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February 9th, 2002
9:44 AM CST -
GameSpot has the scoop on the returning characters from past Mortal Kombats making an appearance in MK: Deadly Alliance. Here is the story.

Midway plans to include eight characters who have appeared in previous Mortal Kombat games. They are Scorpion, Subzero, Raiden, Jax, Sonya, Reptile, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi. It has also been revealed that the game's story will revolve around Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's quest to gain immortality.

Midway also released the game's official logo, which appears to be an image for box covers. MK:DA is expected to be released this fall on Xbox, Gamecube, and Gameboy Advance.

We expect an announcement from Midway soon concerning what other systems MK:DA will appear on.

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February 15th, 2002
7:16 PM CST -
Midway.com's Mortal Kombat email list got another sneak peak at Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. This time it's a picture of Quan Chi and the first picture of Shang Tsung. You can view a larger version of the picture by clicking on it to your right. Here again it seems Shang Tsung continues to age and looks older than he did when he last appeared in MK3. So if you still haven't got on the Mortal Kombat email list you can do so by clicking here. The content of the email that details an upcoming video release and the launch date of their website is posted below for your convience.

Hey Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Fans!

Midway and Gamespot have joined up to bring you "Fatality Fridays" for the entire month of February.

THE Content you've been waiting for is on it's way:

  • Designer Diaries

  • Exclusive story details

  • World Premiere of the long awaited Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance preview video

  • Click Here to Download a wallpaper of the new Logo!

    Click Here to view a surprise!

    Find out the details you have been anxiously waiting for! and, mark your calendars: Midway will launch THE Mortal Kombat website February 21 http://www.mortalkombat.midway.com/

    Mortally yours,
    Midway Crew

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    February 21st, 2002
    9:17 PM CST -

    In the March 2002 edition of Electronic Gaming Monthly, EGM publicized a cover story on Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance to appear in their upcoming April 2002 edition. The story was planned to "reveal all" in their attempt to uncover the first details about the game in a world-exclusive; however, it appears that Midway was not on the same page as EGM and did not send EGM images and screenshots that met the expectations of the editors. In the end, EGM decided to pull the entire article and shelve it for a later issue. You can view the scan of the explanation from the April 2002 EGM by clicking here. Thanks Steve JRF.

    In a related note, GameSpot has Midway confirming MK:DA to the PlayStation 2. The PlayStation 2 was left off the initial press release announcing the Deadly Alliance subtitle. Expect to see an official release from Midway soon.

    A reminder, tomorrow is "Fatality Friday" at GameSpot. Make sure that you remember to check out GameSpot tomorrow for the latest addition to their on-going MK: Deadly Alliance coverage.

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    February 22nd, 2002
    6:22 PM CST -

    Since today is Friday we get yet another peek at Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance as part of GameSpot's Fatality Fridays promotion this Feburary. This week we are presented with what appears to be either in game or pre-rendered high resolution shots and a video trailer of Scorpion in an arena demonstrating some martial arts and a bit of his patented special moves like his spear and fireball.

    You can view the screenshots and streaming video at GameSpot.

    UPDATE 2/26: You can now download the video trailer at the official MK:DA website.

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    8:55 PM CST -

    The official website for Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance has now been launched. http://www.mkdeadlyalliance.com.

    UPDATE: It seems that the first "hidden" section of the MK:DA website has been found. If you goto the download section and click six times on the picture of Shang Tsung in the right hand side of the screen, you will be presented with 3 buddy icons for AOL Instant Messanger.

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    11:07 PM CST -

    Midway's official MK: Deadly Alliance website revealed an important gameplay detail on its launch today. MK:DA will feature a "multiple-move-set" fighting system. Conceptually, the system will feature fighters with more than one set of moves, contrary to all past MK games, which can be changed during the course of the match. Whether the sets can be changed in the middle of the round or only before and between is not detailed.

    Certainly this is a huge change in gameplay, and will definitely have a bigger impact than the RUN button or weapons ever had. Keep your eyes open for more details on the multiple-set system as it appears to be the centerpoint of the new gameplay system in MK:DA.

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    February 25th, 2002
    7:11 PM CST -

    In the latest chapter of the MK: Deadly Alliance magazine saga, it appears that Game Informer has picked up the dropped cover story from EGM and will feature MK: Deadly Alliance on the cover of their April 2002 edition. Preliminary reports indicate that the Game Informer article will feature tons of new content breaking down the new gameplay styles, introduce new character artwork, weapons in action, and even reveal portions of the new storyline. In addition to the multitude of MK:DA information, the article will also feature an interview with Ed Boon breaking down the level of violence MK:DA will contain.

    Mortal Kombat fans will only have to wait a few more weeks for their tell-all cover story of the latest installment to the Mortal Kombat series. Keep it tuned to TRMK for the lastest info on the Game Informer cover story.

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    February 26th, 2002
    7:22 PM CST -
    A few more details behind the new "multiple-movesets-per-character" system featured in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance have been revealed to TRMK. Currently, the movesets have three classifications: Offensively orientated, defensively orientated (counters, etc.), and weapons based. The movesets can be changed at any point during the game, including during "mid-combo" which result in some really wicked multiple-hit combos. The new system truly is the centerpiece to MK: Deadly Alliance and sounds like it will totally revolutionize Mortal Kombat's gameplay, along side previous additions of the RUN button and weapons play.

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    February 27th, 2002
    7:39 PM CST -

    Game Informer sent us a copy of the cover image from their April 2002 issue featuring the massive Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance exposé. The article will feature the first major details on new and returning characters along with tons of artwork, breakdowns of the storyline, weapons in action, and information on MK:DA's new fighting styles.

    Also, the article includes an interview with Mortal Kombat co-creator, Ed Boon, which will brak down the level of violence in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

    The April 2002 edition of Game Informer Magazine will appear on newsstand shelves and video game retailers across the country in two weeks.

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