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April 11th, 2003
8:44 AM CST -
A new revision to Frank Chan's "MK Saga: How it all Unfolded" featurette, previously featured on the now defunct IceMaster.org site, has been revived and updated exclusively for TRMK. In this 6-chapter guide, elements of the Mortal Kombat storyline are documented in a linear fashion, attempting to further unravel the many twists and turns the MK storyline has produced from the first Mortal Kombat to the latest in the series, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

Fighting games may not tout their storylines as their main selling points, but many fans of the Mortal Kombat series have been closely following the progression of its plotlines, which have steadily progressed into an elaborate universe. Like all stories, Mortal Kombat evolves around the human motivations: greed, betrayal, revenge, honor, self-defense. Up until recently, they were almost entirely written by MK co-creator John Tobias. However, Tobias has since left the development team, and the more recent games' stories, specifically MKM:Special Forces and MK:Deadly Alliance, were released after his departure from Midway. Deadly Alliance was written primarily by John Vogel, with various contributions from other members of the development team. As such, there are a few minor differences in the method of storytelling.

Continue on to learn more from one of the most in-depth analysis of the MK storyline to date. For those interested, the History of Mortal Kombat feature is still available on GameSpot.

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April 18th, 2003
9:58 AM CST -
Alexander Wilke, from AreaXbox dropped us a line that his 20 questions interview with John Tobias is now online. Check it out.

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10:03 AM CST -
iGames in conjuction with Microsoft Xbox is hosting a national Tao Feng tournament across the country. The event will take place Friday, April 19th at participating iGames affiliated game centers across the country. Tournament registration is on-line only. Tournament information is available here, along with tournament rules. Cost of entry is free.

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April 25th, 2003
8:02 AM CST -
According to IGN PS2, their contacts at Midway have confirmed that on-line play is in the works for the next installment of Mortal Kombat on next-generation consoles. The game is slated for a 2004 release. More on this news as we get it. Thanks Shacknews.
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