Warning: Undefined variable $news_title in /home/trmkvps/new.trmk.org/oldnews/oldnews.php on line 150
December 19th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Wow, it looked like we would never come back. Our host Novaré International was doing some remodeling with their offices including their network. There were some routing problems with our server, but they are all fixed now. I would have liked to hit 1,000,000 before our second year anniversary on December 15th. Unfortunately with the server being down for more than 3 weeks this wasn't accomplished. On the other hand, I believe that we accomplished a lot this year. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who supported us during this past year. We wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you guys. We hope that we can bring you more years to come.

Warning: Undefined variable $news_title in /home/trmkvps/new.trmk.org/oldnews/oldnews.php on line 150
December 31st, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
MK4 for Dreamcast was first announced back when the developers conducted a chat on August 12th to release the secret menu codes for both the PC and Playstation. Recently, both Gamespot News and Noob Saibot's Outworld, mentioned MK4 for DC in conjunction with Dreamcast's release in Japan this month. If you want to check out our post about MK4 for Dreamcast back in August check out our Old News Archive.
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