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October 3rd, 2004
10:23 PM CST -
The release of Mortal Kombat: Deception is finally upon us. The PS2 and Xbox versions, along with their respective collectors/premium editions, will be hitting stores this week. Several retailers have varying release dates, but all fall within this week.

Please use the comments area for this story to report on which stores received their copies and are selling them, along with any purchase bonuses included.

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October 5th, 2004

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8:23 AM CST -

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11:05 AM CST -

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7:36 PM CST -
After months of anticipation, the game we've all been talking about is here -- Mortal Kombat: Deception. And, as with every new game release, we have compiled a list of moves and information to help you enjoy your purchase to its fullest extent. TRMK's MK:D Strategy Guide is now up and available for your perusal!

We will continue to add to this guide over the coming weeks, so feel free to check it often. A humongous thank you goes out to all of the contributors who submitted (and continue to submit) their findings.

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October 6th, 2004

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October 7th, 2004

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October 11th, 2004

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October 12th, 2004

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October 13th, 2004
3:36 AM CST -
The following update was made on the News & Updates section of the MK Online area of the PlayStation 2 version of Mortal Kombat: Deception.
Deception is also enjoying tremendous online success with hundreds of thousands of games already played online. With that many games being played, there are bound to be some cheaters. A few players have been using third party devices to cheat. Thankfully we can identify the cheaters and will be setting their accounts to...

[color=red]0 wins
1000 losses
999,999 disconnects

If you see someone with those statistics, avoid playing them!

The MK Team

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October 18th, 2004
9:11 PM CST -
Brady Games, the folks behind the official strategy guide for Mortal Kombat: Deception, have posted a note on their website that they are to make the first in an apparent series of updates tomorrow, Tuesday the 19th, on the front page of their website. Here is the note.

We wanted to send a message out in response to the Mortal Kombat: Deception Official Strategy Guide feedback we have been receiving in the forums. Everyone here at BradyGames understands your frustrations and have been working to solve this problem. Tuesday, October 19th will be the first, of a few, information posts on our website. Please look to the homepage for its final destination.


The BradyGames Team

UPDATE 10/20: This morning Brady finally updated their strategy guide page with a downloadable PDF of and locations, although some locations are missing on some locked items. Next up are and ; however, this information is in abundance in our own MK:D Guide and Message Forums.


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October 23rd, 2004

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October 24th, 2004

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October 25th, 2004
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