killed his boss and told him off while he did it. and well theres alot more reasons like how he assisted shang tsung in killing liu kang. his design, moves, and fatalities own.
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Re: What's your favorite character and why?

The mother/daughter duo. Sindel is a monster on the ground. Kitana is a super fluid character to play. I like all the girls actually but I find myself always resorting back to Sindel/Kitana.
Re: What's your favorite character and why?

Sub-Zero, "Come on guys Sub-Zero is cool. Oh...sorry" -Lui Kang from MK Defenders of the Realm,
Re: What's your favorite character and why?

Actually i like all of the MK characters but the one I like the most is,
Will always be Scorpion. Back in the first MK arcade, he is the first character played and liked very much. This anti-hero has a "fiery" personality and his spear leaves everyone stunned. He is the reason why I stick with Mortal Kombat after all these years.

Cyber Sub-Zero
They all look BA in the games and in MK9 I really like their X-rays and fatalities. Alternates are off the chain for these and am I like the gameplay. I keep think I'm forgetting someone...
Reptile is just boss in general! He's an animal essentially and happened on accident (like ErMac). I like his long range and the forceballs in particular can start some ungodly juggling if you get timing right, and invisibility is always a perk. The X-ray isn't so great in MK9, but still effective, and I love the fatalities, especially the classic Tasty! fatality!
I'm sure Scorpion is listed in here somewhere, so I will go ahead and choose Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, and Kenshi. I like Kung Lao the least out of these 5, but I would like to become better with him because he seems very good and because he's Liu Kang's buddy. Liu Kang and Raiden were both proficiently used by my older brothers so I fought them a lot when I was playing as Scorpion and it has made me come to love Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick and Raiden's Torpedo. Those moves are SICK!! As for Kenshi, I've always had a thing for Kenshi, I mean he's blind and he kicks ass!!! I bought him today and am eagerly awaiting to learn his Kombos and attempt to win many fights as him online. I think if he weren't blind and did not use a katana, then I would not like him as much lol. And this now brings me to Scorpion. I have played as Scorpion since I first started playing this game when I was about 4. I remember he had an attack in which he would grab their arms and uppercut their armpit and it was my favorite move to spam along with his infamous spear attack. Scorpion will probably always be my favorite no matter what since I have spent 15 years playing as him thus making me not a "band waggoner" since I have been him from the start. :D
Mileena: Hot, Kinky, Ferocious, Psycho, Fast
Reptile: C'mon HE's Reptile!
Sektor, Cyrax, Cyb Smoke: Reminds me of Predator (all time favo)
Kabal: Was just freakin' cool
Sub Zero (original) MK1, his stance and fatality are badass...
and now including Freddy for scaring me when I was a lil kid, and I own his (authentic) hat and one of the (authentic) gloves they used in NoEs Part 2, lol
My favourites in each game, from 1993-2011.

Mortal Kombat: Rayden
Mortal Kombat II: Kitana
Mortal Kombat 3: Kabal
Mortal Kombat 4: Reiko
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance: Kenshi
Mortal Kombat Deception: Ermac
Mortal Kombat Armageddon: Rain
Mortal Kombat (2011): Nightwolf

TOP 5 EVER (all happen to be in MK9 ironically):
- Ermac
- Kenshi
- Kung Lao
- Nightwolf
- Rain
Johnny Cage, His combos & moves are just so damn smooth.
There are some thing I do dislike about him though, like the lack of good zoning skills,
and a X-Ray that only works when an opponent hits you, WTF?
He's like the only character with an X-Ray like that, it's ********.

But Johnny is my favriot character to fight with, not my favorite character as a character.
Sub Zero is my favorite character. I've been playing MK since MK1 and I loved him back then. So it's because he's OG, I like his move set and it complements my play style, and blue is my favorite color. :laugh: