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November 2nd, 2000
10:13 AM CST -
Sorry about the lack of updates, school, work, life and relaxation takes a toll on the site. Especially since I have no place close to play The Grid still. But John Vogel was nice enough to send us a promo picture of the upcoming The Grid Comic featuring Chiller. So keep your eyes glued here and on The Official Grid Website for more info on the comic.

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November 10th, 2000
2:32 PM CST -
On Friday, November 10th, 6:00pm CDT (4:00pm Pacific, 7:00pm Eastern), some of the developers from Midway's The Grid will be chatting with the MK Netherealm. Here is the connection information for the event.

MK Netherealm: The Grid Chat Details

Date: Friday, November 10th
Time: 4:00pm Pacific / 6:00pm CDT / 7:00pm Eastern
Server: irc.webmaster.com
Port: 6667
Channel: #gotgrid

If you need further help on connecting, visit the Mortal Kombat Netherealm , where you can also connect to the chat via your java-compatable web browser. Also they will be opening their new Grid page, so be sure to check it out.

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November 18th, 2000
11:13 AM CST -
Our The Grid Guide has just been updated with a bunch of new Secrets and Kodes, Game Locations, and a whole new area: the Tips Page. Enjoy the new codes and content.

Since The Grid - Version 2.0 is on the way to arcades sometime this month, be sure to note that some Kodes we posted are noted as Version 2.0 only codes, ie: To Play as Noob Saibot, Red Dog 6, and the Morphing Code. Also the critera for unlocking regular players has been modified as well, most likely all values have increased a bit to make accessing the hidden characters a bit harder to accomplish.

Also please be sure to stop by our The Grid Message Board to discuss the game with other players nationwide.
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