Guilty Pleasures


New member
What are things that you like to do that you don't want other people to know about? Like, what are your guilty pleasures?

For me: Playing Pokemon games
Masturbating in sandpits and watching children playing in them after. Its pretty normal I think but I don't want my cover blown.
Listening to Justin Bieber.

Having such an undying love for certain female video game characters.

Finding plus-sized women attractive. There's a limit though. I don't like rolls lol.
Ok, honestly this time. Sometimes I watch weird ass hentai, but I don't (often) fap to it, I just watch it for shits and giggles.
You guys are so open about it Lol.

This is the type of shit I keep to myself :laugh:

You're talking about Shirayuki Mizore. The guy who is most open in TRMK with his multiple exposed avatars lol

I ain't afraid to say that I've seen my share of ****ed up shit. What amazes me is that someone cooked that up for enjoyment.

So strange lol you have to wonder what's going on in their minds.
Well.. I might as well open up.

I watched my fair share of Hentai also, but it's not the same as watching real people. It looks weird o-o