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July 1st, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
According to Next-Generation Online, the Windows 95 PC CD-ROM version of Mortal Kombat 4 began shipping to software retailers yesterday (June 30th). It should arrive on store shelves within the next few days. Thanks go out to Patrick McCarron for notifying us

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12:01 PM CST -
MK Sound Designer, Dan Forden's web site, Toasty Productions, is now officially open. It includes MP3 samples from his MK3/MK4 Soundtrack, and he is now taking orders for the CD at toll free (800)830-1670

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July 3rd, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
This months issue of Tips & Tricks magazine sports an awesome cover image of Goro holding Johnny Cage's head up high. There's also a 7 page strategy guide for the Nintendo64 version of MK4. Check it out!

Tips & Tricks Cover (200k)

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July 4th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
MK4 Lead Designer, and MK co-creator, Ed Boon, has updated his site, Noob.com. The home versions page is reorganized, most of it has been moved to the new features page, and it now includes a picture of the MK4 PC cover, a "Promos" section, a scan of Nintendo Power Magazine's cover with MK4, and a link to PC Fan's great review of MK4

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July 6th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
In the PC CD-ROM version of MK4, for now you will need to use the long way to get Goro and Noob. If you don't know what the procedure is, here's how. To play as Goro in the PC CD-ROM version of Mortal Kombat 4, finish the game with Shinnok, then choose Hidden at the select screen, go up three and left one to choose Shinnok using Block + Run. You will play as Goro. For Noob Saibot, finish the game with Reiko, go into a 2-Player game and enter Kombat Kode #13: "Noob Saibot Mode" 012-012 at the VS screen, quit the 2-player game, and choose Hidden at the select screen, go up two and left one to choose Reiko. You will play as Noob Saibot. Also, for those of you who may be having trouble with timing the Block + Run perfectly, the two timing tricks found by Patrick McCarron on June 13th still work in the PC version.

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12:01 PM CST -
I'm glad to be back. Looks like I missed quite a lot while I was gone. I'd like to thank IceMaster and TetterkeT for holding down the fort while I was away. Anyway, I have a brand new copy of Mortal Kombat 4 for the PC in my hands. It's a great port, however it has it's flaws. We will have an in-depth review of the PC version including the game's small quirks and bugs sometime this week. Along with the review, we'll also feature a comparison of every system's strenghts and weaknesses in case you haven't bought a copy yet. Also, if you haven't found the Theatre Mode yet, it's in the Practice Menu. Use RUN to choose the character's bio

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July 7th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
This time for the PSX, The Game Shark Code Creators Club has put out a sheet of around 25 codes to alter and enhance your MK4 playing enjoyment with a Game Shark device. Thanks goes to Mark Blaney

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12:01 PM CST -
Just a quick reminder to anyone that encounters a glitch or bug while playing MK4 on either the Playstation, Nintendo64, or PC CD-ROM. Please send these bugs and glitches to our Bug Wrangler e-mail account

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July 11th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
We have completed our in-depth review on Mortal Kombat 4 for the PC. This review contains a detailed run down of the port's strenghts and weaknesses. Also we have completed a Home Version Comparison which includes is a table of how each port stands up to the other and which you should buy if you have more than one system.

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July 17th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Sorry about the lack of updates this week. We had a communications mix up and it seems like no one updated. I'm back from my vacation, so lets get some of this out of the way.
  • Kitana in Home VersionsThere seems to be quite a big fiasco surrounding Kitana and her appearances due to some nifty utilization of Game Shark codes. First off, Kitana was in the early development stages of MK4 and was ready to be put in as a secret character. When she was cut from later productions, however, most of her code, 3D models, and sounds were left in, but were made inaccessable through normal gameplay. If you want to experiment with this, head on over to the GSCCC (url fixed).

  • MK4 PC RumorsThere seems to be rumors that Midway Home Entertainment will be making updates and patches to the codebase for Mortal Kombat 4 for the PC. I earlier stated that Eurocom had moved on to other projects and could not make updates, however I didn't rule out that Midway could make the updates themselves. More info on that later. Also in addition to Shinnok's missing frozen model, Patrick McCarron noticed that Quan Chi's is missing also.

  • CompUSA MK4 PC at $19.99*CompUSA has Mortal Kombat 4 at a list price of $39.99 - $20 mail in rebate for the PC version. If you haven't bought it yet, now is a good time.

  • MK4 N64 Rocks Rental ChartsMK4 for the Nintendo64 has been busting out on the latest rental charts recorded by the VSDA, coming in First last week, and then coming in second behind Banjo-Kazooie for this week.

  • Again, I'd like to apologize for the mishap over this last week. I'm catching up on e-mail, so if you didn't receive a response to your e-mail that you sent this week, check your mailbox.

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    July 18th, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    We have added every Mortal Kombat 4 ending from the Playstation and PC ports to our Movie Gallery. These endings are streaming video files, so they will load faster. We will also be pointing the Endings link on each character's pages in our HTML Complete Guide to a page with the character's ending embeded very soon. So far, only Reiko and Fujin's Playstation pages have the links active. RealVideo 5.0 is required in order to view all of these videos

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    July 22nd, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    Noob.com, homepage of MK Co-Creator, Ed Boon,
    was updated this week with MK4 as #1 a top the rental charts on July 5th. Also there is a link to a Press Release dated June 30th stating how well MK4 has been accepted into the retail market.

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    12:01 PM CST -
    Representatives from Midway Home Entertainment's consumer support line, state that a patch should be available sometime this week on Midway's website. This patch will fix some audio problems and also fix a problem with some videocards, namely ATI cards, producing grey or blank screens. Special thanks to Mark Calpine.

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    July 24th, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    Special thanks to Shashank Anumula for finding out how to play as Noob Saibot or Goro while playing in Group Mode.
    First, make sure that you can access Noob or Goro normally. Then play a 2 player game in group mode. For Goro, wait for Shinnok's turn in group mode. Then go to Hidden and select it and hold either Run or Block. Then while holding the button go one space over to Group and select it with the other button. (Block if you held Run and vice versa) Do the same for Noob, except wait for Reiko's turn in Group Mode.

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    July 27th, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    I want to take a moment and mention an article writen by Chris Johnston in the August issue of EGM. This article takes on the issue of
    graphic videogame violence and the relationship between acts of violence commited by minors. The article offers some great facts and points from both sides. These recent Senate bills obviously have an affect on the future of the Mortal Kombat series, since the game is a target of many of these Senators who create these bills

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    July 30th, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    The folks at GamesDomain have put up their review of MK4 PC. The review features some comparisons to eariler games in the MK series, along with some interesting pros and cons

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    July 31st, 1998
    12:00 PM CST -
    Gamespot News has the latest game rental chart from the VDSA. Mortal Kombat 4 for the Nintendo64 stays up in the top five for the fifth week in a row as Banjo Kazooie almost doubles up on MK4's earnings.

    1 Banjo-Kazooie N64 4 $495,230
    2 Mortal Kombat 4 N64 5 $286,840
    3 GoldenEye 007 N64 48 $261,020
    4 Off Road Challenge N64 4 $231,220
    5 MLB Ken Griffey, Jr. N64 12 $218,890

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