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June 3rd, 2013
10:15 AM CST -
Since the first day Injustice: Gods Among Us was announced the NetherRealm Studios team has tried hard to distance the game from Mortal Kombat. Every interview with the team they liked to stress that point and be clear that this is just not another MK game. Then months ago a rumor sprung up that Scorpion was poised to become a DLC character in the game. It made no sense to me, why would they spend all that time distancing themselves from MK just to throw a MK character into the game.

Well I was wrong, it appears that the designers at NetherRealm Studios have included him in Injustice: Gods Among Us after all. Best of all, he was redesigned by DC Comic's Jim Lee. He appears to have the same specials as in Mortal Kombat (2011) but I'm sure he plays differently.

Check out his the reveal/gameplay trailer below:

Scorpion will be available on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network for free for Season Pass holders and for $4.99 for non-Season Pass holders in the near future.

Also who is that at the end of the trailer? Hmmmm. ;)

Here's the press release:
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today released an all-new video revealing legendary Mortal Kombat character Scorpion as the next DLC character that will be available for the DC Comics fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us. The version of Scorpion seen in the game is designed by Jim Lee, Co-Publisher at DC Entertainment, and pays homage to NetherRealm Studios’ original blockbuster franchise.

Scorpion will be available on Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for 400 Microsoft Points and PlayStation®Network at a price of $4.99.

Developed by award-winning NetherRealm Studios, Injustice: Gods Among Us introduces a new franchise in the fighting game genre and a brand new story created in collaboration between NetherRealm Studios, DC Entertainment and comic book writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. As the story unfolds, players will experience the power, gadgetry and unparalleled strength of some the most popular DC Comics heroes and villains, such as Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, The Joker and others, as they engage in epic battles in a world where the line between good and evil is blurred.

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June 4th, 2013
8:54 AM CST -
According to Major Nelson's website today is the release date of Scorpion for Injustice on Xbox Live and PlayStation 3.

Unfortunately according to Ed Boon it appears it's only available for the Season Pass Holders until next week on Tuesday June 11th. Before anyone gets up in arms, this is likely due to a marketplace issue because of how that content is setup on the console service side you'll have to wait til next Tuesday when they update their marketplace store content.

Also the Patch 1.04 notes have been released by NetherRealm, check them out below:

General Fixes

- Added Scorpion Gameplay Functionality. (NOTE: Scorpion character available now to Season Pass holders; Available 6/11 for purchase)
- Fixed issues where the game camera was obscured during Batgirl’s Supermove when the opponent was in a corner
- Human players can now correctly perform a wakeup on the first available frame
- General Online Stability Improvements
- Adjusted Frame Data for Block Advantage on Multiple Hit Moves
- Additional Miscellaneous Frame Data Fixes

Character Balance Improvements

The Flash
- With the “release check” option set to “on” in the controller configuration screen, we resolved an issue where The Flash would automatically perform the Sonic Pound special move when he was in the Running Man stance.
- The Flash can now enhance his Lightning Charge special move with a Meter Burn option if the opponent blocks.

- Hawkgirl’s Mace Charge attack had its block advantage reduced to -4. The Mace Charge Meter Burn is now an overhead attack and hits crouching opponents more consistently.

Killer Frost
- Reduced the hit advantage on Killer Frost’s daggers when being performed at point blank range to +4 (from +9)

- Deathstroke’s Sword Jump now correctly works as a wakeup attack.

Also available today on Xbox 360 is the Red Son 2 Pack (Batman, Green Lantern, Deathstroke) and the Blackest Night Pack 1 (Superman, Doomsday and The Flash) are also both available for 240 MS Points or $2.99 on PSN when it's likely released next week. Take a look at this video below courtesy of Left Stick Down for a closer look at these new skins packs:

Initial Post: Also the Blackest Night 1 skins are seriously broken right now, they likely need the game's title update patch in order to function.

Update 10:21am CT: Getting reports that the Compatibility Pack and new Skins Pack is no longer there for some people. I still see them, including the one I can't download. Stay tuned.

Updated 1:00pm CT: Word is some users are seeing the Injustice Title Update for Xbox 360. It fixes the Blackest Night skin issues and word is Scorpion will show in the menu properly as well with our without the Season Pass. Now just need the Xbox Marketplace to fix the content problems they are having.

Updated 2:30pm CT: PS3 1.04 Scorpion DLC compatibility patch is up (533 MB). Scorpion is not in the DLC menu right now but is unlocked for Season Pass holders.

Updated 4:45pm CT: Everything is back to normal on Xbox 360 now in North America. Both Scorpion and Red Son 2 packs work now. Just waiting on the PSN Store to update their game content now for Injustice.

Updated 8:30pm CT: Added the patch notes. Sadly it seems according to Ed Boon non Season Pass holders will not able to get Scorpion. This is likely due to a marketplace issue because of how that content is setup on the console side you'll have to wait til next Tuesday.

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June 6th, 2013
12:08 PM CST -
In a series of Tweets this afternoon, NetherRealm Studios Creative Director Ed Boon revealed on Twitter that due to fan demand additional DLC is coming for Injustice and the details of which will be revealed at E3 2013. Also the fourth DLC character will be playable along side Scorpion at the WB Games booth at E3 2013.

Who of the DC Comics roster would you like to see included as future DLC?

Also the reveal of the fourth DLC character will be made on a TV Show next week according to Ed. What show airs early in the week that could not conflict with E3's show floor? Hmmm.

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June 21st, 2013
8:44 AM CST -
This weekend from Saturday June 22 at 8am EST until 8am EST on Sunday June 23 9.95 Phil will be running his annual 24 hour charity stream on the Kombat Network channel on Twitch TV. They'll be playing lots of games, not just fighting games, and will be featuring guest spots by many members of the community. You'll even be able to donate to charity to play some of the guests! All money raised goes to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and The Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Here's the event details in full below:

Why do we fight?

Some of us fight for fun. Some for competition. Some to settle scores.

As gamers...as fighters...we carry a stigma that we are rooted in violence...that what we love to do...to fight...breeds violence.

Its time to destroy that stigma.

For 24 hours, on June 22nd 8am EST to June 23rd 8am EST we will drop the beef, the drama, and the politics. We will stand together and do what we love to do...we will fight...to raise money for charity.

We will be #FightingForACause

Join us on the KombatNetwork stream as we talk, play games (fighting and non-fighting) as we support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Families of SMA(Spinal Muscular Atrophy) for a full 24 hours.

Viewers are welcome to support with monetary donations which can be made directly to the organization. Donation pages will be created for the event with links that will be promoted throughout the broadcast, as well as donating directly to the KombatNetwork paypal which will be made available for gift donations to be distributed to the charities following the stream.

Our successful formula is based heavily on our Donation Matches. This gives our viewers the ability to play donation matches against the players who are at the stream in an online match in the game of their choice. Usually, MK9, Injustice, MK1/2/3, but we always let people play the games they want to play against the players that are there.

The pricing structure for donation matches:

Best 2 out of 3:$5
First to 5: $10
First to 10: $20

We accommodate both systems as best we can. MK9, Injustice and the classic MK games are all ready and available on PS3 and 360. AE is available on both systems as well.

Hosted by 995Phil, along with Co-hosts REO and Tom Brady, with special guests to appear as well.

We are expecting:

CDJr - accepting donation match challenges
JamessMK - will be accepting donation match challenges in MK1/2 and possibly UMK3
SweetJohnnyCage - will be doing a special Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past speed run for us(6pm Saturday)
LI Joe(waiting on confirmation)
Claude VonStroke
Dark Rob

and possibly more!

And as always, Mrs. 9.95 will be providing the players and hosts with homemade baked goods!

Come and join us... http://twitch.tv/kombatnetwork on June 22nd 8am EST to June 23rd 8am EST... watch, support and donate. Be a part of showing that when we fight we are #FightingForACause!

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